The front end of the folding engineering shovel touched the moss-covered granite wall, and Ye Tian immediately began to push forward slightly.

However, there was no movement on the wall in front of him, and nothing happened.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately increased his strength and continued to push the wall with his engineering shovel.

The next moment, a vertical crack suddenly appeared on the moss-covered wall, from the ground to a height of about 1.8 meters.

As Ye Tian continued to exert strength, the gap became bigger and bigger, and the dark space behind the gap gradually appeared.

Obviously, this is a very hidden secret door, and the dark space inside the secret door is where the rusty javelins are arranged.

In just a moment, this secret door has been completely pushed open by Ye Tian.

The space shrouded in darkness behind the secret door, or should be said to be a secret room, ushered in light again after more than seven or eight hundred years.

As the light entered, the situation in this secret room was immediately presented in front of Ye Tian's eyes, and it was also presented on the live broadcast screen.

However, before everyone could see clearly what was going on in this secret room, a change had already occurred.

From the top of the entrance of the secret room, a long and curved black object suddenly hung down, and it struck Ye Tian's head like lightning, with a gust of wind.

Ye Tian's reaction was very fast, he quickly took a step back, and the heavy police shield in his left hand rose at the same time, directly blocking the sudden attack of the black object.


Accompanied by a light sound, the high-speed black object hit the police shield and fell from the sky.

At the same time, Ye Tian quickly took two steps back to distance himself from the black object for safety.

The heavy police shield in his hand was always in front of him, covering his whole body tightly without leaving any flaws.

After the long black object fell to the floor, it immediately coiled up, its head held high, and it kept making hissing sounds, as if warning Ye Tian who was close at hand.

Until then, people were able to see clearly what the long black object was.

"My God! That's a cobra, at least two meters long, it's really scary!"

"That's not an ordinary cobra, but the notorious Egyptian cobra, which often attacks humans and causes many deaths every year. Why did such a horrible thing appear in Tomar, Portugal?"

Immediately there was an almost crazy exclamation inside and outside the Sarolla Church, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals. Everyone was startled by the sudden appearance of the cobra.

In particular, many local residents of Tomar reacted more violently.

When they saw this terrifying Egyptian cobra that was more than two meters long and kept spitting out letters, they seemed to have thought of something extremely frightening, and everyone's face turned pale.

Many of them were elderly, their bodies were shaking involuntarily, and they held their heads with their hands, their faces full of horror, including Barbossa.

The mayor of Tomar also had a frightened expression on his face and kept muttering to himself.

"My God, is this the Egyptian cobra that is said to have entangled the Tomar people for hundreds of years?

That devil who keeps devouring people's lives and creating countless nightmares?

Didn't it disappear decades ago? How could it be hidden in this underground passage in Tomar Castle? This is not a good thing! May God bless Tomar! "

Compared to Barbosa, Father Ramirez, who was standing next to him, seemed to have thought of something more terrifying.

Ever since he saw this creepy Egyptian cobra, his legs were trembling and he could hardly stand up, and his eyes were full of fear.

While people were exclaiming, their hearts were raised to their throats, and everyone was staring at this 'hissing' Egyptian cobra that kept spitting out messages, and at Ye Tian who was confronting it.

Of course, because of different positions, people's emotions are also different.

Some people were worried that Ye Tian would be attacked and die under the kiss of a snake.

More people watched the fun with a gloating mentality, and even cheered for the Egyptian cobra, wishing that the Egyptian cobra would rush up and kill Ye Tian, ​​it would be perfect, and it would definitely make people happy!

In the depths of the underground tunnel, Ye Tian, ​​who was hiding behind a heavy police shield, was also staring at the Egyptian cobra, not daring to relax for a moment.

At the same time, he also loudly issued a warning to the two men who followed him.

"Walker, Peter, don't come down yet. I met a poisonous Egyptian cobra below. It is two meters long and very aggressive. It's quite scary.

According to my estimate, there may be more than one Egyptian cobra in this secret underground passage, and this one is just one of them. God knows how many more are hidden in other dark corners.

After I have secured the Egyptian cobra and made sure it is safe, the two of you will come down and follow me closely, so that I can take care of you, and you must be careful yourself.

Peter, you go back and ask Jason to send down the snake repellent and sprinkle it all over this secret passage. To be honest, looking at this Egyptian cobra, I really feel a little creepy! "

Having said that, Ye Tian's tone was very relaxed, and there was no trace of fear.

"Understood, Steven, we'll be careful"

Walker and Peter responded in unison, and each acted.

Peter, who was in the back of the palace, stepped back directly to get the snake repellent, while Walker stayed on the spiral stairs, watching the situation in front of him and behind him vigilantly.

"Steven, when we used drones for preliminary exploration, we also checked the ground, and found no traces of snakes crawling, and we didn't even see a few mouse footprints.

Where did this Egyptian cobra come from? And it's so long and thick, could it be that it fell from the sky? No matter what kind of snake, as long as you walk by it, there should be traces, right? "

Mark's voice came over the intercom, and the kid was obviously confused.

Not only him, but the rest of the people were also full of puzzles about the sudden appearance of the Egyptian cobra, not knowing where this terrifying thing came from.

Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but carefully observed the terrifying Egyptian cobra.

This Egyptian cobra is about two meters two and three meters long, with a dark body and a thick body tightly coiled together. The huge triangular snake head in the center of the snake coil stands high, fifteen or six centimeters above the ground.

Its two eyes located on the snake's head were shining with a gloomy green light, staring at Ye Tian firmly, the skin folds on the neck had all been opened, looking like a fan.

However, this is the posture that the cobra uses to warn the enemy and prepare to attack when it senses danger, which is extremely dangerous.

This Egyptian cobra seemed to be guarding something. After the initial surprise attack failed, it did not run away immediately, but coiled up tightly, and kept spitting out messages, threatening Ye Tian who was close at hand.

After observing for a while, Ye Tian said through the walkie-talkie:

"This is a highly venomous Egyptian cobra. To be precise, it is a subspecies of the Egyptian cobra. The Moroccan cobra, whose black and shiny body is the best proof.

Morocco is not far from Portugal. Both countries are bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and have similar climate conditions. Of course, the environment in the Moroccan desert is another matter.

Historically, the Moors from North Africa had ruled the land of Portugal for a long time. It was Alfonso I who united with the Knights Templar and other crusaders to drive out the Moors together.

For a long time thereafter, Tomar was at the forefront of the battle between the Knights Templar and the Moors, and in view of this, it is not surprising that the Moroccan cobra was found in Tomar!

This is the largest treasure house of the Knights Templar. In order to protect the huge treasure hidden here, the Knights Templar may use the Moroccan cobra to guard it.

I boldly speculated that this might be the work of Guardim Pais, who put the Moroccan cobra here to protect the largest treasure of the Templars.

In this way, as long as these Moroccan cobras continue to multiply, even if other mechanism traps have failed or been cracked, these Moroccan cobras can kill the intruders!

To be honest, this is the largest Moroccan cobra I have ever seen. Judging from its body length of 2.23 meters, this cobra should be over 20 years old.

If Guardim Pais really introduced Moroccan cobras to Tomar and placed them in the Templar treasure, this should be the offspring from the original cobras.

Elsewhere in this Templar treasure, in those dark corners, there may be many Moroccan cobras, and the next exploration will become very dangerous

Following Ye Tian's explanation, the Shalaola Church and countless live broadcast terminals immediately erupted.

"I'll go! Guardim Pais's move is so ruthless, he can use it to the fullest. What kind of treasure is he trying to protect? He actually used this method!"

"This live broadcast is really exciting. I don't know how Steven plans to deal with this Moroccan cobra and the rest of the Moroccan cobras hidden in the dark? Will he reproduce his magic?"

:. :

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