Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2333 representatives of all parties

Forty minutes later, when Ye Tian and the others sent another batch of black bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques over the cliff and hoisted them to the ground, this underground world ushered in a new batch of visitors.

These visitors are representatives of various forces who came to Tomar Castle, including politicians, religious leaders, historians and archaeologists, as well as top antique art appraisal experts, etc.

Some of them Ye Tian knew, such as Barbosa and Father Ramirez, Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel, and several top experts in the identification of antique works of art.

Led by Mattis and the Bishop of Kent, they carefully walked down the spiral staircase and entered this underground world.

When they came out of the spiral staircase and saw this underground space, they were all stunned, even though they had seen everything here on the live broadcast.

"Wow! This place is really spectacular. Who would have thought that there is such an underground space in the depths of Tomar Castle, but we have not noticed it in the past seven hundred years!"

Father Ramirez said with emotion, eyes full of disbelief.

There is no doubt that he is the one who feels the deepest here.

Since the Middle Ages, Tomar Castle has always belonged to the Portuguese Jesuits. The treasures of the Knights Templar and those religious relics are hidden under their noses, but they are ignorant. Can you not be moved?

Of course, it's more about regret and heart-piercing pain.

Not only Father Ramirez, but everyone else was completely shocked by what they saw, and everyone was amazed.

After a while, when these guys calmed down a bit, Ye Tiancai stepped forward and greeted them one by one.

"Good afternoon, Joshua, nice to see you again, welcome to Tomar, welcome to this underground world"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and shook hands with the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel.

In Jerusalem, London and other places, he has dealt with this high-ranking Israeli official more than once, and he can be regarded as an old friend.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm also very happy to see you again, but I didn't expect that the place where we met was deep underground. It's so strange, and everything here is too shocking."

Joshua shook hands with Ye Tian,

After a few polite words, his eyes were full of excitement.

Next, Ye Tian shook hands with the representatives of the other parties one by one. He was polite and behaved very appropriately.

During this process, these guys, whether familiar or unfamiliar, looked at him with envy and even jealousy in their eyes, which could not be concealed at all.

After going through the procedures on the scene, Ye Tian raised his hand and pointed to the platform on the other side of the cliff, and said with a serious face:

"Gentlemen, the underground palace that hides the treasures of the Knights Templar and those religious relics is just opposite the cliff. We must first pass this cliff before entering the underground palace.

Next, we will arrange for everyone to pass through the air bridge on the cliff one by one. During this process, everyone must obey our command and must not act without authorization for safety.

After successfully arriving at the platform on the opposite side of the cliff, everyone still has to obey the command and enter the underground palace under our leadership to visit and appreciate the religious holy objects.

Everyone must know something about the situation in this underground world. It can be said that there are many institutions and there are many highly poisonous Moroccan cobras. If you are not careful, you may encounter danger."

"No problem, Steven, before entering this underground secret passage, your security personnel introduced the situation here. We all understand and are mentally prepared, and we will definitely obey your instructions."

Father Ramirez nodded and said, looking impatient.

The rest of the people also responded without any disagreement.

Ye Tian nodded lightly, then said loudly with a smile:

"This is the best way, gentlemen, let's start now. The Bishop of Kent will cross the air bridge first, and when he successfully reaches the opposite platform, the people behind will follow and pass one by one."

Hearing this, the Bishop of Kent's face suddenly changed, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

But he didn't back down. With so many people watching the scene and countless pairs of eyes on the live broadcast watching what happened here, as a representative of the Vatican, he couldn't allow him to back down.

And the magnificent underground palace on the other side of the cliff, as well as the several religious relics displayed in that underground palace, are very attractive to him.

Compared with this, the fear of passing through this air bridge is nothing!

After the words were finished, Ye Tian brought the Bishop of Kent to the front of the air bridge, and picked up a set of safety ropes and rigging for the Bishop of Kent to wear on his body.

Later, he and Walker each took a safety lock, and connected the rigging on Bishop Kent with the two aerial cables.

After finishing all this and confirming that the rigging is very safe and strong, Ye Tian then pointed to the aerial corridor bridge above the cliff in front of him, smiled and said to the Bishop of Kent:

"Bishop of Kent, you can go on the bridge now, just follow the route we marked with fluorescent lights, Peter and Derek will pull you across, it's very safe.

If something happens to the bridge, or there is an abnormal situation on the opposite platform, we will pull you back to this platform as soon as possible without any danger.”

The Bishop of Kent first looked at the air bridge near Chi Chi and the cliff shrouded in darkness below, then took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, nodded and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, Steven, let me take the lead, let's meet on the other side of the cliff"

With that said, the Bishop of Kent stepped onto the air bridge, stepped on the fluorescent marks on the bridge, and walked step by step to the platform on the opposite side of the cliff.

At this time, he had four safety ropes hanging on his body.

Two of the safety ropes are a little shorter and are connected to the two steel cables of different heights above the air bridge, but they are very strong. The other two safety ropes are very long and are respectively connected to the platforms on both sides of the cliff.

Ye Tian and Walker on the platform here, and Peter and Derek on the opposite platform, held a safety rope tightly respectively, pulling it while releasing it, and cooperated with each other to protect the Bishop of Kent on the bridge.

It can be seen that from the moment he got on the bridge, the bishop of Kent's legs were trembling slightly, but he kept moving forward firmly and did not turn back because of fear.

Soon, he came to the center of the air covered bridge, which was also the narrowest and most dangerous place on the bridge.

Walking here, the Bishop of Kent couldn't help but stop and took a deep breath.

After a short pause, he stepped out again and tremblingly passed the bridge deck which was only half a meter wide.

In the second half of the journey, his pace became much faster, and he had obviously adapted to it.

While speaking, the Bishop of Kent passed the air bridge and successfully stepped onto the platform opposite the cliff.

The moment he stepped onto the opposite platform, everyone on both sides of the cliff couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and the heart hanging high in their throats was finally put back into their stomachs.

With Bishop Kent's demonstration, seeing that he reached the other side of the cliff safely and without any danger, the rest of the people were immediately relieved. They were not so scared, at least they didn't show it.

Then, one by one, the rest of the people passed the air bridge smoothly.

After all of them had passed, Ye Tian and Walker boarded the air bridge one after another and walked towards the opposite side of the cliff, while Mathis walked into the spiral stairs behind him and returned to the ground.

Coming to the platform on the side of the cliff, after standing still, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the representatives of the parties who were initially shocked, and then smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, please come with me. Enter through this cave, which is the magnificent underground palace, where the treasures of the Knights Templar and those religious relics are hidden."

After speaking, Ye Tian made a gesture of please, then turned and walked into the cave.

The rest immediately followed, everyone excited and full of anticipation.

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