Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2285 Goodbye Mysterious Symbols

The Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife left the Sarolla Church to visit the nunnery located deeper in the castle.

In fact, the Putao president and his wife really don't want to leave here. They really want to know and see for themselves what the joint exploration team can find in this ancient church.

Or should I put it this way, they really wanted to see if Ye Tian could create another miracle and find the famous treasure of the Knights Templar here, as well as those legendary and long-disappeared Christian relics.

However, their main job today is to accompany the Pope to visit, so naturally they can't get rid of the Pope and stay here alone to watch the excitement.

As for the pope, of course he knew what to do.

He knew in his heart that if he left this church, he would definitely take away a lot of attention and a large number of Portuguese, so that it would be convenient for Ye Tian and the others to start their exploration work.

Most of the rest of the Portuguese at the scene were also invited out of the Sarolla church, leaving only three supervisors on the scene, and they were all old acquaintances.

They are Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal, Barbosa, Mayor of Tomar, and Father Ramirez.

As before, their mobile phones were put away for the sake of confidentiality. If they need to communicate with the outside world, they can only use the walkie-talkie provided by Ye Tian.

Seeing that the clearing was completed, Ye Tian asked Jason to notify many company employees and security personnel to come to the Sarolla Church and prepare for the exploration work.

Ten minutes later, all the employees of the Bravery Exploration Company and all the security personnel who entered the Tomar Church had gathered in the Shalaola Church and stood in front of Ye Tian.

The metal suitcases full of various exploration equipment and boxes full of weapons and ammunition that everyone brought into the castle before were also moved here.

Everything is ready and ready for exploration.

Next, Ye Tian issued a series of action orders.

"Matisse, you lead our security personnel to surround the Sharolla Church, and during the joint exploration operation, no one can be allowed to enter the church without my permission.

Today's situation is special. His Majesty the Pope and the President of Portugal are both in the Tomar Castle. There are many security personnel from the Vatican and Lisbon, also distributed inside and outside this ancient church.


Outside the church, there must be many security personnel from the Vatican and Lisbon. While doing a good job in security, you must also communicate with each other to avoid misunderstandings.”

"Understood, Steven, leave the security outside the church to us, without your permission, even a mosquito can't fly into this ancient church!"

Matisse nodded in response, his tone firm and confident.

Next, he walked out of the church with the heavily armed security personnel and completely surrounded the small circular church.

The Portuguese police and the security personnel from Lisbon who were originally guarding outside the church could only extend the cordon outward and guard at a more peripheral place.

After Mathis and the others left, Ye Tian said to many employees of his company:

"Guys, it's still the same as before, the big guys are free to team up, in teams of two, and use the pulse metal detector to scan every inch of the ground and walls of the Sarolla Church to see if you can find something.

The octagonal prayer room in the center of the church is for me to explore. The Sarolla Church is our first exploration target. If we don't find it, we will go to other places in the castle to explore.

When you are exploring, if you find anything, please notify me as soon as possible. In addition, you must be more careful not to damage the things in the church. Almost everything here is an antique.”

"Got it, Steven"

Many company employees responded in unison, everyone was quite excited and full of confidence.

Afterwards, everyone began to group into groups, and then opened boxes one by one to prepare for the next exploration.

In just a few minutes, everyone was ready, and then dispersed, and began to carefully scan the ancient church with the pulse metal detector in their hands.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he walked into the prayer room in the center of the church, pretending to start exploring this Byzantine octagonal building.

Jason, who was holding a pulse metal detector, and the Bishop of Kent also followed him into this magnificent prayer room.

David and the three Portuguese in charge of supervision stood outside the prayer room, watching Ye Tian's actions.

After entering the prayer room, Jason began to scan the ground with the coil of the pulse metal detector, while Ye Tian and Bishop Kent looked at the wall of the prayer room.

This is a magnificent prayer room, except for the religious murals on the floor and walls, everything else is golden, even the circular dome above.

In the middle of the twelfth century, when Guardim Pais built this prayer room, he designed it on the basis of the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

In terms of luxury alone, this prayer room is not inferior to the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but it is not as magnificent and spectacular, and it is also resplendent.

Of course, the status of the two in the Western world and in the minds of Christian believers all over the world is not the same.

Because they had already visited this place before and knew the situation here quite well, Ye Tian and the others did not go to appreciate the religious murals on the walls and the many antique relics displayed here.

Ye Tian and the Bishop of Kent's attention were all attracted by the mysterious symbols engraved on the wall, which were the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar, but no one knew their true meaning.

Although they didn't know these mysterious symbols or their specific meanings, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent looked very carefully, almost identifying them one by one.

The reason is simple. In the several ancient castles and churches they have explored before, they have also found many mysterious symbols that resemble ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

In particular, several Templar treasures have been found that have this mysterious symbol engraved on the entrance, some of which are the same and some of them are different.

There may be some unknown connections between these mysterious symbols, and they may even directly point to the treasure.

Following this line of thought, it might be possible to find hidden treasures of the Knights Templar, or to find those long-lost Christian relics.

"Steven, take a look at this mysterious symbol shaped like a hound. I have seen this mysterious symbol in the Temple Church in London before. It is carved next to a statue of a Templar."

Bishop of Kent said excitedly, pointing to a mysterious symbol on the wall.

Following the direction of his finger, Ye Tian saw the mysterious symbol at a glance.

The mysterious symbol was engraved on the wall between the two arches, about one meter above the ground, and it really looked like a hunting dog.

"Yes, this mysterious symbol is indeed familiar. If I remember correctly, it should be engraved next to the statue of the Knight Templar walking with a shield in his left hand and a sword hilt in his right hand in the Temple Church in London.

It's a pity that there is no surprising discovery on the Templar statue, and now this mysterious symbol has appeared here again. According to my speculation, this mysterious symbol may be related to life and death."

Saying that, Ye Tian had come to this wall, and reached out to touch the piece of granite engraved with this mysterious symbol.

At this moment, a pleasant chirping sound suddenly came from outside the prayer room.

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