Ye Tian went down to the bottom of the pit again, took an IPAD from Mark, and watched the video transmitted by the drone from the secret passage.

With the entry of drones, after more than 800 years, this secret passage located deep underground in the Sharolla Church has once again ushered in light.

Under the illumination of the strong searchlight carried by the belly of the drone, the situation in the depths of the secret passage was presented on the screen of the IPAD little by little, before Ye Tian's eyes.

This is a secret passage dug out of the mountain by manpower. The walls, steps, and the top of the secret passage are all hard granite, which is very strong.

Because it spirals downward, this secret passage cleverly uses the space. If someone walks in this secret passage, they will not feel cramped in the space.

On the walls of this secret passage, the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar can be seen everywhere, and every time you turn a corner, you will see a rusty bronze candlestick on the wall, which is obviously used for lighting.

In addition, you can occasionally see some symbols of the Knights Templar, horses and other crosses and knights with two horses, as well as some small sculptures placed in niches on the walls.

Because of the long history, the walls, dome, and steps of this secret passage are covered with moss, which looks a bit slippery.

While talking, the drone had already flown down the spiral staircase for about three meters, and the space in the secret passage became bigger and bigger, and there was no problem for two people to walk side by side.

The drone turned another corner, and suddenly, a platform with an area of ​​about two to three square meters appeared in front of the drone and appeared on the video screen.

On one side of this platform, close to the wall, stood a statue about two meters high, and it was a fully armed Templar.

The statue of the Templar Knight is wearing a full metal helmet, and the face cannot be seen clearly at all. He is wearing heavy armor and holding a long sword, standing murderously.

He held a rusty Crusader knight's sword tightly in both hands, and raised the knight's sword above his head, as if he might swing the sword down at any time, beheading the enemies in front of him.

The moment they saw this scene, Mark and the others exclaimed.

"Wow! There is a Templar here, it looks a little scary!"

"If it weren't for the rusty armor on his body, and the equally rusty knight's sword, I would have thought this Templar was still alive."

While Mark and the others were exclaiming, Ye Tian fell into deep thought, and his face became a little dignified.

After a short pause, he said in a low voice:

"This Templar knight holding a sword in both hands and ready to slash at any time is most likely a mechanism set up by Guardim Pais in the secret passage to protect the secret hidden at the end of the secret passage.

Mark, look at the posture of the Templar's sword, the angle of the slash, and the length of the knight's sword. If he slams down with both hands, what will happen?

Once he makes an attacking action, the secret passage can be sealed in an instant, and those who walk down the spiral staircase will be killed by the sword of the Templar before they even have time to react.

Needless to say, the mechanism that triggers this fatal blow must be on the spiral staircase. Those who accidentally trigger the mechanism will never expect that there will be a knight sword waiting for them at the corner.

When setting up this deadly mechanism, Guardim Pais probably took human nature into consideration. The first half of this secret passage should be very safe, and it is specially used to make people relax their vigilance.

After walking through the first half without incident, those who enter the secret passage will probably think that there are no traps here, and they will unconsciously relax their vigilance, whoever thinks that the next step will be a fatal blow."


There was a sound of gasping for air,

Mark and the others were frightened by Ye Tian's words.

"I'm going! This is too ruthless, it's obviously going to kill people!"

Jason, who was staying on the edge of the pit mouth, also expressed a few words of emotion in a low voice.

Ye Tian looked up at the kid, then jokingly said:

"Of course! As far as Guardim Pais is concerned, as long as there are not a few Templars who know the way to pass, anyone who breaks into this secret passage is an endless enemy, so there is no need for his subordinates." show mercy!

But it doesn't matter, since we have discovered this deadly trap in advance by using drones, it would be too stupid to step into it again and put ourselves in a desperate situation. Don't worry, everyone, I will definitely find a solution! "

Regarding Ye Tian's words, Jason and Mark didn't have the slightest doubt.

In their view, there is absolutely no trap in this world that can hide from Ye Tian's eyes, and the trap in this secret passage is no exception!

Mark manipulated the drone, flew around the Templar statue in the secret passage, observed it carefully, and then flew down to continue exploring.

Then it flew down for more than one meter, and after turning around another bend, a statue of a Templar knight in full armor and holding a long sword appeared again in front of the drone, ready to attack.

Different from the Templar above, this Templar holds a sword in one hand and a tall triangular shield in his left hand, with a Maltese cross faintly engraved on the shield.

It was this knight's shield that cleverly blocked the dodging space of the intruder, so that the intruder could only face the crusader knight's sword directly on the head.

Seeing the murderous Templar knight, everyone gasped again, terrified.

Obviously, this is another mechanism trap designed by Guardim Pais. It is similar to the mechanism trap above, and it is also very deadly.

The drone continued to go down, and soon found a Templar who was standing at the corner of the secret road with a horizontal knife.

But this time is different. In addition to the Templar who holds a long sword and can seal the entire secret passage once he launches an attack, on the other side of the wall, the drone also found a dozen small round hole.

Through the high-definition camera carried by the drone, in those round holes, Ye Tian and the others clearly saw the rusty gun heads one by one, each with a deadly killing intent.

From the positions of these javelins, Ye Tian could see the danger of this institution at a glance.

Once these javelins are shot at high speed, they can block the entire secret passage in an instant, and directly shoot people who break into the secret passage and accidentally trigger the mechanism into hornet's nests and candied gourds.

Obviously, when designing this trap, Guardim Pais calculated human nature again.

In addition to the Templar statue placed in the open, he added an insurance in the dark, which is hard to guard against.

Without knowing the way to pass, anyone who breaks into this secret passage is probably the result of ten deaths and no life.

Of course, this does not include Ye Tian.

After passing through this mechanism trap, the drone discovered three more deadly mechanism traps, each of which was full of murderous intentions and made everyone terrified, and each of them made everyone applaud.

In the blink of an eye, the drone flew down the spiral staircase for about fifteen meters.

If you refer to the terrain conditions of Tomar Castle, the drone has already flown into the mountainside, and is constantly advancing deeper.

Finally, the drone flew to the bottom of the spiral staircase, flew out of the staircase, and flew into a wider space.

Wherever the light went, a new picture, a shocking scene, suddenly appeared on the monitoring screen, and appeared in front of Ye Tian and the others.

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