Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2331 heavyweight talks

Under the leadership of Ye Tian, ​​and under the protection of Walker and the others, Derek and others sprinkled the powerful snake medicine all over the underground palace, not sparing a single corner.

Coupled with the powerful deterrent power of the little guy White Elf, all the Moroccan cobras entrenched in this underground palace were all driven out.

After confirming that this place is completely safe, Ye Tiantian instructed several company employees under him to start cleaning up the treasure of the Knights Templar.

For safety reasons, he also participated in the cleanup operation, and stayed with these guys all the time, not daring to let them out of his sight.

At this time, more than an hour had passed since they entered this magnificent underground palace again.

Just as they started the operation to clean up the treasure, Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the Prime Minister of Israel leads a large delegation, which has just arrived at Lisbon Airport, and is now driving to Tomar, and will arrive here in half an hour.

According to the news from Washington and the news from Raytheon Security Company's European intelligence personnel, Israel's Mossad agents deployed in various European countries have already acted.

The goals of those guys are very clear, and they are all moving here. Obviously, those guys are all here for a few religious relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar. The visitors are not good!

In addition to the Israelis, the ambassadors of major European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Spain to Portugal are also on their way to Tomar, and the agents of these countries are not idle.

According to reports from the guys who stayed at the bottom of the mountain, in the past few hours, a lot of guys with strange faces have poured into the city of Tomar, and many of them look quite capable!

Then there are those churches and religious organizations, such as the Greek Orthodox Church, the Armenian Church, Lutherans, etc., they have also launched operations, and many religious leaders are rushing to Tomar”

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian did not respond immediately, but walked aside, turned off the high-definition camera and microphone that he carried with him for live broadcast, and then whispered:

"Matisse, I have already expected these situations, especially the Israelis and those churches and religious organizations, seeing those religious sacred objects that only existed in legends in the past, it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent.

Since these people are going to come to Tomar, we can't stop them. It's their freedom. I believe the Vatican and Portugal have also received related news. Regarding this matter,

They must be more attentive.

You can share the intelligence about those secret agents with the Vatican and the Portuguese government to see how they deal with those bad guys. We just need to keep the Sarolla Church.

The Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife were both in the Tomar Castle. No matter how courageous those guys with ulterior motives were, they would not dare to risk the disgrace of the world, and rushed directly into the Tomar Castle to snatch the holy objects.

When the Israeli Prime Minister and his party and ambassadors from various countries arrive in Tomar to start talks with the Vatican and the Portuguese government, we will intervene in it to ensure that our interests are not violated.

In addition, don't forget to warn the Portuguese police to seal off the valley and woods around Tomar Castle, so that no one can take advantage of those places, dig indiscriminately in the valley, or carry out blasting"

"Okay, Steven, I know what to do, just take it easy"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

Ye Tian turned on the high-definition camera and microphone for live broadcast again, walked back to Derek and the others, and continued to clean up the treasure of the Knights Templar.

He just came back, and before he could stand still, Derek picked up a gorgeous golden cross and asked curiously:

"Steven, where did this golden cross come from? Which family's badge is on the back, or which country's royal family's badge is it? I've never seen it before."

Ye Tian looked at the gleaming golden cross, pondered for a moment, then smiled and said:

"This golden cross comes from the Edessa County, and the badge on the back is the ruler of this Crusader country, the badge of the Earl Jocelyn family of Edessa.

The County of Edessa is the weakest of the crusader countries, and it is isolated in the sea of ​​Muslims. Its existence is very short, less than half a century.

During the Second Crusade in 9 years, King Jocelyn II of Edessa participated in the Eastern Expedition and attacked the Seljuks, but failed and was captured and the country was destroyed.

Although Edessa was short-lived, weak and almost forgotten by everyone, the crusader state contributed to European acceptance of the Armenians.

It's normal that you haven't seen the coat of arms of the Jocelyn family, because the antiques and relics handed down in the Edessa County are very rare, and many experts and scholars may not know them."

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, Derek suddenly understood, and so did many viewers on the live broadcast.

Soon, forty minutes passed.

Inside the entrance of this underground palace, there were more than twenty sealed black bags, each bag was bulging, and there were two safety locks hanging on it.

These black bags have the same specifications, one meter long, sixty centimeters high, and fifty centimeters wide. They are all woven with Kevlar fibers. They are specially used to transfer gold, silver, treasures and antique relics. They are so strong that even bullets cannot penetrate them. .

The things packed in these bags are exactly the large amount of gold and silver treasures and antiques that Ye Tian and the others have just cleaned up, and they are going to be transported to the ground.

The gold and silver treasures and antiques in these bags are only a small part of this huge Templar treasure.

After packing the gold, silver, treasures and antique relics, Ye Tian carefully checked the black bags, and after confirming that there were no problems, he said to the people around him:

"Guys, let's get started, let's get these bags out of this underground palace, across the sky bridge on the cliff, and then bring them to the surface"

"Okay, Steven"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and everyone was extremely excited.

Next, Ye Tian led Derek and the others to transport the black bags full of gold, silver, treasures and antiques to the outside platform one by one.

Afterwards, Walker took three company employees through the air bridge one after another and arrived at the platform opposite the cliff.

After they settled down there and confirmed their safety, they began to use the two aerial cableways to transfer the black bags full of gold, silver, treasures and antique relics.

Everything went very smoothly. It didn't take long for more than twenty black bags to be transported to the opposite platform without any problems.

In order to ensure Walker's safety and avoid a possible Moroccan cobra attacking suddenly, Ye Tian led the rest of them to the platform through the air bridge one after another.

Next, everyone began to transfer these bags full of gold and silver treasures and antique relics to the ground.

Jason and the rest of the company's employees who stayed on the ground used the winches and slings installed in the prayer room to cooperate with Ye Tian and the others to lift these heavy bags to the ground one by one.

After these priceless bags are hoisted to the ground, David will number them one by one and seal them, and then transfer them to a corner of the Sarolla Church, where they will be guarded by heavily armed security personnel.

Soon, more than 20 bags were all hoisted to the ground, but Ye Tian and the others still stayed deep underground and did not come up.

Just as Ye Tian was about to take people through the air bridge again to continue cleaning up the gold, silver treasures and antiques in the Knights Templar's treasure, Jason's voice suddenly came from the wireless earphones.

"Steven, the Israeli president and his party, the ambassadors of several major western countries to Portugal, and several leaders from different churches and religious organizations have all rushed to Tomar Castle.

As soon as they arrived, they asked for a meeting with the Pope and the Portuguese President to discuss the ownership of the several religious relics hidden deep underground. Shall we participate in this multi-party meeting? "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned off the live microphone, and said in a low voice:

"You and David can attend the meeting as a bystander to ensure that our interests are not violated, and tell all parties involved that no one can enter this underground world without my permission.

I don’t care about the ownership of those religious relics, they will come down and clean up those religious relics after we clear all the secular property in this Templar treasure.”

"Understood, Steven, leave this to me and David"

Jason responded excitedly, his voice sounded a little floaty.

It's no wonder, where has he participated in such a high-level, highly anticipated meeting!

After the call was over, Ye Tian turned on the live broadcast microphone, and then led Walker and Derek through the air bridge in turn, and entered the underground palace again.

On the ground, Tomar Castle is already very lively, and a heavyweight meeting will start soon.

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