After cutting the granite floors with a water knife, Ye Tian didn't immediately pry them up to see what secrets were hidden under the floors.

He took a closer look at the granite floors, then stood up and said to everyone present:

"Everyone, if my guess is correct, there is really a secret passage leading to the deep underground under these granite floors. After being closed for a long time, there must be a lot of filthy and even poisonous gas accumulated inside.

For the sake of safety, it is better for everyone to wear protective clothing, masks, gloves, and goggles to avoid accidents. His Majesty the Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife outside the church need to evacuate temporarily.

After everyone puts on their protective gear, we will lift up these granite floors to see what is hidden under the floor, whether it is the famous treasure of the Knights Templar or other priceless treasures."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene nodded, and no one raised any objections.

Next, several employees of Fearless Exploration Company took out the protective equipment they brought and distributed them to everyone one by one.

Outside the church, Matisse and Leonardo, who received Ye Tian's instructions, put on masks and goggles one after another, and began to evacuate.

Their evacuation targets were mainly the Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife.

After listening to Leonardo's explanation, the Pope and the Portuguese President did not raise any objections, and they retreated a certain distance in a very cooperative manner, standing next to a small garden inside the castle, waiting for the results of the exploration.

In the blink of an eye, everyone had put on protective equipment, and the atmosphere in the church became tense.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene, and after confirming that there was no problem, he started the next step.

"Jason, I'm going to pry open these granite floors, you boy, be smart and listen to my orders. If I say run, you don't care about anything, and rush out of this prayer room as soon as possible."

With that said, Ye Tian picked up the crowbar that was placed beside him, and was about to do it.

"Understood, Steven, my good life has just begun, I haven't enjoyed enough yet, buddy doesn't want to die here, just don't worry, buddy must escape very fast"

Jason joked and nodded vigorously.

"Hahaha, that's good, nothing is more precious than life"

Ye Tian chuckled twice, and then inserted the thinner end of the crowbar in his hand into the gap between the two granite floors, deeply.

Immediately afterwards, his right hand holding the crowbar suddenly exerted force and slowly pressed down.

With his movements, the astonishingly thick and heavy granite floor was pried up little by little.

Just when one side of the granite floor was about to leave the ground, Ye Tian paused, and used a crowbar to support the granite floor to prevent accidents.

However, there was no abnormal noise from under the floor, and no crossbow arrows or javelins shot out. Nothing happened, and it was as calm as usual.

After confirming that it was safe, Ye Tian continued to use his strength, and supported the bottom of the granite floor with his left hand, and lifted it up directly.


With a loud bang, the heavy and abnormal granite floor was completely pried up and turned over to the floor next to it.

Then what appeared before Ye Tian's eyes was a very solid rammed ground mixed with a lot of granite gravel, which looked almost like cement pouring.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian pretended to have a helpless smile and said:

"Not only do we need to pry open these heavy and abnormal granite floors, but it seems that we need to continue cutting the ground with water knives, and then excavate to open the secret passage buried below.

But this is also normal,

In my expectation, if the protection measures were not so strict, the entrance of this secret passage could not have been hidden for more than 800 years and has not been discovered."

As he spoke, he inserted the crowbar into the gap between the other two granite floors, exerted force again, and began to pry one of the granite floors.

In just two or three minutes, the granite floors in the center of the prayer room engraved with the mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar were all pried up by Ye Tian and pushed aside.

Following his movements, a large pit suddenly appeared on the floor of the prayer room. It was 1.23 meters wide and 1.56 meters long, which was not a small area.

Next, he picked up the waterjet torch again and began cutting the ground beneath the floorboards.

After he had cut the hard ground to pieces, it was Jason's turn with the engineering shovel and the others to start digging, digging out the gravel and soil in the pit.

Seven or eight minutes later, Mark, who was digging at the bottom of the pit, suddenly said excitedly:

"Steven, I dug to the bottom, there seems to be a big piece of granite underneath, and the engineer shovel can't get in at all"

Hearing this, Ye Tian and Jason immediately came to the edge of the pit mouth and looked towards the bottom of the pit.

At the same time, Mark also used the engineer shovel to scrape away the sand at the bottom of the pit, exposing the granite beneath the sand.

Just as Ye Tian expected, it was a granite slab, about 20 centimeters wide when viewed from above, and the length is unknown for the time being, lying across the bottom of the pit, supporting the building above.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately pretended to be excited and said:

"Good job, Mark, you cleaned out all the sand and soil at the bottom of the pit. Under this granite strip, it is likely to lead to a secret passage deep underground."

"Okay, Steven, look at mine"

Mark at the bottom of the pit nodded in response, and then started digging again, and he was full of energy.

Soon, the bottom of the pit was cleared out, Mark came up from the bottom of the pit, and Ye Tian jumped into the bottom of the pit again to check the situation at the bottom of the pit.

In just a moment, he finished checking, with a bright smile on his face.

At the same time, the Bishop of Kent, David, and the three Portuguese, seeing that there was no danger, also entered the prayer room, came to the edge of the pit, and looked towards the bottom of the pit.

"Steven, what's the situation at the bottom of the pit? Have you found the entrance to the secret passage?"

Father Ramirez raised his head and asked, his eyes full of anticipation and a little bit of worry, his mood was very conflicted.

Ye Tian raised his head and looked up, then said confidently:

"Gentlemen, Father Ramirez, please take a look at these several granite strips, they are basically the same length, and they are placed side by side tightly, which is very abrupt here.

They are here to cover something and bear the weight of the building above, and the sand and stones piled on top of these granite strips are some perfect cover.

I can say with certainty that under these few granite strips, there is likely to be the entrance to the secret passage, leading to the deep underground, leading us to the palace deep underground.”

When saying these words, Ye Tian also pointed to the few granite strips at the bottom of the pit, especially pointing out the condition of the edges of those several granite strips.

On the edges of the granite strips, which are about 1.5 meters long and 1.2 meters wide in total, are rammed very solid sandstone soil and random and scattered granite stones.

Just as Ye Tian said, the granite strips lying across the bottom of the pit do look very abrupt, and they were obviously placed here deliberately.

As long as you are not a fool, you will understand after seeing this scene that there must be some secret hidden under those few granite strips, and it is an important secret.

"Wow! There is indeed a secret passage here. I don't know what is hidden at the end of the secret passage, treasure or something else?"

"I can't believe that there is such a secret passage hidden in the depths of the Sarolla Church, and no one has discovered it after more than 800 years. It's incredible!"

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, and everyone was beaming with joy and full of anticipation.

Before the exclamation fell, Ye Tian at the bottom of the pit had issued another command.

"Jason, Mark, you guys bring the winch into the prayer room, assemble it at the edge of the pit, and then put down the sling and safety rope, and prepare to hoist these granite stones and open the secret passage hidden below."

As the order was issued, Jason and the others immediately took action.

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