The unusually heavy stone door had been completely pushed open, Ye Tian and the others stood side by side at the door of this underground palace, staring at everything in front of them with dumbstruck eyes.

At this moment, each of them was extremely excited, with ecstasy flashing in their eyes.

However, inside and outside the Shalaola Church on the ground, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, were completely silent, except for the sound of heavy breathing, there was no other sound.

Everyone was completely stunned by the situation in this underground palace, so much so that they lost the ability to speak. Everyone had a dumbfounded expression, eyes full of disbelief and madness.

This is an underground palace mainly in Byzantine style and Gothic style. It has a huge area, and there are many granite pillars standing inside. It is the Ionic column from ancient Greece, supporting this underground palace.

On the top of this underground palace, between the granite Ionic columns, are Byzantine-style round arches, rather than Gothic-style pointed arches, and various patterns are carved on the stone columns and vaults.

On the floor of this ancient palace, there are piles of dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics,

There are countless antique gold coins from different countries, gold utensils and religious items of different shapes, colorful and beautiful jewelry and diamonds, and even a large number of uncut gemstones of various colors.

There are sculptures and other antique relics from ancient Rome and ancient Greece, as well as antique relics from European countries in the Middle Ages and previous periods, as well as many Arabic-style antique relics.

All these gold and silver treasures and antique relics are piled up on the floor into hills of different heights, but enough to drive everyone crazy.

Under the powerful light beams projected from the searchlights carried by Ye Tian and the others, these hills reflected an incomparably bright light, making the entire underground palace resplendent and fascinating.

But the gold and silver treasures and antique relics scattered on the floor are only a small part of the Templar treasure.

More gold and silver treasures and antique relics are still packed in boxes, and those boxes are piled up in various places in this underground palace, forming bigger hills.

Due to the long history and the relatively humid air here, the boxes were already covered with moss, and they were even about to fall apart completely, but they barely supported them.

If Ye Tian and the others came 30 years later and found this treasure of the Knights Templar 30 years later, most of the other boxes would probably fall apart.

Some of the gold and silver treasures and antique relics contained in those boxes have fallen out along the damaged parts of the boxes, and fell on the floor, all over the floor.

Within the range of the lights and the coverage of the high-definition cameras, people also saw many statues of the Templars, most of which stood on the Ionic columns.

All of these are only partial conditions of this underground palace, not all of them.

From the entrance of the underground palace where Ye Tian and the others are located, due to the problem of the angle, the limited lighting range, and the obstruction of many obstacles, it is still impossible to see the whole picture of the underground palace.

But this is enough, enough to make everyone, and even the whole world, crazy about it!

Ye Tian, ​​who had seen these scenes on the video before, and David, Jason and others who stayed on the ground, woke up first.

Immediately afterwards, an ecstatic voice came from the intercom,

It's coming from that guy Jason.

"Steven, this treasure of the Knights Templar is too exaggerated. Our company has made a lot of money this time. It's like a dream, no! Even if it's a dream, I can't dream of such a wonderful picture."

"Hahaha, you are right, Jason, this is an incomparably wonderful dream, but it is a reality that cannot be more real, just as real as the gold and silver treasures before our eyes!"

Ye Tian laughed and said, the laughter was hearty.

With his laughter, everyone inside and outside the Shaluola Church on the ground, as well as countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, were suddenly awakened.

The next moment, bursts of crazy exclamations immediately resounded almost everywhere.

"My God! This treasure of the Knights Templar is really amazing. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a mountain of gold. I have never seen so many gold and silver treasures in my life!"

"Without a doubt, this is definitely the largest treasure of the Knights Templar. In the Middle Ages, the huge wealth accumulated by the Knights Templar for nearly two hundred years is estimated to be mostly hidden here.

Today, this unrivaled treasure was finally rediscovered, but even if I was killed, I would not believe that the Vatican and the Portuguese would just watch and let this guy, Steven, take away all the worldly belongings in the treasure! "

Just when people were all exclaiming, the discovery of this treasure of the Knights Templar instantly caused a sensation in the whole world.

All over the world, countless people are staring at the live broadcast with blood-red eyes, staring at the dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics, wishing to take this treasure as their own.

As for the Portuguese President, who was in the reception room of Tomar Castle, his two eyeballs were already blushing, with endless greed flashing in his eyes, and he couldn't hide it at all!

If the Pope hadn't been here, considering the dignity of being the president of a country, he would have jumped onto the TV screen immediately to embrace those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics.

Looking at the Pope, even though he was sitting on the sofa, his face changed slightly, his back was straightened, and his eyes were shining brightly.

As for the wife of the Portuguese president who is also in this reception room, she has already gone crazy at this moment, holding her head in her hands and screaming in a low voice.

Far across the ocean in Washington, the commander-in-chief in the Oval Office of the White House also had eyes full of madness and greedy gleams in his eyes.

Almost at the same time as Ye Tian's laughter fell, the person in the Oval Office picked up the phone and began to contact his subordinates, and then asked them to contact David immediately.

In this person's view, this treasure of the Knights Templar has been exposed to the whole world, and it is obviously impossible to force it into the pockets of itself or the US government, but the huge tax revenue generated by it must not be let go!

The small southern European country where the treasure is located, Portugal, is not in the eyes of the American leader at all, even though the two countries are allies and have a good relationship!

But in the face of real interests, allies are nothing!

In the underground palace, the three of Ye Tian and the others who had woken up quickly adjusted their emotions.

"Walker, Peter, you arrange wires and lighting fixtures at the door. Let me check the situation here to see if there are any mechanism traps and Moroccan cobras. After making sure it is safe, let's go inside and explore."

Ye Tian said loudly with a smile, and quickly switched to the state of exploring treasures.

"Understood, Steven, look at ours"

Walker and Peter responded in unison, and both guys were extremely excited.

Afterwards, Ye Tian pretended to be serious and began to check the situation inside the door, and Walker and the others began to arrange lighting fixtures.

Just like the situation outside the stone gate, there are no deadly traps inside the stone gate.

By extension, Guardim Pais should not have set up any traps in this underground palace.

In the view of this famous Templar, those who can enter this underground palace are the most core figures of the Templar Order. Setting traps here may hurt his own people.

But how could he have imagined that today, after more than 800 years, it was Ye Tian who discovered and successfully broke into the location of the treasure of the Knights Templar!

In the process of probing. Ye Tian didn't see those highly poisonous Moroccan cobras.

They may be hidden deeper in this underground palace, hidden in the darkness where the lights are temporarily out of reach, peeping here, and waiting for an opportunity to move.

Soon, Ye Tian finished the inspection, and Walker and the others arranged the lighting fixtures, so they could start the next step of exploration.

"There are no traps here, and it looks safe. Let's go, guys, let's go and see how big this underground palace is? How amazing is this treasure of the Knights Templar?"

Saying that, Ye Tian stepped out and walked into the underground palace, still holding the heavy police shield in his hand, and blocked it in front of him.

Walker and Peter followed up, both guys were very excited, and their footsteps were even a lot lighter.

After walking three or four meters in, Ye Tian stopped, and then turned his head to look at the walls on both sides.

In front of the inner wall of this underground palace, there are many statues of Templar knights standing solemnly with swords in both hands. These statues are not wearing armor, but standing against the wall.

However, behind each Templar statue, there is a stone cavity deeply embedded in the wall, or it should be said that the burial chamber is more accurate.

Because in those tombs, there is a heavy sarcophagus. As for whether there are Templar corpses in those sarcophagi, it is unknown!

Following Ye Tian's movements, these Templar statues standing in front of the wall and the sarcophagus embedded in the wall behind them also appeared on the live broadcast.


Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but gasped.

Without exception, everyone felt a gust of wind blowing at the same time, which made people shudder!

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