Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2335 news of the most holy thing

Forty minutes later, these representatives representing different forces, churches, and religious organizations, as well as those few experts and scholars, just finished paying their respects and admiring them.

Needless to say, the things contained in these two golden boxes are the few religious sacred objects in the legend, each of which has a special meaning and is extremely important.

Looking at these representatives, experts and scholars at this time, everyone has a fanatical expression, their eyes are shining, their faces are flushed, and some people even have tears in their eyes.

Especially those senior priests who were wearing monk's clothes or 'kipa' on their heads, they all prayed devoutly in a low voice, and kissed the two golden treasure chests one by one.

As for the religious relics in the treasure chest, they did not touch them, for fear of desecrating them.

As Ye Tian said before, if these religious relics want to return to the world, a grand ceremony must be held before they can be transported out of this underground palace and then enshrined.

More importantly, there are too many forces staring at these religious sacred objects, such as the Vatican and Israel. If they are not handled properly, it will inevitably cause huge disturbances.

And Ye Tian, ​​who discovered these religious sacred objects, has transformed into a bystander at this time, standing by and watching this destined to be extremely exciting.

Seeing that everyone had finished their visit, Ye Tian nodded to the Bishop of Kent, and said with a smile:

"Bishop of Kent, you can cover this golden treasure chest, then lock this chest, and let them remain in this underground palace until you are ready.

When everything is ready and the gold, silver, treasures and antique relics hidden in this underground palace are cleaned up, you can transport these religious holy objects to the surface.”

"Okay, Steven"

The Bishop of Kent nodded, and then solemnly covered the golden treasure chest on the base of the statue of Archangel Michael.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the golden lock on the marble base and locked the box again.

Seeing his movements, the rest of the guys were full of reluctance, but they didn't say much.

Not only them, but also the dignitaries and religious leaders of various countries staying in the banquet hall of Tomar Castle, as well as the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast.

After the Bishop of Kent locked the golden chest,

Then he came to the marble statue of the Virgin Mary, quickly drew the sign of the cross on his chest, and prayed a few words in a low voice.

The rest of the people were the same, they drew the cross on their chests one after another, prayed a few words in a low voice, extremely pious.

The Jewish rabbi from Jerusalem and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel prayed in their own way, also very pious.

After praying, everyone at the scene raised their heads and looked at Ye Tian in unison.

As representatives of various forces, their mission to this underground palace has been successfully completed. They saw the religious sacred objects with their own eyes, and conducted an appraisal to confirm the authenticity of the sacred objects.

At this point, everyone thought that it was time to leave this underground palace and return to the ground.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations and caused an even bigger sensation.

Ye Tian took half a step forward, came in front of everyone, glanced at these guys quickly, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Gentlemen, you have seen these religious relics and made some appraisals. You must have reached a positive conclusion and successfully achieved the purpose of this trip.

According to common sense, you should leave this underground palace now and return to the banquet hall on the ground to report what you have seen and heard, but I want to stay with you for a while.

When cleaning up the gold and silver treasures and antique relics hidden in this underground palace before, I made a new discovery, which may mean a bigger surprise.

Of course, it is also possible to have fun in vain! Now that you have come to this underground palace, you might as well be a witness and see what else we can find.”

Before the words fell, the scene in the rotunda was completely blown up, as was the Tomar Castle on the ground, and the countless live broadcast terminals.

"What? Did I hear you right? This fellow Steven has discovered something new. Could it be another huge treasure, or a more important religious relic? It's unbelievable!"

"Oh my god! God is so partial to this guy, all the good things are on his head, I don't know what he discovered this time? Maybe it will make a sensation in the whole world again!"

Just when people were holding their heads and exclaiming in surprise, the Pope who was in the banquet hall of Tomar Castle suddenly flashed with ecstasy, and his excited body trembled slightly.

At this moment, he immediately thought of the conversation he had with Ye Tian in the lounge.

At that time, Ye Tian said to him in a cryptic tone, "Nine out of ten times life is unsatisfactory. Instead of forcing it, it is better to let it happen. Maybe there will be a bigger miracle at some point."

This even bigger miracle seemed to be about to happen, and it came a little too fast, making people unable to guard against it!

Just don't know what this greater miracle is? Could it be the two most holy things, the Holy Grail or the Ark of the Covenant?

The Portuguese President, who was also in the waiting room before, seemed to have thought of something, turned his head and looked at the Pope, wanting to prove his guess.

At this time, the pope's expression returned to normal in an instant, with a smile on his face, but a little excited, watching the live broadcast with full expectation.

The Portuguese President didn't see anything, he could only turn around and look at the live broadcast suspiciously, also full of expectations.

The other people in the banquet hall were the same, their excited eyes lit up, they all discussed in low voices, guessed what Ye Tian had discovered, and stared intently at the live broadcast.

In the rotunda of the basement palace, it was a little calmer.

Without exception, everyone was staring at Ye Tian, ​​their eyes were shining brightly, and they were not even willing to blink their eyelids.

"Steven, what is this new discovery? Is it a treasure or a religious relic? Where is it?"

Father Ramirez asked impatiently, his tone trembling slightly with excitement.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then glanced at the crowd, and then said with a smile:

"Gentlemen, I don't know what this new discovery is. In this underground palace, I discovered a very secret passage, but I didn't open and enter that passage.

What is hidden in the depths of that dark passage? Are there traps and venomous Moroccan cobras? I also don't know anything, so I asked everyone to stay a little longer and help to be a witness.

In view of the situation of this underground palace, as well as the special location and secrecy of that secret passage, I have reason to believe that there must be a very important secret hidden deep in that secret passage.”

After the words fell, there was another exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! An even bigger secret? Could it be more important than these legendary religious relics? I can't even imagine it!"

"My God! Could it be the two most holy objects that fell into the hands of the Knights Templar in legend? They have disappeared for a thousand or two thousand years"

Following the amazement of everyone at the scene, the Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as the countless live broadcast terminals, and even the entire western world were completely detonated!

"Two holiest things? What are they but the chalice and the ark? What can be called holiest?

Thinking of this answer, people suddenly fell into madness!

Before the exclamation fell, the Bishop of Kent quickly came to Ye Tian's side, and said eagerly:

"Steven, take us to see your discovery, I hope this new discovery will bring you a huge surprise"

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then made a gesture of please.

"Gentlemen, please come with me, let's open the secret passage together and witness miracles together!"

As he said that, he took the lead and stepped out, walking towards the east wall of the underground palace.

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