After introducing the hidden traps under his feet, Ye Tian pretended to check the bridge deck seriously, then picked up the heavy police shield and continued on his way.


With a muffled sound, the police shield landed on a granite slab engraved with mysterious characters on the front left.

No changes occurred, no traps were triggered, and everything on the air bridge was as usual.

The three Moroccan cobras two meters ahead were taken aback, somewhat flustered, and even assumed an attacking posture again.

However, under the appeasement of Ye Tian's continuous output of spiritual power, the three guys calmed down in a blink of an eye, and continued to enjoy the refreshing spiritual baptism.

It is entirely conceivable that after this spiritual baptism, these three Moroccan cobras will become even stronger, far surpassing their peers!

They will even have a little spirituality because of this, and after some competition and fighting, they will become the strongest in this underground world.

Following Ye Tian's actions, everyone on the live broadcast was taken aback. Everyone's hearts hung high, staring nervously at Ye Tian's every move and the movement on the bridge.

After confirming that the granite slab ahead was safe and free of traps, Ye Tian stepped out and stepped on the granite slab.

Next, he followed the example of a gourd painting, advancing tentatively step by step, taking each step cautiously, not daring to make a wrong step.

While speaking, he had come to the front of the three Moroccan cobras, and then stopped.

This time, he didn't let the three Moroccan cobras climb onto his arms, which obviously hindered his next actions and made it difficult to move around.

The air bridge he was on had a very narrow space and was very dangerous. Even though he knew the situation here clearly, he didn't dare to exaggerate it at this time!

Another point is that these Moroccan cobras are too poisonous. If something unexpected happens and you can't take care of these guys for a while, these cold-blooded guys may backfire!

Once kissed by these guys, it's no fun!

Ye Tian squatted down on the bridge, stroked the triangular heads of the three Moroccan cobras one by one, and then pointed to the platform ahead.

His meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, let these three poisonous guys go to the platform opposite the cliff and wait for him there.

Seeing his action, many people in front of the live broadcast couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, is this guy Steven crazy? It's a Moroccan cobra, and it's not a human being. How could it be possible to understand what he meant and follow his orders?"

Before the laughter fell, a scene that made everyone dumbfounded was already staged in front of people's eyes.

The three Moroccan cobras seemed to have understood Ye Tian's meaning. The three guys all glanced at him, then turned around one after another, and swam towards the platform on the other side of the cliff.

In fact, Ye Tian played a trick here, he used the spiritual power in his eyes to guide the three Moroccan cobras away, but no one understood.

Not only these three guys, but also the other Moroccan cobras on the air bridge were also attracted by the spiritual power he released, and swam to the front platform with the first three cobras.

All of a sudden, seven or eight Moroccan cobras scrambled to the platform ahead,

It seemed that there was something attracting them on that platform, the scene was extremely weird!

For Ye Tian, ​​this is an easy task without any difficulty.

But all of this is too miraculous in the eyes of others, it is simply unimaginable.

Unsurprisingly, the Shaola Church on the ground and all live broadcast terminals were completely detonated in an instant.

"Oh my god! What the hell did I see? It's incredible. How did that guy, Steven, do it? He can command those Moroccan cobras like his arms, so he is a myth!"

"Wow! Now I finally believe in that legend. God is always by Steven's side. There is nothing he can't do in this world.

Whether in the depths of the sea, in the wilderness, or even in the underground world shrouded in darkness, as long as there are creatures, Steven is unrivaled! "

People hugged their heads and exclaimed, and even couldn't believe their eyes, thinking that they were hallucinating.

However, this is the most real reality, happening in front of everyone's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the seven or eight Moroccan cobras with dark bodies and different sizes passed the air bridge more than ten meters ahead and reached the platform opposite the cliff.

When those Moroccan cobras climbed onto the platform one after another, Ye Tian mobilized them all to a corner of the platform, and then retracted his sight and stopped releasing his spiritual power.

This move of his immediately caused a commotion on the platform in front of him, and those Moroccan cobras turned their heads to look around, looking for that refreshing spiritual power.

However, they are cold-blooded animals after all, and they can only act on instinct.

So they just turned around on the platform, and did not turn around and return to the air bridge, looking for Ye Tian in the direction where the spiritual power disappeared.

Without the fetters of these highly poisonous Moroccan cobras, Ye Tian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

Next, his action speed has also increased a lot.

Soon, he came to the center of the air bridge, which was also the narrowest place on the air bridge.

It is only less than 60 centimeters wide, and it is not particularly flat. Standing on it, you can see the abyss under your feet without looking to the sides, which is very thrilling.

In addition, this is also the weakest point of the entire air bridge, with a thickness of only a little over one meter. From the side, it seems that it may collapse at any time.

When Ye Tian came here and looked down at the bridge under his feet, countless people in front of the live broadcast felt dizzy and shuddered, and some even screamed out in fear.

"Oh my god! This air bridge is really scary. If it were me, just standing on it and doing nothing, I would be so scared that my legs would go weak and I would fall into the abyss!"

"Wow! It's really hard to imagine how the Knights Templar transported a large amount of gold, silver, treasures and antique relics to the other side of the cliff to hide them more than seven or eight hundred years ago. Many people must have died here.

And today, seven or eight hundred years later, Steven and his gang plan to transport the treasure of the Knights Templar across this air bridge and onto the ground. I wonder what they are going to do? So much to look forward to! "

While people were talking about it, Ye Tian was observing the bridge deck under his feet.

To be more precise, he was looking at a granite slab half a meter ahead and a slightly protruding stone.

He naturally knew exactly what was hidden under the granite slab and stones, and that was the key to triggering all the traps on the air bridge.

Anyone who walks on the air bridge will trigger the mechanism trap on the air bridge once they step on the granite slab and touch the protruding stone, and there will be no place for burial.

This also includes the big hole above the top of the cave, which is the most threatening mechanism trap.

Once the mechanism is triggered, the powerful water column and stones pouring down from the big hole are enough to fly the people standing on the covered bridge, rushing them into the cliff, smashing their heads and blood, and even smashing them into meat paste .

Even this air covered bridge will be smashed by a boulder falling from the sky, completely cutting off the intruder's hope of grabbing the treasure of the Knights Templar, and sending the intruder directly into the depths of hell!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately raised his head to look at the stone cave above the cave roof, a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Pretending to observe carefully for a moment, he said solemnly:

"According to my observation, the granite floor on the bridge and the slightly raised stone in front are the trigger points, or one of the trigger points, of all the organ traps on this air corridor bridge.

As I said before, all the traps on this air bridge are likely to be linked, and a single trigger will affect the whole body. As long as we remove these trigger points, all the traps will be released.

Next, I am going to dismantle the trigger points of these two mechanisms, everyone, wish me luck, Walker, Peter, if there is an accident here, you should immediately use your strength to pull me back to the platform as quickly as possible."

With that said, Ye Tian had squatted down, and was about to dismantle the mechanism trap.

At the same time, Walker on the rear platform also responded.

"Understood, Steven, we are ready, just don't worry!"

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