Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2278 Shocking Energy

After the auction ended, Ye Tian made the delivery with those Arab local tycoons on the spot, and the money and the goods were settled.

Unlike collectors and the super-rich in other regions, these Arab local tycoons don't need to spend time raising funds at all. They have cash in hand, and the payment is very straightforward.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see the most.

As pieces of antique cultural relics were delivered, changed owners, and fell into the pockets of those Arab local tyrants, a huge amount of wealth flooded into the bank account of the brave and fearless exploration company.

It didn't take long for all the delivery procedures to be completed.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and those Arab local tyrants were about to leave, return to the hotel, and then return to the country with their respective harvests.

When parting, Ye Tian was polite as usual, and said loudly with a smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for accepting the invitation to join me in this private sale in Tomar, Portugal, and it is a pleasure to spend this delightful afternoon with all of you.

Next, everyone should return to the hotel with the antiques and cultural relics they photographed, then rush to Lisbon, and then fly back to their own country. During this process, I must remind everyone to pay attention to safety.

These Arabic antiques from the Middle Ages are all of high value, and it is inevitable that some people with ulterior motives will be jealous of them, take advantage of these antique cultural relics, and even take risks and rob them halfway.

In view of this, we are willing to provide you with the necessary security services until you leave Lisbon safely with these antiques. You are my friends and clients, and I have to consider your safety.

Another point, if you don’t want to leave Tomar right away, that’s okay, we will be responsible for your safety in Tomar until you leave here, and the above security services are all free of charge.”

Hearing these words, admiration flashed across the eyes of the Arab local tyrants at the scene.

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal and Barbosa, the mayor of Tomar, who were still in the banquet hall, had a bad complexion, and they all gritted their teeth.

This is Portugal, not goddam New York, when is it your turn to call the shots?

Just when these Portuguese were angrily complaining secretly, Yusuf smiled and said loudly:

"Thank you for your kindness, Steven. I don't know if other people need your escort. As far as I am concerned, there should be no need to trouble your security personnel. The security personnel we brought are completely sufficient.

Our helicopter and escort convoy are waiting outside, as well as Portuguese police personnel for protection along the way. After leaving this banquet hall, we will fly directly to Lisbon Airport by helicopter.

We will not land until we arrive at Lisbon Airport. I believe that no one will have a chance to rob us. After arriving at the airport, we will fly back to Egypt in a private jet as soon as possible! "

"That couldn't be better, Yusuf, I'm here to wish you all the best, I believe all the Egyptian people are waiting for you to return home, waiting for Saladin's golden cavalry helmet to return to Egypt"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and shook hands with the super rich man.

Next, the rest of the Arab local tyrants also said that the security force around them is sufficient, and they don't need the protection of Ye Tian's security personnel.

Moreover, these Arab local tyrants all came by private jet,

After leaving this banquet hall, they will all go to Lisbon as soon as possible, and then fly back to their respective countries.

For this situation, Ye Tian of course raised his hands to welcome it, and he was relieved.

Afterwards, these Arab local tyrants took their leave one after another and left the hotel.

Ye Tian kept sending these benefactors out of the hotel gate, and did not prepare to return to the hotel until all the Arab local tyrants' convoy had left.

As soon as these Arab local tyrants left, Barbosa, who came out to see them off together, couldn't wait to whisper:

"Steven, those medieval Arabian antiques have been successfully auctioned. Congratulations, you have made a fortune. It is really an astronomical amount of wealth. It is amazing. Next, should we discuss taxation?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Mr. Mayor with green eyes, and then said with a smile:

"I want to congratulate you too, Barbosa, you are about to receive an astronomically huge tax, and I'm sure this is definitely the largest tax that Tomar has ever received.

Since the medieval Arabian antiques that were successfully auctioned just now were sold in Tomar, of course they have to pay taxes here. We, Fearless Exploration Company, have always been law-abiding.

Next, you can send tax officials to contact David. He is our company's lawyer. As for how you Portuguese allocate this huge tax, it has nothing to do with me! "

"Okay, Steven, I will send tax officials and accountants over later. Those medieval Arabian antiques were discovered in Tomar, and they were auctioned here. Of course, Tomar will benefit!"

Barbossa nodded excitedly, his voice trembling slightly.

As the mayor of a small city like Tomar, he has never seen such a large amount of tax revenue. Before, he didn't even dare to think about it. After getting Ye Tian's affirmative response, he was so happy that he almost couldn't find the north!

Immediately afterwards, Father Ramirez, who had just arrived here, suddenly interjected:

"Steven, may I ask, did you facilitate the visit of His Majesty the Pope to Portugal in private? Have you found any important clues to the treasure of the Knights Templar?

If His Majesty the Pope's sudden visit to Portugal is really your private promotion, then I hope that His Majesty the Pope and his entourage can visit Tomar, and we will be very honored! "

Following Father Ramirez's words, all the Portuguese at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and anticipation!

In privately promoting the Pope's visit to Portugal, Steven's energy must be too great, or they have discovered the treasure of the Knights Templar, and they need the Pope to personally sit in charge!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Father Ramirez, then glanced at the rest of the Portuguese, and then said with a secretive smile:

"Ramirez, I am not a senior monk in the Vatican, but an atheist, and I secretly facilitated His Majesty the Pope's visit to Portugal? You think too highly of me, don't dare to be it!

His Majesty the Pope's visit to Portugal this time naturally has his reasons, but I don't know what it is. As for whether the Pope can visit Tomar, I don't even know.

Tomar is a famous historical city, and it is also the birthplace and former headquarters of the Portuguese Society of Jesuits. It is very likely that His Majesty the Pope will visit Tomar.”

After a few casual words, Ye Tian said goodbye and left, leading David and the others into the hotel gate.

Seeing Ye Tian's leaving back, the Portuguese standing outside the hotel couldn't help feeling emotional.

"To be honest, the speed at which this bastard Steven makes money is really crazy. I've never seen it, or even heard of it. Even if you run a money printing machine to print money, it's not so fast!"

"Who says no! Not only is this guy making money at an astonishing rate, but he is also skilled and possesses astonishing energy. I'm sure that the sudden visit of His Majesty the Pope must have been facilitated by Steven."

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