Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2314 Is it a religious holy place

The exploration is still going on, Ye Tian and the others have come to the center of this underground palace, and they are staring at everything in front of them in a daze.

What appeared in front of their eyes were eight towering granite Ionic pillars, each of which was carved with exquisite patterns, all of which were derived from stories from the Bible, such as Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and so on.

These eight Ionic pillars together form a big circle, or a round hall, with a diameter of about eight meters, and the distance between every two stone pillars is completely equal and symmetrically distributed.

On the inside of the rotunda, in front of each stone pillar, stands a statue of a Templar standing with a sword in both hands and bowed head. These Templars seem to be praying devoutly.

Above this rotunda is a huge Byzantine-style circular vault, carved with exquisite zenith paintings, depicting a grand and solemn view of heaven.

Obviously, it was built in imitation of the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, just like the Sarolla Church on the ground, and anyone with relevant knowledge can tell at a glance.

Unlike other places that have been explored before, there are not a lot of dazzling gold and silver treasures and many valuable antique relics, nor are there mottled boxes piled up like hills.

On the ground here, except for the dust and moss, not even a gold coin or a gemstone can be seen, and it looks quite empty.

Although the ground here is covered with a layer of dust and covered with moss, it can be vaguely seen that there seems to be a huge five-pointed star pattern under the dust and moss, which is Solomon's seal.

In the center of the five-pointed star, that is, in the center of the rotunda, stands a statue of the Virgin Mary embracing the Holy Child and fluttering in clothes. It is about two meters high, and the carving is quite exquisite and vivid!

On both sides of this milky white marble statue is a statue of an archangel. On the left is the Archangel Michael, and on the right is another Archangel Raphael.

The statues of the two archangels are not tall, only sixty to seventy centimeters, each standing on a marble base about one meter high, looking up at the statue of the Virgin Mary in the middle.

It can be seen that on the two marble pedestals, there is a box made of gold. Although there is a layer of dust on it, it cannot cover up its bright golden light.

Looking at everything in front of them, Ye Tian and the three of them were stunned, their eyes full of shock.

Not only them, everyone in the Tomar Castle on the ground, including the Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife in the reception room, behaved the same, without exception.

But in front of countless live broadcast terminals, there was a dead silence at this time, and everyone was dumbfounded watching this scene on the live broadcast screen, their eyes full of disbelief.

Some of these devout Christian believers have been drawing the cross on their chests and praying in a low voice.

After a long time, Ye Tian and the other three woke up first.

Immediately afterwards, Walker said excitedly:

"Steven, did we walk into a religious shrine? Or did we discover a religious shrine?"

"Before today, this place might not have been a religious holy place, but it will be hard to say after today"

Ye Tian replied solemnly, with excitement in his eyes.

Following their conversation, everyone in the outside world was suddenly awakened.

In the next moment, the entire Tomar Castle, and even the entire Western world,

Immediately it boiled completely.

"Oh my god! Is it true that this is an unknown religious holy place, as Steven said? It looks very similar, this discovery is really amazing, and it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole world!"

"Wow, this is simply a Church of the Holy Sepulchre deep underground! It's incredible, what are those two golden boxes containing? Could it be a long-disappeared religious relic?"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian and the three of them quickly adjusted their emotions and were ready to continue exploring. The goal was naturally this shocking circular hall.

At this moment, Bishop of Kent's voice suddenly came over the intercom, sounding quite excited.

"Steven, can we enter this underground palace? Explore this rotunda with all of you. The situation in this rotunda is really special.

Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the two golden chests placed on the pedestals of the two archangel statues contained two long-lost religious relics.

According to the joint exploration agreement between us, all religious relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar belong to the Vatican, and we would like to retrieve these religious relics ourselves.”

Before Bishop Kent finished speaking, Father Ramirez's voice came over, and he sounded very eager.

"Steven, and us, we strongly request to participate in the next exploration operation, if the two golden boxes really contain religious relics, we hope to invite those relics together with the Vatican.

In the past 700 years, our Portuguese Jesuits have been guarding this place and have never let up for a moment. Since there are religious sacred objects hidden here, we have the right to participate in the exploration of discovering the sacred objects.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian suddenly laughed lightly, and said loudly:

"Don't worry, Bishop of Kent, I will definitely meet your request; Father Ramirez, the Portuguese Jesuits want to discover together and invite out the religious relics that may be hidden here. I can understand this feeling.

However, you need to discuss this matter with the Vatican. If the Vatican agrees, I will naturally have no objection. Since the situation in this underground palace is quite complicated, you cannot enter it yet.

This is for safety reasons. You have witnessed the whole process from the time we entered the underground secret passage to the time we came here. I don’t need to emphasize how dangerous this underground palace is!

After we have finished exploring this underground palace, figured out the scale of the Templar Knights' treasure, and made proper arrangements, it's not too late for you to come down and explore. I don't want to see anyone have an accident.

In the next exploration operation, we will open the two golden boxes at most to see what is inside. If it is really a long-lost religious relic, I will never touch them with my hands.

Because I'm an atheist, I'll leave it to Walker and Peter, who are both Christians, to open the two golden chests and examine the contents of the chests.

In this way, it must satisfy you and avoid unnecessary troubles for me. After exploring this treasure of the Knights Templar, I will bring you down again. I believe it will not take long."

Following Ye Tian's words, the intercom fell silent. The Bishop of Kent and Father Ramirez were obviously thinking or discussing in low voices.

After a while, the bishop of Kent's voice came.

"Okay, Steven, we are waiting for your good news in the church, I hope it won't take too long"

After finishing these things, Ye Tian immediately began to issue orders to prepare for the next step of exploration.

"Walker, Peter, wipe the floor. If I'm not mistaken, there is a huge Solomon's seal on the floor of the rotunda, which should be arranged with stone slabs of different colors and heights.

It is very likely that this was written by Guardim Pais. The specific meaning is unknown for the time being, and further exploration is needed. It may be closely related to the things in the two golden boxes in the center of the hall.

Also, things are a little bit off here, in this rotunda, I don't see a Moroccan cobra, and outside of this rotunda, I always see the venomous ones.

Those guys seem to be very afraid of this place, they would rather go around than enter this rotunda, you must be on high alert, don't leave me too far, there may be a huge danger hidden here."

When he said these words, Ye Tian's tone was quite dignified, and his face was also very serious.

Of course, this is just a performance, for the people on the ground and the countless audiences on the live broadcast.

What is hidden in this rotunda? Is there any danger? What was in those two golden chests? Ye Tian had already seen clearly through perspective.

Infected by him, Walker and Peter immediately tensed up, looking around vigilantly.

Everyone in Tomar Castle, as well as everyone in front of the countless live broadcast terminals, became nervous unconsciously, holding their breath and staring at the live broadcast screen!

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