The few granite strips at the bottom of the pit were lifted up, exposing a granite slab below.

In the center of this square and unusually thick stone slab, there is a Maltese cross engraved, as well as several mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar, which are very eye-catching.

After the last granite strip was hoisted out of the pit and moved outside the prayer room, Ye Tian, ​​who had already tied the safety rope, went down to the bottom of the pit again.

He pretended to carefully observe the granite slab at the bottom of the pit and the situation around the slab, then raised his head and said with a smile:

"Obviously, there is a secret passage under this stone slab, leading to the deep underground. It has been closed for a long time. I don't know if there are any traps. For safety's sake, everyone should exit the prayer room."

Hearing this, the guys standing on the edge of the pit mouth all nodded, and there was no disagreement.

Afterwards, they withdrew from the prayer room, leaving only Jason and the others to cooperate with Ye Tian.

Next, Ye Tian squatted down, supported one side of the granite slab at the bottom of the pit with both hands, and lifted it up vigorously.

In order to make the performance more realistic, his movements are very cautious and quite slow, and he will pause for a moment almost every few centimeters he lifts to see if there will be any changes.

It was very calm under the stone slab. There was no abnormal noise, no crossbow arrows and javelins shooting out, and no monsters rushed out from the ground to attack Ye Tian who was trying to open the secret passage and grab the treasure.

Some are just a slightly dirty air, quickly escaping along the cracks in the stone slabs, and quickly drifting into the entire church.


Finally, the heavy and unusually heavy granite slab at the bottom of the pit was lifted up again after more than 800 years.

Below the stone slab is a dark hole and a spiral downward staircase, which is obviously a secret passage.

Even though he had already seen this scene through perspective, Ye Tian cheered when the entrance to the secret passage really appeared in front of him.

"Sure enough, there really is a secret passage leading to the depths of the ground here, it's really great!"

Following his cheers, Jason and the others who were staying at the edge of the pit poked their heads out to look at the bottom of the pit. Everyone's eyes lit up, full of anticipation.

When they saw the entrance to the secret passage that appeared at the bottom of the pit, they cheered excitedly.

Those who stayed outside the prayer room scratched their hands and stretched their necks to look inside the prayer room, hoping to rush in immediately to see what happened.

However, before Ye Tian gave instructions, they could only stay outside the prayer room and continue to be tormented by curiosity.

"Steven, what's going on at the bottom of the pit? Tell everyone?"

cried Father Ramirez, obviously impatient.

The rest of the people who stay outside the prayer room, it's not the same, everyone is the same.

"Under the heavy granite slab at the bottom of the pit, there is indeed a hidden entrance to a secret passage, and there is also a spiral downward staircase, all made of granite, which is very strong and unconventional.

On the wall at the entrance of the secret passage, there are engraved with the logo of the Knights Templar, the Maltese cross, and some mysterious symbols, as well as some rusty bronze candlesticks, just like the candlesticks at the top of the prayer room.

There are no traps here, but the secret passage is dark. I don’t know if it’s safe or not, and I don’t know how the air quality is. Further detection is needed. For safety’s sake, it’s best for everyone to stay outside the prayer room.”

Ye Tian's voice came from the prayer room, and he briefly introduced the situation.

Hearing the notification, the people outside the prayer room became even more excited, but they could only stay outside, waiting for the results of further exploration.

At the bottom of the big pit in the center of the prayer room, Ye Tian carefully observed the situation at the entrance of the secret passage, then raised his head and said to the men on the edge of the pit:

"Guys, put down the air monitor, let's test the air in the tunnel first to see if it is poisonous, and then proceed to the next step"

"Okay, Steven"

Jason, who was staying on the edge of the pit mouth, nodded and took action immediately.

Soon, the air detector was put down, and Mark and another company employee came down at the same time.

After standing still at the bottom of the pit, Mark and the others started working immediately, turned on the air detector, and then hung the air detector into the secret passage with a safety rope.

The test results were released soon and reported by Mark.

"Steven, in this secret passage, we haven't detected any deadly poisonous gas. The air is a bit dirty, but it doesn't affect your health. After all, this place is relatively closed deep underground.

The air in the secret passage is relatively humid, and the moss on the stairs and walls is the best proof. From this point of view, this secret passage and the underground palace below should have other vents.”

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then said excitedly:

"Great, the air in the secret passage is safe and non-toxic. For us, this is obviously good news. It can reduce a lot of troubles and greatly improve the efficiency of exploration operations.

However, for the sake of safety, everyone is still wearing protective equipment. After we enter the palace deep underground and are truly sure of safety, everyone will take off the protective clothing.

Take back the air detector, put the ventilation equipment into this secret passage, and completely replace the dirty air deep in the secret passage, just in case, and prepare for the follow-up action.

Next, it’s time to send the drone down to explore the way, and see what is hidden at the end of this secret passage, whether it is the treasure of the Templars we are looking for, or something else.”

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us"

Mark nodded in response, and then acted.

Ye Tian left the bottom of the pit, walked out of the prayer room, and joined David and the others.

At the same time, Jason and the others hoisted two powerful replacement fans to the bottom of the pit, and began to replace the air in the secret passage.

And Ye Tian, ​​who left the prayer room, was immediately surrounded by those guys outside, asking about the situation of the secret passage at the bottom of the pit.

Ye Tian didn't hide anything, and truthfully introduced the situation of the secret passage, including the air quality that had just been tested.

When he heard that this secret passage and the underground palace had another vent, Father Ramirez immediately asked in surprise:

"Steven, where might this vent be located? Why has no one discovered it in the past seven or eight hundred years?"

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"Where is this vent, I don't know, maybe it's in an inconspicuous corner inside Tomar Castle, or maybe in the ravines outside the castle.

This possibility is not ruled out. The palace located deep underground may be built on the back of an underground cave, and the vent is connected to some caves, which may also be the exit.

There is no need to worry, Father Ramirez, since we have discovered this secret passage, the underground palace at the end of the secret passage, and even the vent, I believe it will be revealed soon.”

During the conversation, ten minutes passed.

Under the action of two powerful fans, the air in the secret passage was completely changed, and the air was immediately much fresher, not much different from the outside world.

Mark and the others who were working at the bottom of the pit immediately turned off the replacement fan, and then put a drone with a high-definition camera and a strong searchlight into the secret passage, and flew along the spiral stairs to the depths of the secret passage.

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