Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2313 It's all Lao Tzu's

"Thank you, Steven, for saving my life"

Peter said gratefully, his eyes were fixed on the Moroccan cobra that Ye Tian grabbed seven inches and held in the air, with a look of lingering fear.

Walker, who was standing next to him, looked highly nervous, constantly scanning the surrounding situation, ready to respond at any time.

Ye Tian looked at the two guys, then smiled and said:

"No need to thank, Peter, since I brought you into this underground palace to explore the treasure, I have the responsibility to protect your safety, you are my employees, and I don't want to see any accidents with you.

The situation in this underground palace is unknown. God knows how many highly poisonous Moroccan cobras are hiding in the dark corners and watching us, ready to attack at any time to protect their territory.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that this place is in danger every step of the way! For the sake of safety, you must follow me closely during the next exploration process. Only in this way can I protect your safety.

You'd better not touch a single thing here without my careful inspection and a nod of permission. Among the treasures and antiques, there may be many Moroccan cobras hidden.

The bright light emitted by these gold and silver treasures will easily attract your attention. If a Moroccan cobra suddenly attacks at this time, it will be difficult for you to avoid being caught, just like this time.

Next, we must be careful everywhere we go, and we must sprinkle snake repellent to avoid being attacked by these Moroccan cobras again. If there is a next time, we may not be so lucky."

While saying these words, Ye Tian raised his right hand and threw the Moroccan cobra far away into the darkness in the distance.

At this time, the inside and outside of the Shalaola Church on the ground, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals, were already completely boiling.

"Wow! How did that guy Steven do it? He was able to spot and grab the seven-inch Moroccan cobra at the critical moment with lightning speed. It's amazing!"

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that this kind of thing would happen. It's amazing! It's just Steven. If it were someone else, I probably wouldn't be able to react, let alone subdue that Moroccan cobra. Already!"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian and the others in the underground palace started to move again and continued to explore.

Walker and Peter, who were initially in shock, have become more cautious in this meeting, and they dare not stretch out their hands indiscriminately even if they are killed.

Both of them followed Ye Tian half-sideways, back to back, observing the situation on both sides with their eyes wide open, ready to respond at any time.

While being on high alert, they are also responsible for arranging wires and lighting fixtures, and constantly throwing snake repellents to open up a safe passage.

Ye Tian walked in front and was responsible for opening the way, checking whether there were traps in the way ahead, whether there were Moroccan cobras hiding in the dark waiting for an opportunity, and eliminating dangers.

Next, they passed several small hills full of gold and silver treasures and antique relics one after another, and also encountered several Moroccan cobras wandering among these treasures, but none of them were in danger.

During the march, Ye Tian did not forget to broadcast live, introducing the various gold, silver, treasures, and antiques he saw to countless viewers on the live broadcast.

"Please take a look at this marble sculpture, which is a head of Apollo, the sun god. Judging from its artistic expression and carving skills,

Probably from the early Roman Empire.

Although the appearance of this sculpture of Apollo's head is somewhat damaged, it is not concealed. This is a very good antique cultural relic with great artistic value. It should come from the hands of a master!


Let's take a look at these gold utensils again, which have a clear Byzantine artistic style. On the edge of this gorgeous and unusual gold plate, a badge of the usurper Alexios family is chiseled.

The last few centuries of the Byzantine Empire began with the usurper Alexios I. During the eleventh and twelfth centuries, they and the Crusaders were both allies and enemies.

During the Fourth Crusade, that is, in 1204, at the instigation of the Venetians, the Crusaders captured and looted Constantinople. This batch of gold should come from Constantinople.


This golden sacrificial cloak inlaid with red and sapphires obviously came from the holy city of Jerusalem. The emblem engraved on the bottom is the emblem of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. It may have been enshrined in a church in the holy city.

Looking at these gold coins, there are not only ancient Roman gold coins, but also gold coins from Europe and Arab countries in the Middle Ages. They may be the spoils of the Knights Templar, or they may be business income.”

With Ye Tian's introduction, people immediately knew more about the gold, silver treasures and antiques in the treasure of the Knights Templar.

At the same time, people have become more aware of the size of this treasure and how amazing this huge wealth is.

In front of Tomar Castle on the ground and countless live broadcast terminals, the crazy exclamation almost never stopped, one after another, resounding through every corner.

Those dazzling gold and silver treasures and valuable antique cultural relics stimulated many people's eyes to turn red, and they were so envious and even jealous that they almost went crazy, wishing they could replace Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian and the others gradually penetrated into this extremely luxurious underground palace.

As the light stretched forward bit by bit, dispelling the darkness, more of the situation in this underground palace was presented in front of everyone's eyes and on the live broadcast screen, which attracted bursts of exclamations.

And this is still only a partial situation of this underground palace.

There are still many places that Ye Tian and the others have not set foot in. Those places are still shrouded in darkness. There must be more gold, silver, treasures and antiques waiting for Ye Tian and the others to discover.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had come to a pile of boxes piled up like a hill.

Different from the gold and silver treasures and antique relics that I saw before, these boxes that were also filled with gold and silver treasures and antique relics were in a much better state of preservation.

These boxes are all bound by iron bars, and most of them still maintain their original shape. Although there are some damaged ones, the damage is not too serious.

From those broken boxes, some relatively small gold and silver treasures also fell out, all scattered on the ground.

It can be seen that these boxes are covered with dust and covered with a layer of moss, covering some marks on the boxes and some words engraved on the boxes.

Coming here, Ye Tian was not in a hurry to check these boxes and the gold and silver treasures scattered on the ground, but took a quick look at the situation here.

He didn't find any mechanism traps on the ground, the vault above, or the nearby granite pillars, and he didn't see any poisonous Moroccan cobras. It seemed that there was no danger.

But for the sake of safety, he still didn't touch these boxes with his hands.

He reached out and took out the folding engineering shovel that he carried with him, opened it, then picked out a box that seemed to be engraved with words, and gently scraped off the dust and moss on the side of the box with the engineering shovel.

Following his movements, the words engraved on the side of the box and the badge imprinted on it suddenly appeared. Although they were not very clear, they were still recognizable.

It was a few lines of French, under which were marked the numbers of the age, and the unique emblem of the Knights Templar, a pattern of two men and one horse symbolizing poor knights and brotherhood.

The moment Ye Tian saw these French words, he immediately laughed softly, and said loudly:

"Although I don't know French, I know Arabic numerals. The string of numbers 1294 engraved on this box has a very special significance in the history of the Knights Templar.

In 1291, after the tragic failure of the siege of Acre, the remaining members of the Knights Templar withdrew to the island of Cyprus, and after some repairs on the island, they withdrew to France in 1294.

But these Templars who survived the battlefield never expected that Philip IV, who was far away in Paris, had already stared at his blood-red eyes, sharpened his sword, and was ready to attack them!

When the surviving Knights Templar left the island of Cyprus, they took with them most of the wealth they had amassed over a long period of time, and brought it all to Paris, where they hid it in secret.

After Philip IV wiped out the Knights Templar, he did not get this wealth. Instead, he died suddenly while hunting not long after. The death was inexplicable. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army! "

Hearing this, everyone in Tomar Castle, as well as those who knew the history of the Knights Templar in front of the live broadcast, couldn't help but nodded in unison.

Everyone is familiar with this period of history, and knows that what Ye Tian said is correct!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"At that time, there was such a legend that before Black Friday, the Knights Templar had received inside information that Philip IV was planning to deal with them, and immediately took away the huge wealth.

They used a carriage to transport the gold and silver treasures out of Paris overnight to the naval base in La Rochelle, and then they sailed to the sea with eighteen large ships full of this huge wealth, and disappeared completely.

From then on, no one knew the whereabouts of these gold and silver treasures, but there is a folk legend that someone once saw eighteen large ships full of gold and silver treasures heading for Portugal.

At the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Portuguese royal family still maintained a close cooperative relationship with the Knights Templar, and under the tremendous pressure of Philip IV, they provided some protection to the Knights Templar.

Judging from the current situation, this folklore is very likely to be true. The astonishing amount of gold and silver treasures of the Knights Templar were indeed transported to Portugal. This is the best evidence! "

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the mottled box in front of him.

As soon as the words fell, the bishop of Kent's voice came over the walkie-talkie, proving his judgment.

"Steven, you are right. This box is clearly engraved on it. The gold, silver treasures and antique relics contained in the box belong to the Knights Templar and are part of the treasures of the Knights Templar!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Correction, Bishop of Kent, the gold and silver treasures and antiques contained in these chests, and all the worldly goods in this Templar treasury, once belonged to the Knights Templar.

However, now they belong to the Daring Dauntless Exploration Company, which is indisputable! We were the ones who discovered this magnificent subterranean palace, which led to the discovery of this Templar treasure"

Following Ye Tian's words, the entire outside world was instantly detonated!

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