Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2326 Who can be reconciled?

As soon as he walked out of the prayer room, Ye Tian was stopped by two TV hosts who were broadcasting live. He had to deal with these guys a few words, and then performed again.

Afterwards, he walked towards the Bishop of Kent, who was eager to see through, and Father Ramirez, who was so excited that he was almost crazy, with a bright smile on his face.

The hosts of the two TV stations were stopped by Jason and the others, and they were not allowed to come closer. Some things still cannot be made public, such as how to divide up the treasure of the Knights Templar.

When he came close, before Ye Tian could stand firm, the Bishop of Kent whispered excitedly:

"Steven, you guys have done a great job! Discovering this huge treasure of the Knights Templar, as well as religious relics that used to exist only in legends, is truly a great discovery that will surely go down in the history books !"

After saying that, the Bishop of Kent gave Ye Tianlai a warm hug, he didn't mind the dust and moss on his body at all, and didn't care about these at all.

After the hug, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"The situation of this treasure of the Knights Templar is really beyond my expectation, and I did not expect that this treasure is so huge, it is really a huge surprise.

As for the few religious relics that only existed in legends in the past, it was even more unexpected to find them in this underground world. To be honest, I never thought of them.”

As soon as the words fell, Father Ramirez picked up the conversation, his voice trembling slightly with excitement.

"Thank you, Steven, you are indeed the top professional treasure hunter in the world today, and your reputation is indeed well-deserved, thank you for discovering this treasure of the Knights Templar and those religious relics.

Over the past 700 years, we, the Jesuits, and countless treasure hunters from all over the world have tried their best to find this treasure of the Knights Templar, but in the end they all failed.

The Portuguese Jesuits have been guarding here for more than 700 years. It never occurred to them that there is such a huge underground palace hidden in the depths of the Tomar Castle. It is incredible.

And the treasure of the Knights Templar that countless people are looking for is hidden under our noses, but we don't know anything about it. If it weren't for you, God knows when this huge treasure will appear! "

Ye Tian looked at this senior Jesuit monk, nodded with a smile and said:

"You are Welcome,

Father Ramirez, the reason why we came to Tomar is to explore the treasure of the Knights Templar. Now that we have discovered the treasure of the Knights Templar, our trip is worthwhile.

And those legendary religious relics are huge surprises. Their value and significance far exceed those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasure.

Although this exploration operation is not over yet, the result is already clear, we, the Vatican, the Jesuits and the Portuguese government, all of us have gained something, and everyone is happy."

Saying that, Ye Tian shook hands with Father Ramirez, with a bright smile full of satisfaction.

Looking at Father Ramirez again, his face has changed. The Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal and Barbosa are also the same, and their faces have become extremely ugly.

After a short pause, Barbosa gritted his molars and said:

"Everyone has their own gains? I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, Steven, can you explain? What can we Tomar gain through this great discovery that shocked the world?"

Ye Tian looked at this old friend and the other two Portuguese, then smiled and said:

"According to the joint exploration agreement signed by our company and the Vatican, our Daring Blame Exploration Company gets all the secular property in the treasure of the Knights Templar discovered, and the Vatican gets all the religious relics.

Specific to this treasure of the Knights Templar, the dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasure all belong to us, and the few religious holy objects that only exist in legends belong to the Vatican.

As for the Portuguese government, it will receive a series of promises from the Vatican, such as large investment, political, religious, economic, cultural and diplomatic support, and the value is not necessarily lower than treasures.

What the Portuguese Jesuits and Tomar got was a world-famous religious holy place. With the birth of those legendary religious relics, Tomar has a great possibility to become a religious holy place.

Coupled with the magnificent underground palace, it will definitely attract countless attention and tourists to visit and become a religious and tourist holy place. This is Tomar's biggest harvest.

The resulting huge impact and steady stream of benefits will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes to the small city of Tomar, which will become internationally renowned. I believe everyone can see the benefits of this.

Those Templar statues and their equipment, and the sarcophagus in this underground palace, and the three priceless marble statues by the master in the rotunda, I can keep them here.

With these things, you only need to make a little modification to build an elevator or passage leading directly to the deep underground, and you can completely reproduce this religious holy place hidden deep underground in front of all visitors.

If Tomar and the Portuguese Jesuits want more things, such as those religious relics, you'd better negotiate with the Vatican, the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasure all belong to our company"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Father Ramirez, Barbosa and the others looked a little better, but their teeth were itching with hatred, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

They knew very well in their hearts that with the extremely greedy behavior of the bastard in front of them, everyone should forget about the gold, silver treasures and antique relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar, and they will not touch a hair!

Unless the Portuguese government completely rips its face, tears up the previously signed four-party agreement, and forcibly detains this batch of crazy treasures and those legendary religious sacred objects.

In that case, it is bound to offend the Vatican, the United States, this crazy bastard Steven, and perhaps those paranoid and cruel Israelis.

Portugal is just a small country in southern Europe, can it withstand such heavy pressure? Just the crazy revenge of this bastard Steven, I am afraid that Portugal will be devastated!

Thinking of this, Barbosa, Father Ramirez and others couldn't help but feel heavier, and their hearts were full of unwillingness and remorse!

This huge treasure of the Knights Templar and those religious relics have been here, sleeping under the noses of the Jesuits and Tomars for more than seven hundred years, but they have never been discovered.

Now that the Vatican and the bastard Steven are cheap, the Portuguese Jesuits and Tomar can only deal with the leftovers, and they also have to look at other people's faces. Who would be willing to do this?

But thinking that Tomar is very likely to become a religious holy place and a tourist attraction, Barbosa and the others also felt some comfort, their mood was somewhat better, and they had a little more hope for the future.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the process of exploring the treasure to these few people, and briefly talked about how the follow-up work will be carried out, such as how to clean up this huge treasure.

While speaking, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie.

"Steven, the US ambassador to Portugal, the cultural counselor, and others have arrived at Tomar Castle, entered the castle, and are walking towards the church, accompanied by several security personnel.

When they entered the castle, the Portuguese Presidential Guard and the Swiss Guard checked their identity and there was no problem. Do we need to do another check? Will the American ambassador and his party be allowed to enter the church?

Another point is that the convoy of the Israeli ambassador to Portugal has just arrived in Tomar and is heading towards the castle, and will arrive here soon. The Israelis are obviously coming for those religious holy objects.”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Matisse, for the sake of safety, you should take the guys to check the identity documents of the US ambassador and others to confirm their identities, so that there is no need for a body search, and don't let them enter the Sarolla Church.

The interior space of the Sarolla Church is limited. Later, we will move a large amount of equipment in and carry out operations to clean up the treasure of the Knights Templar. It is not appropriate to let too many idlers in, as it will cause interference.

I happen to be going to meet His Majesty the Pope and the President of Portugal, and I will meet the ambassador and the Israeli ambassador who came later, and introduce the treasure of the Knights Templar to them.”

"Okay, Steven, leave the outside to us"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Next, Ye Tian told Jason and the others a few words, and then he took David and walked towards the church gate with the Bishop of Kent and Father Ramirez.

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