Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2336 the secret passage under the sarcophagus

In two or three steps, Ye Tian approached the east wall of the underground palace, and stopped in front of the marble statue of Guardim Pais.

The rest of the people followed and came here too, looking at the Templar statue curiously.

Ye Tian turned around, scanned the crowd, then raised his hand and pointed at the marble statue of Guardim Pais, and said loudly with a smile:

"The statue of the Templar in front of you is the head of the Portuguese branch of the Knights Templar, the founder of Tomar, and the creator of Tomar Castle and this underground palace, the statue of Guardim Pais.

Guardim Pais is the most famous and important Templar in the history of Portugal. He is also one of the most important Templars in the history of the Knights Templar. He is knowledgeable and proficient in all kinds of knowledge.

Regarding the life story of Guardim Pais, I won’t introduce much here. You must know something about it. If you don’t know it, you can ask Mr. Barbosa and Father Ramirez after returning to the ground later. .

Behind this marble statue is a Byzantine-style vaulted tomb with a sarcophagus inside. On the exposed side of the sarcophagus, many Latin and Knights Templar symbols are engraved on it.

I believe that many people here understand Latin, and everyone must have seen it. This is the tomb of Guardim Pais. The secret passage I just mentioned is hidden under the sarcophagus in the tomb."

Speaking, Ye Tian pointed to the sarcophagus quietly placed in the tomb behind the statue.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone looked at the marble sarcophagus carved with a large number of Latin characters and exquisite patterns. Everyone was excited and full of curiosity, trying to see something.

But it is a pity that in their eyes, the sarcophagus of Guardim Pais is no different from the sarcophagus of other leaders of the Knights Templar in other tombs.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"When I first entered this underground palace for preliminary exploration, I didn't find the secret passage hidden under this sarcophagus. When I came down to clean up the treasures of the Knights Templar just now, I discovered this secret passage by chance.

Through some observations, combined with the situation in this underground palace, and relevant historical materials of the Knights Templar in the middle and late 12th century, I boldly made some speculations about this secret passage.

This secret passage was built very early,

It should be that at the beginning of the construction of this underground palace, Guardim Pais built his tomb and sarcophagus in advance, and his marble statue is the best proof.

This marble statue of Guardim Pais depicts him in middle age, but Guardim Pais himself lived a long life, just like the statue in old age on the Cathedral Square below the hill .

Why is he doing this? Build your own burial chambers and statues in your prime and place them in this subterranean palace? He is not an emperor, and he does not need to build a mausoleum and underground palace for himself in advance.

This kind of behavior is obviously unreasonable. As a Templar who has fought in the battlefield for many years and broke through the sea of ​​corpses and blood, if you say that Guardim Pais is afraid of death, I don't think anyone will believe this statement.

From this point of view, he built his own tomb and sarcophagus in advance, which should have a very special purpose. It is very likely that he borrowed his own tomb and sarcophagus to hide some secret, and this secret is not trivial.

In this way, after his death, the remaining Templars only need to put his body and funeral objects into this sarcophagus. Because of his lofty status, no one will move his sarcophagus without authorization out of respect.

The secret passage hidden under this sarcophagus, as well as the secrets hidden in the depths of the secret passage, will not be discovered by anyone, and since then it has been completely hidden, and no one knows about it until this secret passage is discovered by me."

Listening to Ye Tian's explanation, no matter everyone at the scene, everyone inside or outside Tomar Castle on the ground, and countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, everyone was fascinated and nodded frequently.

People felt that his speculation was reasonable, and even if they wanted to refute it, they couldn't find a suitable argument for a while.

While listening, people also had a new understanding of Ye Tian's meticulous observation ability and powerful reasoning ability, and secretly admired it.

Even those enemies who hated Ye Tian's immortality had to give him a thumbs up, even if they were reluctant.

Ye Tianqing's clear voice still kept coming out, reaching everyone's ears.

"The number of people who know about this secret passage under the sarcophagus should be extremely limited, because this passage was built very early and is very secretive, which greatly narrows the scope of those who know.

Except for Guardim Pais himself, at the time of its completion, it is estimated that only the most core leaders of the Knights Templar knew the existence of this secret passage, and the subsequent chiefs may not even know about it.

In this underground palace, there is another very strange thing. After searching the underground palace, we did not find the statues and sarcophagi of the original nine founders of the Knights Templar.

For the Knights Templar, these nine founders are undoubtedly very important. According to common sense, their statues and sarcophagi should be placed in the most important and prominent positions, but they are not here.

Where did their statues and sarcophagi go? Is it not in this underground palace at all? Or hide it? Or are they on a special mission, guarding something in the dark?

In view of this, I made some speculations that the statues and sarcophagi of the nine founders of the Knights Templar may be hidden in the depths of this secret passage, and they are the insiders of the secret passage.

In this way, everything makes sense. With the instruction and support of the nine founders of the Knights Templar, Guardim Pais built this underground palace and the secret passage.

After the death of the nine founders, they were put into sarcophagi and sent into the depths of this dark passage. Their statues are also there, and they should guard one or several extremely important priceless treasures.

Guardim Pais built his own statue and mausoleum early on, and his sarcophagus is the door to the secret passage. I am curious about what the nine original Templars guarded! "

Not only Ye Tian himself, his brilliant and unconstrained analysis has aroused everyone's curiosity to the sky, without exception.

At this moment, everyone wants to know where the secret passage under the sarcophagus leads to? What secrets are hidden in the dark passage? Are the statues and sarcophagi of the nine founders of the Knights Templar in the dark passage?

What people want to know more is, what secrets are the nine original Templars guarding? Is it a treasure or a religious sacred object, or even the most holy thing? It takes such a huge effort.

As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, the outside world was completely boiling, and people started discussing and guessing according to their own ideas, guessing everything.

The representatives of all parties in the underground palace, as well as Walker and Derek, all stared at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone was excited and full of expectations.

"Steven, your analysis is really wonderful. Can you open this secret passage now and let everyone see what secrets are hidden in this secret passage? I hope it will be a huge surprise."

The Bishop of Kent said excitedly, apparently impatient.

Ye Tian looked at him, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, I will immediately open the secret passage hidden under the Guardim sarcophagus. For safety's sake, everyone should take a few steps back, wear protective masks, take personal protection, and be vigilant.

This sarcophagus should not have been pushed open for more than 800 years. No one knows whether there are traps under the sarcophagus, whether there are highly poisonous Moroccan cobras hidden, or whether the air in the dark passage is poisonous.

In view of this, we must be careful, just in case, these armed security personnel under me will protect everyone's safety, and I am the same, I hope there will be no accidents."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone nodded their heads one after another. There was no disagreement, and then they backed up for four or five steps before stopping.

At the same time, Ye Tian had taken over a heavy police shield from Walker and stood in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced back at the crowd at the scene, and seeing that everyone had retreated, he turned around, squatted down, and began to observe a wall directly below the tomb.

It was a square granite slab recessed a few centimeters into the wall, which seemed to be integrated with the wall, with no flaws visible.

In the center of this granite slab, a Maltese cross is engraved, surrounded by some Byzantine-style decorations.

Pretending to observe carefully for a while, Ye Tian suddenly stretched out his right hand, pressed his hand on the cross of the horse, and then tried to push it in.

The strength he used was not small, firmly surpassing the strength of an ordinary adult, but the granite slab did not move at all, there was only an extra handprint on it.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian immediately increased his strength and pushed the granite slab inward.

The next moment, the granite slab engraved with the Maltese cross suddenly moved, and was directly pushed into the wall by Ye Tian.

"Ka Ka Ka"

From the depths of Guardim Pais's tomb, a piercing sound suddenly resounded throughout the entire underground palace, and it was creepy to hear.

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