Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2284 Cooperate with acting

Time passed quickly, and it was past ten o'clock in the morning.

To the west of Tomar Castle, there is a long dragon-like elevated aqueduct, which leads from the end of the field to the monastery in the castle, which looks quite spectacular.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others were standing on this long-dry aqueduct, admiring this water supply building built in the Middle Ages.

As before, Ye Tian is still responsible for explaining.

"The elevated aqueduct that you see now originated during the Roman Empire, and depending on the terrain and the distance of the water source, the construction methods will be different, but they are all similar.

In the Middle Ages, the southern Europeans did not stop building this kind of aqueduct, especially the knights and monks, who had higher requirements for drinking water and insisted on drinking mountain spring water, so this aqueduct came into being.

This elevated aqueduct is divided into two layers, the lower layer is a pointed arch, and the upper layer is a round arch. There are a total of fifty or sixty holes in total, which not only strongly supports the aqueduct above the elevated, but also looks beautiful.

It can be seen that this elevated aqueduct is built on a small valley, connecting fields at one end and Tomar Castle at the other end, with a total length of more than 100 meters and about 12 meters from the bottom of the valley.

In addition to being an aqueduct, it is also an integral part of the fortifications of Tomar Castle. It is all made of granite blocks, which are very strong and have stood here for more than 800 years.

In the Middle Ages, the construction of such a high-standard aqueduct was obviously a huge project, and perhaps the purpose of the Knights Templar in building this elevated aqueduct was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.”

While listening to Ye Tian's explanation, everyone was also visiting this ancient elevated aqueduct and the surrounding scenery.

Standing on this elevated aqueduct, you can see the nearby fields and villages, the rolling hills in the distance, and the quietly flowing Ruth River. The scenery is very beautiful and the vision conditions are excellent.

Due to time constraints and the fact that it was somewhat dangerous, everyone did not walk along the elevated aqueduct to the other side. They only visited the castle for a while before returning to the castle.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, in another seven or eight minutes, His Majesty's convoy will arrive at the Tomar Castle. They have visited the Tomar Castle. They are accompanied by the Portuguese President and his wife, as well as many high-level Jesuits."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Got it, Matisse, let's go over right away and tell our guys to stay at the place I designated, and don't move around without my order, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble"

"Understood, Steven, everyone knows how to do it, and I will restrain every guy"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said to the people around him:

"Gentlemen, the convoy of His Majesty the Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife has arrived, let's go back and greet them."

"Okay, Steven"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in response, and the rest of the people also nodded in response.

Afterwards, Ye Tian and his group returned to Tomar Castle, and then walked through the historical buildings in the castle to the gate of the castle, preparing to meet the Pope and the Portuguese President.

It didn't take long for Ye Tian and his group to arrive at the main gate of the castle.

at this time,

The motorcade of the Pope and the President of Portugal has arrived at the square in front of the castle of Tomar.

Moreover, these two big men have already got out of the car and are shaking hands or exchanging greetings with the nuns and castle staff who lined up to greet them.

Looking at the nuns queuing up to welcome them, they were all tearing up with excitement, crossing their chests and praying in low voices, as if they were thanking God for giving them this chance to meet the Pope.

In fact, the person they should thank most is not God at all, but Ye Tian who just walked out of the gate of the castle, and it was he who made all this happen.

Seeing this scene in the square in front of the castle, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing softly, with a sense of complacency in his eyes.


Soon, half an hour has passed.

Accompanied by Sister Sofia and Jesuit Bishop Tomar, the Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife are visiting the Sarolla Church, admiring the religious murals carved on the walls.

Besides them, there are several other people in this small ancient church, including Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent.

A few of them stood by the door of the church, chatting in low voices, looking very relaxed.

Several high-ranking Portuguese government officials and senior Jesuit monks standing next to them had solemn and solemn expressions, and even seemed a little reserved.

In the blink of an eye, nearly five minutes later, the Pope and the others finally finished their visit.

However, they did not leave immediately to visit other places in the castle, but turned to look at Ye Tian and the others.

"Steven, Bishop of Kent, come here, I want to know something"

The Pope standing at the door of the prayer room said, and waved to Ye Tian and the others.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of everyone in this church lit up, and they became even more excited immediately.

After waiting for such a long time, or in other words, everyone has cooperated and acted together for so long, the really wonderful show begins now!

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then walked over to the prayer room with Bishop Kent.

Everyone in the church was watching the two of them, some were full of expectations, some were full of worry, and some were very contradictory.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent had arrived in front of the prayer room and stood still.

Ye Tian first smiled and nodded with the Portuguese President and his wife, and then asked curiously:

"His Majesty the Pope, I wonder if there is anything you want to know? I must know everything."

"Steven, I heard from Sister Sophia that after you arrived at Tomar Castle, you didn't immediately launch an exploration operation, saying that you were waiting for us to arrive and inspect the situation here.

Now that we have arrived at Tomar Castle, how is your investigation going? Did you find anything? When are you going to launch your mission to discover the treasures of the Knights Templar? "

The pope said with a smile, his expression was very natural, but his eyes were full of expectation.

After the voice fell, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"Sister Sophia is right. After we arrived at Tomar Castle, we didn't immediately launch an exploration operation. One is that we don't know much about it, and the other is that we are worried about disturbing your visit.

We, the employees and security personnel of the Fearless Exploration Company, are in the Tomar Castle at this time. Everyone is ready and ready to work at any time to explore this ancient castle.

In the past one hour, I walked around the Tomar Castle. While visiting, I also inspected the situation here, and I found something, but these discoveries still need to be verified one by one.”

Having said that, the Portuguese President who was standing next to him suddenly interjected and said:

"Steven, where do you plan to start your exploration? As far as I know, you have reached an agreement with the Ministry of Culture, the Tomar City Government, and the Society of Jesus.

When your joint exploration team starts operations, there must be representatives of the other three parties on the scene to supervise. Is it true? Is it the same for you this time? "

Ye Tian looked at this person, then smiled and said:

"That's right, Mr. President, for our previous exploration operation in Tomar, representatives from the other three points were on-site to supervise, and the entire exploration operation will be videotaped to show openness and transparency, and of course it will be the same this time!

As for the location to explore, it is actually not difficult to choose. Our main target is the historical buildings built by the Knights Templar and the open spaces in the castle. The buildings built by later generations do not need to be explored.

The Sarolla Church where we are located was built by Guardim Pais himself. It is one of the main goals. Today's exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar may as well start from inside this church! "

As he spoke, Ye Tian pointed to the octagonal prayer room in front of him.

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