Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2337 Sudden Attack

The ear-piercing sound disappeared in an instant, and the underground palace became quiet again, only the sound of everyone's light or heavy breathing remained.

The sarcophagus of Guardim Pais and the vaulted tomb where the sarcophagus is located have not changed much, and no mechanism trap has been triggered, and no highly poisonous Moroccan cobra has suddenly sprung out.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a little surprised, and was about to ask why.

At this moment, Ye Tian had already pressed the end of the sarcophagus with his right hand, to be more precise, he pressed the symbol of the Knights Templar with two men and one horse, and pushed the sarcophagus deep into the tomb. go.

Following his movements, there were bursts of piercing noises in the tomb again. It was the sound of violent friction between the sarcophagus and the bottom of the tomb, which made people get goosebumps.

Under the action of Ye Tian's powerful force, this heavy and unusual sarcophagus was pushed into the depths of the tomb little by little, and pushed deeper and deeper, exposing the bottom of the vaulted tomb.

At this time, everyone understood that there should be a hidden secret room deep in the vaulted tomb, which is probably the same as the outer tomb, or it should be said to be an extension of the outer tomb.

There is a thick granite slab or stone in between the two vaulted tombs one mile and one outside. At first glance, there is no flaw at all.

In fact, no one would stick their heads into the tomb outside to observe the piece of granite at the end of the tomb, and naturally they would not find the mechanism hidden deep in the tomb.

The sarcophagus of Guardim Pais is placed in this tomb, and there is not enough space in the tomb for people to poke their heads into the mechanism at the end of the tomb.

It can be said that the mechanism of this tomb is so ingeniously set up that it is almost impossible to be discovered.

The switch to turn on the mechanism of the tomb is the horse cross outside the tomb, and perhaps the two-man single-horse pattern engraved on the sarcophagus, all of which are the symbols of the Knights Templar.

Thinking of these, people can't help being shocked and amazed.

"Wow! This tomb mechanism is so ingenious, it's unbelievable! What secrets are the Templars and Guardim Pais trying to hide? It took so much thought!"

"It's just a magical guy like Steven. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to find this tomb mechanism, even in this underground palace.

if that is the case,

I am afraid that the secret hidden behind this tomb mechanism and in the dark passage under this sarcophagus will never be discovered by people.”

While the people were amazed and talking, they were also closely watching Ye Tian's every move, as well as the situation of Guardim Pais' tomb and sarcophagus.

Everyone has held their breath, not even daring to take a breath. Everyone is extremely excited and full of anticipation.

Accompanied by bursts of ear-piercing rubbing sounds, Ye Tian had already pushed Guardim Pais's sarcophagus 50 to 60 centimeters deeper into the tomb, almost reaching the limit of his arm stretching.

At this moment, he stopped suddenly and retracted his right arm from the tomb.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a crowbar about 60 to 70 centimeters long on the ground next to him, held one end of the crowbar tightly, stretched the other end into the tomb, put it on the sarcophagus, and continued to push inward. .

The harsh noise sounded again, resounding through the entire underground palace.

After a while, with a muffled 'bang', the ear-piercing noise stopped abruptly, and everyone's ears finally calmed down, and they didn't have to endure the torture anymore.

Look at Guardim Pais's abnormally heavy marble sarcophagus, which was pushed into the depths of the tomb by Ye Tian, ​​and it was embedded in the tomb with a height of 1.23 meters.

At the bottom of this granite tomb, apart from deep scratches and a few mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar, there is nothing else.

Everyone did not see the dark and mysterious entrance to the secret passage leading directly to the deeper underground, and no mechanism trap was triggered, and there seemed to be nothing abnormal.


There was a burst of surprised voices at the scene. Obviously, this situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

Before everyone could ask, Ye Tianqing's clear voice had already come out and reached everyone's ears.

"Everyone must find this situation very strange. Some doubts will inevitably arise. Could it be that I have misread it? There is no hidden secret passage in this tomb.

I have enough confidence in my eyesight and judgment! What opens this secret path is a linkage mechanism. According to my observation, this mechanism consists of three parts.

There are three steps to open this organ, and it must be done step by step, and the order must not be mistaken, otherwise, the secret passage may be locked, and even a dangerous organ trap will be triggered.

The first step is the Maltese cross outside the tomb. Only by pushing the granite engraved with the Maltese cross into the wall can the partitioned stone slab deep in the tomb be opened.

The next second step is to push Guardim Pais’s sarcophagus deeper into the tomb, and it must be pushed to the end of the small tomb behind the partition before the third step can be performed.”

Not surprisingly, everyone was completely stunned, staring at Ye Tian, ​​Guardim Pais's tomb and the sarcophagus in amazement.

What kind of tomb institution is this? What is the shocking secret behind it? This is too exaggerated, it is simply unheard of!

Ye Tian saw all the reactions of the people at the scene.

He just smiled softly, and then said with a smile:

"The third step in opening the secret passage under the sarcophagus is about to fall on the bronze candlestick on the right side of the tomb. I hope the mechanism behind the bronze candlestick is not rusted and can be opened smoothly."

Saying that, Ye Tian reached out to hold the rusty bronze candlestick on the right wall of the tomb, tried to turn it left and right a few times, and then pushed the candlestick inward forcefully.

The next moment, the square granite slab on which the bronze candlestick was placed was slowly pushed into the wall by him.


The sound of the machine turning was heard again at the scene, but it was very short and stopped in a blink of an eye.

This sound also came from Guardim Pais' tomb, and it came from under the stone slab at the bottom of the tomb, and it was very clear.

Although the stone slabs at the bottom of the tomb remained unchanged, everyone knew that something must have been opened under those granite slabs, either a mechanism or a secret door!

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly became more excited, their eyes lit up, staring closely at the tomb close at hand, and Ye Tian's every move.

Ye Tian returned to the front of the tomb again, and used a heavy police shield to block his body, as well as those guys a few meters behind him, in case of accidents.

He pretended to look carefully at the granite slabs at the bottom of the tomb, and after thinking for a moment, he stretched out his hand to press a stone slab engraved with the mysterious characters of the Knights Templar.

When his right hand touched the granite slab, he didn't press it down immediately, but pressed it lightly to feel the reality.

The granite slab didn't react at all, nor did any mutation occur.

The next moment, Ye Tian increased the strength in his hand and began to push down with force.

Suddenly, the granite slab under his hand sank slowly, and a square hole appeared at the bottom of the tomb.

When the granite slab fell about 20 centimeters, Ye Tian stopped suddenly, retracted his right hand, and stretched out his hand to press on another adjacent stone slab, which was also engraved with a mysterious symbol of the Knights Templar.

Repeatedly, he repeated the same action four times in total.

When he withdrew his right hand for the last time, there was a large hole about one meter long, eighty centimeters wide, and twenty centimeters deep at the bottom of the tomb.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took the crowbar just now, plunged into the big hole, and began to pry the four granite slabs that had sunk.

At the same time, he also explained his actions to everyone present.

"This secret passage has existed for too long, and it has been closed for more than 800 years. There is still a problem with the mechanism that opens the secret passage, and the response is quite slow.

Under normal circumstances, when I pressed the four granite slabs one by one, they would slide aside, revealing the entrance to the secret passage below, but this did not happen.

That's why I used a crowbar to pry the four sunken granite slabs aside one by one, thus opening up this secret passage, and then I can enter and explore it,..."

As soon as he said this, Ye Tian suddenly stopped talking, and quickly retracted his right hand holding the crowbar like an electric shock, and firmly protected his whole body with a heavy police shield.

In the next moment, a stench quickly escaped from the dark hole at the bottom of the tomb, and directly diffused in the underground palace.

Before everyone could react, a black shadow suddenly flew out of the hole leading deeper into the ground, and rushed towards Ye Tian who was the closest.

At the same time, a white light seemed to flash in front of everyone's eyes, and they rushed towards the black shadow like lightning!

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