Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2310 Amazing Treasure

Rather than saying that this is a cave, it is better to say that this is a corridor.

The ground of the corridor is very flat, and there are many traces of man-made excavation on the walls and vaults, and there are several rusty bronze candlesticks on the walls on both sides.

There are no traps here, and there are no poisonous Moroccan cobras blocking the way. It looks very peaceful.

Even so, Ye Tian was still very cautious, and led Walker and Peter tentatively into this corridor step by step, going deeper.

Walking forward about three or four meters, after turning a curved bend, Ye Tian and the others suddenly stopped.

At this moment, the tunnel they were in had become suddenly brighter and taller.

The width of the corridor expanded from less than 1.5 meters to 3 or 4 meters in one fell swoop, and it became wider and wider as it went in. The height also changed from the original 2 meters to about 4 meters.

Looking forward along this straight corridor, a shocking scene appeared in front of Ye Tian and the others, and also appeared on the live broadcast screen.

About three or four meters inward from where Ye Tian and the others were, there was a granite stone gate about three meters high and two meters five wide that looked unusually thick and solid.

In the center of the stone gate, there is a huge Maltese cross engraved, as well as some mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar, and some other Gothic art-style decorations.

On both sides of the stone gate, there are two statues of fully armed Templars wearing full metal helmets and medieval knight armor.

They stood in exactly the same posture, with their hands folded, each holding a rusty Crusader knight sword, and a tall triangular knight shield standing behind them, staring ahead.

These two marble Templar statues are about 2.5 meters high, tall and burly, guarding both sides of the stone gate like two door gods.

Undoubtedly, these are two valuable medieval antiques with a certain artistic value.

It's a pity that the Crusader knight swords in their hands, as well as the knight armor and other equipment on their bodies, are all rusty and no longer shine!

However, this also created a chilling atmosphere, with a sense of historical vicissitudes.

On the top of this stone gate, there are some patterns from the Bible stories carved, and some angels flying in the sky, which also look quite good antiques.

Although they had already seen this in the video taken by the drone, Ye Tian and the others were still shocked by the scene in front of them when they saw it with their own eyes. They couldn't help but stop and start to admire it.

But inside and outside the Shaluola Church on the ground, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, the scene was boiling instantly.

"I'll go! There really is an underground palace here. Although I haven't seen the gold, silver, treasures and antiques hidden in this underground palace, the situation at the entrance is shocking enough."

"Wow! The gate is already so tall and magnificent, what will the situation inside this underground palace be like? I can't even imagine it, it must be amazing!"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian and the others had already woken up.

Next, Ye Tian quickly checked the ground, and after confirming that there were no mechanism traps and Moroccan cobras, it was basically safe, and then he said to Walker and the others:

"Walker, Peter, you can start laying out the wiring and lighting fixtures, there are no traps and Moroccan cobras here,

Be careful though, just to be on the safe side.

I'm going to check the stone gate in front of it and the situation around the gate to see if there are any traps, and we can enter the underground palace behind that stone gate later."

"Okay, Steven, we'll be careful"

Walker and Peter nodded in unison, and then took action.

Ye Tian picked up the heavy police shield and walked forward step by step tentatively, gradually approaching the stone gate a few meters away.

Like the platform at the back and the entrance of the cave, there are no traps in this passage. Although there are traces of Moroccan cobras on the ground, those highly poisonous guys cannot be seen.

After a while, Ye Tian came to this unusually thick stone gate.

At this time, the stone door has been opened, revealing a gap about forty or fifty centimeters wide.

The rumbling thunder that came from the depths of the ground before was the sound made when this stone gate was opened, which shows the thickness of this stone gate.

The drone controlled by Mark flew in through this gap about forty or fifty centimeters wide to take pictures of the situation inside the underground palace.

Through the video data captured by the drone, Ye Tian was able to confirm that the famous treasure of the Knights Templar is indeed hidden here, and it is the largest treasure discovered so far!

After coming to the stone gate and standing still, Ye Tian did not go through the gap to investigate the situation in the underground palace, but avoided the gap, raising everyone's curiosity to a higher level.

He pretended to carefully check the stone gate and the situation around the gate, including the two Templar statues standing on both sides of the stone gate, for safety.

Needless to say, apart from the mechanism that opens the stone gate, there are no deadly mechanism traps or highly poisonous Moroccan cobras. It looks safe and there is no danger.

While he was inspecting, Walker and Peter were also busy, arranging wires, installing lighting fixtures, and throwing snake repellent, etc., preparing for the next exploration operation.

Following their actions, the passageway deep underground, leading directly to the legendary treasure of the Knights Templar, suddenly lit up, as if it were daytime.

Everything in this corridor was clearly displayed on the live broadcast screen, which inevitably caused quite a commotion again.

Soon, Walker and the others completed the arrangement and came to Ye Tian's side.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at these two guys, then smiled and said:

"Let's push open this heavy stone door together and see the treasures of the Knights Templar hidden behind the stone door. Those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics must be very charming.

I have just carefully inspected this heavy stone gate, and found no deadly mechanism traps, but for safety's sake, push open the stone gate, we'd better not enter it right away."

While saying these words, he had already taken out several light sticks, folded them in half to light them up, and then threw them into the stone door along the gap.

Following his actions, the underground palace shrouded in darkness behind the stone gate ushered in light once again.

Immediately afterwards, under Ye Tian's command, Walker and Peter pressed their hands on the stone door one after another, and the three of them worked together to push open the unusually thick granite stone door.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Accompanied by bursts of ear-piercing metal rubbing sounds, this unusually thick stone door was pushed open by Ye Tian and the others little by little.

With the entry of searchlights, the underground palace hidden behind this stone gate appeared in front of Ye Tian and the others bit by bit, and in front of countless viewers on the live broadcast.

As Ye Tian said before, this is a large-scale underground palace, which is full of dazzling gold and silver treasures and various antique relics.

Wherever the searchlight went, the first thing people saw were several tall granite columns, each of which was carved with exquisite patterns, supporting the underground palace.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light flashed on the live broadcast screen, reflecting the brilliance of all the live broadcast screens, and dazzled everyone's eyes.

When everyone got used to the change of light and took a closer look, what they saw were piles of gold and silver treasures, as well as many antique cultural relics of unknown value.

Most of those gold and silver treasures are gold products, including all kinds of gold coins, many gold utensils, gold religious items, etc., as well as various other dazzling gold and silver treasures!

Because of the age, many boxes containing gold and silver treasures have fallen apart. These gold and silver treasures are scattered on the floor of this underground palace, piled up into hills!

And this is just a local situation near the entrance of this underground palace, but it is enough to make everyone dumbfounded!

Not surprisingly, the entire outside world was completely blown up in an instant.

"My God! What a huge treasure this is! The gold, silver treasures and antique relics piled up behind the stone gate and appearing on the live broadcast screen are an astronomical wealth!"

"This is too exaggerated! The Knights Templar would not have looted all the countries in the Middle Ages, otherwise, how could they have amassed such a huge fortune? This may be the root cause of their demise!

Wealth is touching! This is an unbreakable truth. Philip IV, who was heavily in debt, learned that the Knights Templar had such a huge fortune, and it would be hell if he didn't do anything to them! "

While people were amazed and talked about it, they were also very envious, and many of them even had red eyes with jealousy.

They wished they could take Ye Tian and take this huge treasure as their own and keep it in their pockets.

Among them was the President of Portugal. The Mr. President, who was in the reception room of Tomar Castle, jumped up from the sofa like an electric shock and stared at the live broadcast in a daze.

"My God! How is this possible? I'm not dreaming, am I? How can the treasure of the Knights Templar be so huge and amazing? This is too exaggerated!"

As for the president's wife sitting beside him, her eyes were so red that they were about to bleed!

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