Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2330 This is Hell

Under Ye Tian's command, Derek and the others sprinkled powerful snake repellent on the platform, clearing out a large enough safe space.

Next, Ye Tian took the lead to pass the air bridge above the cliff, and used the white elf coiled on his wrist to disperse several Moroccan cobras entrenched on the air bridge and the opposite platform.

After confirming safety, Walker also passed the air bridge to the cliff where the underground palace was located.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others began to strengthen the aerial cableway, and used the drilling equipment and steel cables they carried to pull up another cableway above the air corridor bridge, which was double insurance.

In this way, no matter whether it is personnel coming and going on the air bridge, or transferring the gold and silver treasures and antiques in the treasure, it can basically be foolproof.

After erecting the second aerial cableway and checking it to be sure that it was very strong, the rest of the company employees and security personnel passed through the air bridge and came to the side of the cliff.

As before, Derek and the others also sprinkled powerful snake repellent on the platform here, so as not to wait for everyone to enter the underground palace, where it will be occupied by those Moroccan cobras again.

After completing these tasks, Ye Tian led Walker and the others into the cave, and then into the magnificent underground palace.

As soon as they entered here, Derek and those guys were completely shocked by everything in front of them, and they immediately exclaimed.

"Wow! This underground palace is really spectacular and magnificent, far more exaggerated and shocking than what I saw on the live broadcast before!"

"It's really hard to imagine, how did the Knights Templar build this underground palace in the first place? To build such an underground palace, it must spend a lot of financial and material resources, as well as a lot of manpower!

How did they manage not to leak any information? And how did those innumerable boxes full of gold, silver, treasures and antique relics escape everyone's eyes and ears and be transported here? "

While being shocked by this magnificent underground palace, Derek and the others also had a lot of questions in their hearts, and this was also a question in the hearts of many people on the live broadcast side.

No matter in any era, it is almost impossible to build such a magnificent underground palace and hide countless huge treasures here without leaking any news.

Ye Tian looked at Derek and the others, then smiled and said loudly:


If the Knights Templar wanted to build this magnificent underground palace, they would have to spend huge financial and material resources, as well as countless manpower. It was almost impossible to keep it completely secret.

How did they do it? Of course there are reasons. In the Middle Ages, the Knights Templar was not only a powerful military organization, but also the richest consortium in Europe.

According to historical records, they are the biggest creditors of almost all Crusader countries, because the Knights Templar has always had a good reputation, and even their enemies borrow or deposit from them.

The demise of the Knights Templar was precisely because of their huge wealth, which stimulated countless people to be jealous and even crazy, so the French King Philip IV raised his butcher knife to them

From this point of view, we can see that the Knights Templar do not lack the financial and material resources to build such an underground palace, and with their incomparable strength, such consumption is not a problem at all.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded in unison, and there was no disagreement.

The treasure of the Knights Templar, which is enough to make everyone crazy, is the most direct proof, and it is irrefutable!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"Let's talk about the manpower for building this underground palace. Everyone knows that after Tomar became the territory of the Knights Templar, it was the front line of the Knights Templar's battle against the Moors for a long time.

Then I would like to make a bold guess, could the people who built this underground palace be the Moors who were captured by the Knights Templar? And all the Moors who built this underground palace were buried here.

Somewhere in this subterranean palace, probably at the base of that dark cliff, may be filled with the bones of the Moors, and the dead Moors will not tell the truth."

"I'm going! This is too terrifying. Could it be that this magnificent underground palace was really built by countless Moorish prisoners of war? Or it should be said that it was built with human life and flesh and blood!"

"Oh my god! This speculation is too bloody and crazy. If it is really like what Steven said, how many resentful souls of the Moors must be in this underground palace! It is no exaggeration to say it is hell!

The highly poisonous Moroccan cobras entrenched in this underground palace may be transformed by the resentful souls of the Moors! That's why the Tomar people were tortured for more than 700 years, obviously for revenge! "

The Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as the countless live broadcast terminals, suddenly boiled, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words.

Especially the many citizens of Tomar, everyone felt chills and shivering in the back, and even felt that the resentful spirits of the Moorish prisoners of war were beside them, and the cold wind was blowing.

Ye Tianqing's clear voice continued to spread, reaching everyone's ears.

"More than 800 years have passed, and the bones of the Moors should have been turned into mud and completely integrated into this underground world! As for how the Knights Templar hide a large amount of gold, silver, treasures and antiques without leaking the secrets?

In fact, it is very simple. From the 12th century to the beginning of the 14th century, the entire Tomar belonged to the Knights Templar. They only needed to secretly transport the boxes full of gold, silver, treasures and antiques into the Tomar Castle.

Next, they only need to close the gate of Tomar Castle, and the outside world cannot know what they are doing inside. In order to keep it secret, they can use very few people to do this, and time is not an issue at all.”

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent, and Derek and the others were all dumbfounded.

They even looked back at the passage leading to the cliff behind, and everyone's eyes flashed with fear and fear.

After a while, these guys just woke up, and immediately expressed emotion.

"Wow! Steven, if your guess is correct, then this place is really a hell, it's too scary!"

"Isn't it? When I think that those Moroccan cobras may be transformed by the resentful spirits of the Moors, I have a chilling feeling!"

Listening to these guys' words, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing.

"Guys, don't be afraid. What I said just now is just my speculation. Whether it is accurate or not needs to be verified. More than 800 years have passed, and it is even impossible to verify these things.

Even if those Moroccan cobras are transformed by the resentful souls of Moorish prisoners of war, I have a way to deal with them to ensure everyone's safety, and they don't want to stop us from getting this treasure."

Following Ye Tian's words, Derek's and the others' emotions immediately eased a lot, and they were no longer so nervous.

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the dazzling gold and silver treasures and valuable antiques piled up a few meters ahead, and said loudly with a smile:

"Guys, let's get to work, except for those few religious relics, all the gold and silver treasures and antiques in this Templar treasure belong to our company.

There are sculptures from ancient Greece and Rome, gold coins from various European countries in the Middle Ages, as well as many gold products and antique relics, as well as countless jewelry and diamonds.

Your task is to clean up all these dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics, and then transport them to the ground, and then you can celebrate to your heart's content."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of excited cheers in this magnificent palace located deep in the ground.

And in front of countless live broadcasts, many people are already envious and almost crazy, and some guys are even red-eyed with jealousy, wishing they could replace Ye Tian!

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