On the platform on the cliff, inside and outside the Sarolla Church, and in front of countless live broadcast terminals, everyone held their breath, staring at Ye Tian's every move, not even willing to blink their eyelids, lest they miss the wonderful picture.

Because of different positions, people's emotions at this time are also very different.

Some people were worried that Ye Tian would accidentally step into the trap set by Guardim Pais, or be attacked by a Moroccan cobra entrenched on the air bridge, and suffer serious injuries.

Some guys are so excited, wishing he was killed by a trap on the sky bridge or a Moroccan cobra, and then fell off the cliff, dead without a whole body, that would be very satisfying.

Of course, more people start from the perspective of bystanders, hoping to see more lively and thrilling scenes and have a good time.

As for Ye Tian's safety, they didn't care.

Some of them have a darker psychology, and even hope that something will happen to Ye Tian, ​​who made you, a bastard, take up all the good things, but others can only look at them greedily.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Ye Tian cautiously stepped onto the air bridge above the cliff, and began to explore towards the other side of the cliff.

On the platform behind him, Walker and Peter grabbed the safety rope and watched his every move closely, not even daring to breathe.

Nothing happened, and the air bridge was calm as usual.

There were neither boulders and water jets suddenly falling from the sky, nor crossbow bolts or javelins shooting out of the darkness, nor Moroccan cobras that sprung up and wounded people.


Ye Tian, ​​who was already on the bridge in the air, let out a long breath, and seemed to relax a little.

Of course, this is just a show, for everyone else to see.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield in his hand, fixed his eyes on the bridge deck in front of him, stepped out again, and continued to explore forward.

The scene and the countless live broadcast terminals were completely quiet, only the sound of Ye Tian's heavy breathing and firm footsteps continued, reaching everyone's ears.

While speaking, Ye Tian had already reached one-third of the air bridge.

At this time, he was already in the sky above the cliff, and there was a distance from the platforms on both sides. It can be said that he could not reach the village or shop behind, and could not reach both sides.

And at his feet, there is an air bridge that is less than one meter wide, and below that is a cliff shrouded in darkness. Although this cliff is only thirty-five or six meters high, it is more than enough to kill a person.

What's more frightening is that under this dark cliff, God knows how many highly poisonous Moroccan cobras are entrenched. Anyone who falls off this cliff will not escape the tragic fate of death without a whole body.

Fortunately, this place is deep underground, relatively closed, and the airflow is very stable. Otherwise, when a gust of evil wind blows, people on this air covered bridge may not escape bad luck.

The drone controlled by Mark has flown to the side of the air bridge at this time, taking pictures from the side.

From this angle, Ye Tian seems to be hanging high in the air, flying in the dark world.

The headlight on his head and the light beams from the strong searchlight in front of the heavy police shield are like two lightsabers, directly splitting the endless darkness ahead!

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, and their emotions were extremely tense.

Fortunately nothing happened,

Everything is business as usual on the air bridge.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who was exploring and advancing, suddenly stopped, staring at the bridge two meters ahead, and said in a low voice:

"As expected, there are indeed Moroccan cobras entrenched on this air bridge, and there are more than one. Please look over there."

As he spoke, he pointed forward with his hand.

Almost at the same time as he made this action, people saw a Moroccan cobra with its snake head raised high on the bridge ahead.

At this time, the dark Moroccan cobra, about 1.67 meters long, was ready to attack.

The skin folds on its neck have been fully opened, like a fan, the triangular snake head is constantly swinging, spit out the letter with a fork, making a hissing sound, and may launch an attack at any time.

That's not all, beside this Moroccan cobra, there are two smaller cobras, like two wingmen, swimming constantly on the bridge.

Their two pairs of cold and ruthless snake eyes were staring at the glowing Ye Tian, ​​as if they were waiting for an opportunity, and rushed towards this strange uninvited guest in front of them like lightning, very unfriendly.

Seeing this scene, the front of countless live broadcast terminals immediately boiled.

"I'm going! Three extremely poisonous Moroccan cobras are blocking the way. This scene is too scary. It's creepy to watch. If it were someone else, they would probably be scared to death on the spot."

"Oh my god! How does Steven plan to deal with these three Moroccan cobras? Perform the magic again and subdue these three poisonous guys as younger brothers? Or go back the same way? Or suddenly grow a pair of wings and fly through the air?"

Just when people were exclaiming and discussing, the situation on the bridge has changed suddenly.

The Moroccan cobra, which had its head propped up high and was attacking, suddenly retracted the skin folds on its neck, and retracted the letter that kept spitting out, and stopped shaking the snake's head.

Although this guy didn't lower his body, he was no longer in an attacking state, and the light in his eyes was no longer hostile and cold, but seemed to be much gentler.

And its tightly coiled body gradually relaxed, and opened the snake coil.

Not only it, but its left and right wingmen, as well as the other two Moroccan vipers.

The eyes they looked at Ye Tian were no longer full of hostility, and their eyes softened a lot, seeming to reveal a bit of joy and curiosity.

People on the live broadcast end couldn't see the emotional changes of the three Moroccan cobras at all, but they could see the changes in their external states.

Combined with the few Moroccan cobras seen in the spiral staircase before, everyone immediately understood that the miracle had happened again.

These three extremely poisonous Moroccan cobras have been subdued by Steven, the extremely lucky bastard, and have become his little brothers. They are no longer threatening, and they can't stop him from exploring.

Not only that, the three cobras have become his thugs.

Once other people break into this underground world without the permission of Steven, they will definitely be attacked by these cobras.

Thinking of this, many people are going crazy with envy, and they are also amazed by Ye Tian's magic.

There are also some guys who are extremely disappointed and have a headache at the same time. They never dare to break into this underground space to snatch the treasure of the Knights Templar. That is definitely a dead end!

Looking at Ye Tian who was on the bridge in the sky, he had already flashed out from behind the heavy police shield, raised his right hand and pressed down slightly.

The three Moroccan cobras seemed to understand the goodwill he expressed, and the Moroccan cobra raised its upper body, slowly lowered its head, and the snake coil was fully opened, completely giving up its guard.

The other two Moroccan cobras behaved in the same way. The joy in their eyes was even greater, and their bodies swayed gently on the bridge deck, revealing a hint of joy.

Although the three Moroccan cobras were subdued without any risk, Ye Tian didn't step forward immediately.

After calming down the three cobras, Ye Tian looked at the bridge deck, pointed to a few granite slabs on the bridge deck engraved with the mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar and said:

"Please look at these stone slabs, each of which is engraved with mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar. Although I don't understand the meaning of these symbols, I know what is hidden under these stone slabs.

We have seen these mysterious symbols before when we explored the treasures of the Knights Templar in Cyprus. Without exception, there are deadly traps hidden under the stone tablets carved with these mysterious symbols.

Combined with the situation on this air corridor bridge, I speculate that there are probably some sharp spikes installed under these granite slabs, and the trigger mechanism is in the middle of this air corridor bridge.

When someone steps on the air bridge and walks through these granite slabs, the mechanism will not be triggered. When he walks to the center of the air bridge, these very hidden mechanism traps will be triggered.

And on the other half of the air bridge, there should be many traps like this, so that the intruder who triggers the mechanism will be trapped in the center of the bridge, unable to advance or retreat.

If I were to set up the traps on this air bridge, I would definitely design other traps to work with these traps to force the intruders in the center of the bridge to move.

This mechanism trap can be set on the opposite cliff or on the top of the cave. The Moroccan cobra entrenched on the bridge is also included, forming a three-dimensional attack network together.

Facing such an attack, the intruder in the middle of this air bridge will have nowhere to escape, no matter how he moves, even if he stands still, he will die, there is no way to go to the sky, and no way to enter the earth.”


Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone gasped, feeling as cold as falling into an ice cave.

I go! Guardim Pais is so ruthless, and Steven, the bastard, is not too far behind, who the hell is he!

:. :

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