Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2343 Hammer Charlie's Cane

The Pope and the Portuguese President and his wife left the Tomar Castle, and Ye Tian took his company employees and security personnel and entered the underground palace again to continue cleaning up the treasures of the Knights Templar.

As the cleaning work progressed, batches of bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antiques were successively transported to the ground and piled up in the Sarolla Church.

Outside the Tomar Castle, media reporters from all over the world, as well as many tourists, as well as the local residents of Tomar and the surrounding area, have surrounded the ancient castle.

Among the crowds of onlookers, there were many guys with ulterior motives, staring at Tomar Castle with their blood-red and greedy eyes.

A little further out, in the woods and valleys around Toma Castle, and on some streets near the hill, from time to time, you can see some sneaky guys who keep beating on the ground.

Obviously, these guys are looking for a way to enter the deep underground palace of Thomas Castle, trying to snatch the treasure of the Templars from Ye Tian, ​​or snatch those religious holy objects.

For this situation, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago and made corresponding arrangements. He was not worried that these people would be able to find other entrances and enter the world deep underground.

If they could easily find the entrance, this underground world and the hidden treasures of the Knights Templar, as well as those religious sacred objects, would not have been preserved until now, and they would have been discovered long ago.

While Ye Tian and the others were cleaning up the treasures of the Knights Templar in the underground palace, a team of experts organized by the Portuguese government also entered the Sarolla Church.

This team included officials from the Portuguese Ministry of Culture and Finance, representatives of the Jesuits and the Tomar Municipal Government, but more professionals such as archaeologists and historians, as well as experts in the identification of antique works of art.

The reason why they appeared here was that they were ordered by the President of Portugal to identify and value the gold and silver treasures and antiques from this Templar treasure.

During this process, their first task was to conduct an overall valuation of this treasure of the Knights Templar for taxation afterwards!

The discovery of this treasure of the Knights Templar has already caused a sensation in the whole world. The tax it brings must be an astronomical amount of wealth, and it is naturally impossible for the Portuguese government to give up.

In addition to valuing this huge treasure, these experts and scholars have another task.

They want to pick out some antique cultural relics with special significance, high market value and artistic value from this treasure.

Report to the Ministry of Culture and relevant departments, and try to keep these antiques in Portugal.

Of course, this depends on the financial resources of the Portuguese government, major museums, and local collectors, as well as their courage and ambition, whether they can eat these valuable treasures.

As soon as they entered the Sarolla Church, these Portuguese were stunned by everything in front of them, and they all froze in place.

What appeared in front of their eyes were black bags densely arranged on the floor, each bag was bulging, one by one, all over the floor, the scene was extremely spectacular.

Through the previous live TV broadcast, everyone knew that these black bags were filled with dazzling gold and silver treasures, as well as valuable antique relics.

Around the restricted area where these black bags were placed, five or six armed security personnel with live ammunition and high alert stood watching them vigilantly.

"My God! Seeing these black bags filled with gold and silver treasures and antique relics, I really realized how huge this Templar treasure is. It was so shocking.

Could it be that all the wealth in medieval Europe fell into the hands of the Knights Templar, and then they were hidden deep underground in the Sarolla Church? Until this guy Steven found out"

"Wow! This is such a huge treasure! It is even more shocking than what I saw on live TV. Although this treasure of the Knights Templar was discovered by that guy, Steven, he must not let him know all about it. Walk"

Just when these Portuguese were amazed and talking, David and Jason had already greeted them, and the two guys had bright smiles on their faces.


Busy and busy, the day passed quickly.

It wasn't until around 8:30 in the evening that Ye Tian took several company employees and security personnel, as well as bags full of gold, silver, treasures and antiques, back to the Shaluola Church on the ground.

Just like yesterday, after Ye Tian and the others returned to the ground, the world deep underground was once again plunged into darkness, and most of the traps had been restored.

The Moroccan cobras that have been suppressed under the cliff during the day have expanded their range of activities, and this underground world shrouded in darkness has returned to their rule.

After coming out of the underground secret passage, Ye Tian moved over the thick granite slab, sealed the entrance of the secret passage, and pressed a heavier granite strip, just in case.

In this way, it is almost impossible for anyone to sneak into this underground secret passage to steal the gold and silver treasures, antique relics, and religious holy objects in the treasure of the Knights Templar.

Unless it is Superman who can quietly dismantle all the monitoring equipment, kill the twenty or thirty armed security personnel inside and outside the Sarolla Church, and then move the granite strip and stone slab to enter the underground secret passage.

But apart from Ye Tian, ​​there seems to be no superman in this world, even if he wears his underpants outside!

When closing the entrance of the underground secret passage, Ye Tian still left a gap, firstly for ventilation, and secondly for the convenience of that little guy, the white elf, to come in and out.

As for other Moroccan cobras, it is impossible to escape from this gap, threatening the safety of many security personnel guarding the Sharolla Church.

This gap is so small that larger Moroccan cobras cannot pass through it at all, and the entrance and exterior of the secret passage are filled with powerful snake repellent, which is enough to drive away those small Moroccan cobras.

Only the little guy, the white elf, who is immune to the snake repellent, can come and go here freely.

Of course, Ye Tian also told his armed security personnel that if he saw that little guy named White Elf at night, it was best not to attack, lest he would be kissed by a snake, it would be tantamount to seeking his own death.

At the same time, he also warned everyone that without his own leadership, anyone who breaks into this underground world will be attacked by the white elves and their Moroccan cobras.

When Ye Tian returned to the ground, many Portuguese experts and scholars were still in the Sarolla Church, admiring and appraising the gold and silver treasures and antique relics from the treasures of the Knights Templar.

Although they had been busy all day, these Portuguese still looked energetic and excited, their eyes were shining, and they admired and appraised the treasures in their hands fondly.

Beside them, several company employees, including David, Jason, and Derek, were supervising these Portuguese who were so excited that they were almost insane.

When Ye Tian walked out of the prayer room carrying a bulging black bag, he was immediately surrounded by several familiar Portuguese.

Before he could stand still, one of the Portuguese men couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, can the golden cane engraved with the coat of arms of the Pepin family of the Carolingian dynasty be transferred to our museum? The price is easy to negotiate, and we can discuss it."

The person who spoke was the curator of the Portuguese National Museum and an old friend of Ye Tian. He had dealt with several times in New York and Paris before.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, Dominguez, since you have taken a fancy to the golden cane engraved with the Pepin family crest, it is not impossible to transfer it to your museum, as long as 50 million US dollars, the golden cane will belong to you.

According to my judgment, the golden cane should belong to Pepin II, the court minister of the Merovingian Kingdom. Pepin II, who monopolized the power, was the actual ruler of the Merovingian Dynasty and the founder of the Carolingian Dynasty.

After the death of Pepin II, the golden cane was passed on to his son Charlie Matt, also known as Charlie the Hammer, who defeated the Arabs who invaded Western Europe with the iris golden cane.

In Western history, Charlie the Hammer is unanimously recognized as the savior of the Christian faith in the Western world. In my opinion, the iris gold cane he used is worth 50 million U.S. dollars, not too high! "

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

The Portuguese around Ye Tian were all stunned, staring at him dumbfounded, their eyes full of disbelief and anger!

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