Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2332 Bigger Surprise

Soon, nearly an hour passed.

During this period of time, two more batches of bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antique relics were transported to the ground one after another, and put together with the first batch of bags that were transported to the ground.

At this time, in the Shaluola Church, there was already a small hill, which was piled up in a corner of the church, firmly attracting everyone's attention, and everyone's eyeballs were a little red when stimulated.

Around this black hill, five heavily armed security personnel with assault rifles stand guarding this priceless hill, and no one can approach it.

Even the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company, as well as the security personnel who obey Ye Tian's orders, cannot approach here without legitimate reasons.

After the third batch of bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antique relics were brought up to the ground and placed in place, the underground tunnel suddenly fell silent.

But everyone in the Shalaola Church is excited and energetic at this time, and they don't feel tired at all, even though everyone has been busy for most of the day and has been in a state of excitement!

Especially the few brave and fearless exploration company employees who stayed in the prayer room and guarded the edge of the pit. Everyone's eyes lit up with excitement, as if they had been slapped with chicken blood!

Suddenly, the door of the church, which had been closed tightly, was pushed open from the outside.

Jason, David, Bishop of Kent, Father Ramirez and others walked into the Sarolla church one after another.

Outside the church door behind them, there are a group of guys with strange faces standing scattered in small groups

There were politicians in suits, prelates in different monkish attire, rabbis in yarmulke 'kippas', historians and archaeologists, and some tough guys .

These people came with Jason and the others, but when they reached the door of the Shaola church, they all stopped. They just stood outside the door of the church and looked into the church.

Without exception, the eyes of these guys are extremely hot and full of expectation, and some guys even have red eyes, which looks a bit scary.

One counts as one, each of them wished he could step into the church immediately, enter the magnificent prayer room, and then enter the magnificent palace deep underground along the secret passage.

But they resisted the urge,

They all stopped outside the church door and waited patiently.

In fact, they couldn't take half a step forward without Ye Tian's permission.

Those armed security guards guarding the church door are blocking them and staring at them, which is enough to dispel all their illusions!

Each of them knew very well in their hearts that if they tried to force their way into this ancient church, they would definitely be hit mercilessly, and they would be self-defeating, which would run counter to the purpose of this trip.

Even though the guy who controlled the Shalaola Church was in the palace deep underground, no one dared to ignore his existence, let alone provoke that always magical, but ruthless guy.

Seeing this scene at the entrance of the church, everyone in the Sarolla Church knew that the multi-party talks held in the banquet hall of Tomar Castle had ended, but they didn't know the result.

After entering Shaola Church, Jason signaled to the two security guards guarding the inside of the door to close the door of the church, blocking the sight of those guys outside the church.

Next, David walked straight to the pile of bags full of gold and silver treasures and antique relics, ready to check the bags that had just been transported to the ground to see if they were coded, sealed or not, and so on.

Jason, Bishop of Kent and others walked towards the prayer room.

When they came closer, the Bishop of Kent and Father Ramirez were stopped by the security personnel and could only stay outside the prayer room, while Jason walked into the prayer room unimpeded.

As soon as he came in, the kid whispered through the wireless invisible headset:

"Steven, the multi-party talks have ended, and the results have been released. As you expected, those guys who came to Tomar in a hurry all came for those religious sacred objects.

Especially for the Israelis, the Prime Minister personally led a team of high-level government officials, religious leaders, and various experts and scholars. The specification of the delegation was very high, and it looked a little scary.

After some negotiations, both the Vatican and the Portuguese government made some concessions, and reached a consensus with the Israelis and other people from all walks of life. The details will be discussed later.

For the secular property in the treasure of the Knights Templar, those guys did not show covetousness, or temporarily ignored it, they could only hide their greedy desire well."

The next moment, Ye Tian's voice came from the earphones.

"That's fine. As long as it doesn't harm our company's interests, I'm happy to see how the Vatican handles those religious sacred objects. As for their covetousness, they'd better keep it hidden!"

After the words fell, Jason immediately continued:

"At the end of the meeting, all parties involved in the meeting requested that they want to enter the underground palace and see the religious sacred objects with their own eyes, and then decide to hold a ceremony and transport the sacred object to the ground."

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but fell silent, and gave the answer after a while.

"They can be allowed to come down, but each country, church, or religious organization can only send one representative down to see these religious sacred objects with their own eyes, and no one more is allowed.

They also know the situation in this underground palace. It can be said that there are dangers everywhere. Just the air bridge above the cliff is enough to make many people flinch and their legs go weak.

What's more, there are many highly poisonous Moroccan cobras hiding in the dark. Those guys are even more dangerous. If there are too many people coming down, I can't take care of them.

Let Bishop Kent and Mattis bring those guys down. Before entering the underground tunnel, each of them will undergo a security check, that is, a body search, and they cannot carry any weapons.

Moreover, each of them has to take safety precautions and record a video statement that if any accident happens to them in this underground world, it has nothing to do with our company.

If they can accept these conditions, then they can come down to this underground palace, if not, then please leave them and wait patiently for the result outside the church."

"No problem, Steven, I'll tell those guys right now. In my opinion, those guys will definitely nod and agree without hesitation. No matter how dangerous the underground is, those guys can't miss this opportunity."

Jason continued, speaking with certainty.

Next, Ye Tian gave this kid a few more words before ending the call.

Afterwards, Jason walked out of the prayer room, came to the Bishop of Kent, Father Ramirez and others, and told them what Ye Tian meant.

Hearing his words, these people immediately cheered excitedly.

"It's really not easy, this guy Steven is a rare favor! No problem, I accept these conditions, as long as I can enter the underground palace and see those religious sacred objects with my own eyes, other things are easy to talk about!"

"Great! I also accept Steven's conditions, and those guys outside must be the same. No one will refuse. As long as you can see those religious relics as soon as possible, the body search is nothing!"

After a while, the cheers just fell.

Immediately afterwards, Jason and Bishop Kent walked towards the door of the church to inform those waiting outside the door.

When they walked out of the Sarolla Church, there was a burst of cheers outside the church door, resounding throughout the entire Tomar Castle!

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the underground palace, turned his head and glanced at the marble statue of Guardim Pais standing against the wall not far away, and the sarcophagus behind the statue.

It seems that it is time to uncover the secret behind this sarcophagus and bring a bigger surprise to the world!

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