Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2327 Unhappy Life

This is a small lounge, which is quite plainly furnished. It is next to the reception room of Tomar Castle, and there is only one door separated from the reception room.

At this moment, there were only three people in this lounge, Ye Tian, ​​the Pope, and the Portuguese President who had changed their coats and washed briefly, and there was no one else.

As for David, Bishop of Kent, Sister Sophia and Father Ramirez, as well as the American ambassador to Portugal and the Israeli ambassador who arrived later, they all stayed in the reception room outside.

The reason why Ye Tian and the Pope are in this lounge is of course that they have something to discuss, and it is inconvenient for others to know about these things, such as some private transactions and so on.

The conversation was coming to an end, the Portuguese President stood up from the sofa, shook hands with Ye Tian again, and said with a toothache:

"Steven, after the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the Knights Templar's treasure are transported to the ground, and the inventory and valuation work is completed, we will talk about the transaction. Please be merciful then!"

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, Mr. President, to show my sincerity, I will sell you all the gold, silver, treasures and antiques that you like in Portugal at a 50% discount on the market value.

After the completion of this series of antique art transactions, you Portugal will receive a huge amount of taxes and get back part of the funds. In this way, you can earn a lot!

For the remaining gold, silver treasures and antiques, I plan to transport them all back to New York and deal with them slowly in the future. When we leave Portugal, I hope you will show your respect! "

Hearing this, the Portuguese President immediately rolled his eyes angrily, complaining secretly.

You, an extremely greedy bastard, are planning to use the US heavy transport plane to transport away the gold, silver treasures and antiques in the treasure of the Knights Templar. We can do it without being too expensive!

Of course, this is just the mental activity of the Portuguese president, and he did not resort to it.

In the just-concluded secret negotiations, he won a lot of benefits for Portugal, otherwise it would not be possible to agree to Ye Tianyun so easily to take away the crazy treasure.

Next, the Pope stepped forward again, shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​and said with a little regret:

"Steven, the three religious relics you discovered this time are completely beyond our expectations.

It can be called an unexpected surprise, and it is a very huge surprise, and it is a series of great discoveries.

When we reached a cooperation intention and signed a joint exploration agreement before, the purpose was to explore the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, and our main goal in the Vatican was to find the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant.

After a series of amazing exploration operations, you have successfully discovered several treasures of the Knights Templar, and found many long-lost religious relics that only exist in legends,

However, the joint exploration team has never found the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant. I have to say that this is somewhat disappointing. If you can find those two most holy things, it will be perfect! "

Hearing the Pope's words, Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but took a deep look at the old man, and then said with a smile:

"Your Majesty, there is a saying in China that nine out of ten times life is unsatisfactory. There are few things that are perfect in the world. Instead of forcing it, it is better to follow the fate, and a miracle may appear at any time.

If the long-held legends are true, that the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant fell into the hands of the Knights Templar and were hidden by them, then it may be possible for these two most holy objects to be hidden in this underground palace.

In this magnificent palace deep underground, there may be many secrets or hidden treasures that have not been discovered by us, and the exploration operation just now can only be said to be fleeting."

Following Ye Tian's words, the eyes of the Pope and the Portuguese President suddenly lit up, shining like two pairs of searchlights.

And the eyes they looked at Ye Tian were full of anticipation, extremely hot, and somewhat puzzled.

Did Steven find a hidden secret room in that underground palace? Even found the Holy Grail and the Ark? It was only kept secret for the sake of gaining greater benefits.

Such a thing, Steven, a greedy guy, can definitely do it. This guy's pursuit of money and wealth seems to be endless!

In the reception room outside, David, Bishop Kent, and the others had been waiting for more than half an hour, and everyone was somewhat anxious.

Especially the Israeli ambassador to Portugal, fidgeting like an ant on a hot pot!

He kept patting his thighs lightly with his hands, and his eyes were fixed on the door leading to the lounge, not even willing to blink his eyelids.

Finally, the door opened.

Ye Tian walked into the reception room first, followed by the Pope and the Portuguese President. The three talked and laughed very harmoniously.

Seeing them coming in, everyone in the reception room immediately stood up from their sofas and looked at them with excitement and anticipation.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the Pope had already arrived at the center of the reception room and stopped in their tracks.

Immediately afterwards, the Pope and the President of Portugal nodded slightly at Ye Tian, ​​indicating that he could start the performance.

Ye Tian naturally did his part, he quickly scanned the crowd, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Everyone, I announce one thing. In one hour, the work of cleaning up the Byzantine palace deep underground in Tomar Castle and cleaning up the treasure of the Knights Templar will officially begin!

First of all, I will take people into the secret passage and the underground palace to do some preparatory work, such as arranging safety ropes, spreading snake repellent, strengthening the aerial cableway, etc., to eliminate all kinds of safety hazards as much as possible.

In view of the fact that the underground world under our feet is very complicated, full of traps, and there are many highly poisonous Moroccan cobras, it can be described as dangerous, and the cleaning work must be extremely cautious.

For safety reasons, the cleaning team that first entered the underground palace will be led by me personally, and must be employees of our fearless exploration company, and there should not be too many people going down to clean up.

This means that the cleaning work will be very long, and may last for a few days. Obviously, it is a very hard work, and we will count the items in this Templar treasure one by one,..."

Just now, the Israeli ambassador suddenly interjected and said:

"Steven, may I ask, how do you plan to clean up those legendary religious relics? Those religious relics are extremely important to Israel and have special significance. I hope we can also participate in the cleanup work!"

Ye Tian looked at the Israeli, then at the Pope and the Bishop of Kent, before giving his answer.

"Mr. Ambassador, here I can make it clear that during the process of cleaning up the treasures of the Knights Templar, neither I nor our company's employees will touch those legendary religious relics.

In fact, those few religious relics will be the last priceless treasures to be transported out of this underground palace. The cleaning and transshipment work will be undertaken by the Vatican, and our company's employees will not be involved.

Everyone is very clear about the importance and special significance of those religious items. It seems that there should be a solemn ceremony to transport them out of the underground palace and reappear in the world.

If you, Israel, want to participate in this matter, you can negotiate with the Vatican. I believe that you will negotiate a result that satisfies both parties. How to negotiate has nothing to do with me.

No matter what agreement you reach between the two parties, as long as it does not harm the interests of our Dauntless Exploration Company and does not interfere with our actions to clean up the treasures of the Templar Knights, I am happy to see it come to fruition."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the Israeli ambassador couldn't help but nodded slightly, and didn't say anything more.

Next, Ye Tian picked up the topic just now and continued to introduce the upcoming clean-up operation.

After speaking a few words, there was a sudden roar of a helicopter engine outside the window of the reception room, interrupting his conversation.

Hearing this deafening whistling sound, everyone in the reception room turned their heads to look at the sky outside the window at the same time!

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