Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2301 Lifting the Trap

After passing the first platform in the secret road, Ye Tian's movements became more cautious, at least on the surface.

At the same time, he didn't forget to perform. While exploring down the spiral staircase, he introduced the situation in the underground secret passage.

"Everyone, please look at this statue of the Virgin Mary. It has a clear Gothic style and a touch of Roman art. It is a very good antique work of art.

Judging from the artistic style of this statue, it should have been carved in the middle of the twelfth century, and it might be a work of art carved by Guardim Pais himself."

At this time, Ye Tian seemed to be walking on a staircase leading to the Middle Ages, leading countless viewers on the live broadcast side into the Middle Ages step by step.

After walking down the spiral staircase for about a dozen steps, and after turning around two bends, another platform appeared in front of his eyes and appeared on the live screen.

Ye Tian naturally knows whether there are traps here, and whether there are statues of Templar knights standing with swords.

When he reached the third-to-last step of the stairs above the platform, Ye Tian stopped, put the heavy police shield in front of him, and began to carefully check the ground and walls of the secret passage, as well as the situation on the vault.

While checking, he carefully scraped off the moss and dust on the ground and walls with the folding engineering shovel he carried with him, so that he could see more carefully and clearly.

Of course, these actions are all performances, and they are performed for countless audiences on the live broadcast end. The purpose is to make everything look reasonable and flawless.

"Everyone, please look at this piece of granite on the next step. It is engraved with mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the exploration operation, we have not been able to decipher these mysterious symbols.

As time goes by, I believe that someone will be able to decipher the mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar and interpret their meanings. These things will be left to those experts and scholars who study characters and semiotics.

What we have to do now is to crack the trap hidden in this secret passage, and then go deeper underground to explore the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, bringing a huge surprise to the whole world.

Let's take a look at this granite slab. Compared with other slabs around, there are almost no traces of wear on this slab. This situation shows that almost no one has stepped on this granite slab.

This piece of granite seems to have settled down a bit, and it is not on the same plane as the other granite slabs on both sides. This is a strange situation for a piece of granite that has never been stepped on.

Judging from these two points, I can basically be sure that this piece of granite is the trigger point of a mechanism trap, but due to its existence for too long, some flaws are inevitably exposed."

After the introduction, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield again, then slipped against the wall of the secret passage, bypassed the granite, walked down the steps, and came to the platform below.

During this process, he was always in a state of high alert, and the heavy police shield completely blocked his whole body.

Nothing happened, no mechanism trap was triggered, and naturally there would be no sudden fatal attack.

Ye Tian, ​​who stood still on the platform, quickly turned around in place to check the situation on the platform.

The next moment, a statue of a Templar knight in heavy armor, holding a crusader knight's sword tightly in one hand, carrying a triangular knight's shield, and wearing heavy armor, appeared in front of his eyes.

Appeared on the live screen.

The statue of the Knight Templar stands in front of the wall on the side of the secret passage, where there is just a blind spot, and people walking down the secret passage cannot see the statue of the Knight Templar at all.

Once the intruder triggered the mechanism, the next second he saw the Templar statue, a rusty crusader knight's sword had already slashed down in the air, taking the intruder's head straight.

The tall triangular knight shield in the statue's hand can greatly compress the intruder's dodging space when it turns around to attack, leaving the intruder with nowhere to hide.

The moment they saw the statue of the Templar Knight, everyone couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified.

People also admired Ye Tian's sharp vision and precise judgment.

Ye Tian turned around, carefully checked the ground under his feet and the surrounding situation, and after making sure that there was no danger and would not trigger other traps, he walked towards the Templar statue.

Coming closer, he took a closer look at the Templar statue, then came to the back of the statue, stretched out his hands to hug the Templar's head, and began to slowly turn clockwise.

Following his movements, there was another ear-piercing noise of 'Ka Ka Ka' in the secret passage.

It was the sound of the machine turning, and it was uncomfortable to hear, and goose bumps all over my body.

"Same as the previous statue, this statue of the Templar Knight is also a mechanism trap, which is very deadly. Once the mechanism is triggered, the Templar Knight will immediately attack with a sword.

The statue of the Knight Templar is only standing on the ground with its feet, and the rest of the statue has no contact with the wall. It is not difficult to conclude that the mechanism driving the statue of the Knight Templar should be under the floor.

The mechanism that terminates the statue of the Templar Knight is the head of the statue, as long as the head of the statue is turned in the correct way, this deadly mechanism can be disarmed, and of course, it can be restored smoothly afterwards.”

While explaining, Ye Tian vigorously turned the statue's head.

In the blink of an eye, the head of the Templar statue had been turned ninety degrees by him, facing the wall.

At this moment, the unpleasant sound of metal friction suddenly stopped, and the secret passage became quiet again.

"Wow! How did this guy, Steven, figure it out? Is this guy really the same as in the legend, knowing everything and being good at everything?"

"What a lucky bastard. All the good things have happened to this bastard, Steven. Obviously, this treasure of the Knights Templar is about to fall into his hands again. I'm so envious!"

In front of countless live broadcast terminals, there were waves of exclamation and emotion, full of various emotions of envy, jealousy and hatred.

At this time, Ye Tian had once again taken out a few lighting fluorescent sticks, folded them in half and lighted them up, and then threw them into the next spiral staircase, illuminating the way to the deeper underground.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the heavy police shield again, stepped out, stepped on the next step, and continued to explore, step by step, going deeper underground.

A few minutes later, he was standing on another platform deeper in the tunnel, studying a moss-covered wall.

Behind him, a statue of a Templar holding a sword in both hands has been disarmed by him and turned into a real statue, no longer deadly.

On the wall next to him, there are more than a dozen round holes the size of a cup, and there is a rusty javelin in each round hole.

These javelins, which were installed more than seven or eight hundred years ago, are still very deadly, and they may be shot out at any time, killing those who break into the secret passage.

Ye Tian pretended to study the wall in front of him carefully for a while, then picked up the heavy police shield with his left hand to block in front of him, and picked up the engineering shovel with his right hand, and poked at the moss-covered wall.

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