Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2344 The Shadow on the Cliff

Those Portuguese experts and scholars left resentfully, and returned to Tomar at the foot of the mountain, full of regret.

Here at Ye Tian, ​​they didn't get the answer they wanted, but were taken aback by his amazing appetite.

However, they will come to the Sarolla Church again tomorrow morning to continue to appraise the gold, silver, treasures and antiques that have been continuously transported to the ground.

After sending the Portuguese away, Ye Tian began to count the results of today's work, and checked them against the list in his hand one by one.

As a result, needless to say, all the gold, silver, treasures and antique relics transported out of the underground palace were packed in bags one by one, and none of them was missing.

After counting, Ye Tian asked Jason to take all the company employees and some security personnel back to rest. Naturally, it was the hotel in the urban area under the mountain.

Like last night, he and David stayed in Tomar Castle, still living in the guest room last night.

Next, he checked the security situation again, told Matisse and Walker, and then he and David left the Sarolla Church and went to the nearby Manueline-style historical building.

After a while, the pope and his entourage also returned to the castle of Tomar.

Because of the existence of the several religious relics in the underground palace, in order to strengthen the security of Tomar Castle and avoid distracting the security forces, they were transferred away from the mountain.

Under Ye Tian's suggestion, the Pope and many high-level Vatican leaders made a decision to live in this ancient castle during their stay in Tomar until they left Tomar with those religious relics.

As for the Portuguese president and his wife, and their entourage, they lived in a hotel at the foot of the mountain.

After all, they are not religious people. The conditions in Tomar Castle are also very general, and there are many taboos, so they may not be able to adapt.

Shortly after returning to Tomar Castle, the Bishop of Kent came to find Ye Tian and took him and David to the room where the Pope lived to discuss how to proceed with the next step of exploration.

In the blink of an eye, it was already around twelve midnight.

Ye Tian, ​​who had already returned to his room, did not rest, but was teasing the little guy, the white elf.

About ten minutes ago, this little guy appeared outside the window of this guest room again, and tapped the glass on the window with his tail.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian could only let this little guy in, and gave it a little sweetness.

After playing for a while, he was ready to let the white elf go and go to bed.

At this moment, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the wireless earphones.

"Steven, through the infrared camera set up on the cliff southwest of Tomar Castle, we found two guys in black night clothes climbing that cliff, trying to sneak into the castle.

Those two guys were obviously rock-climbing masters, their movements were very agile, and they were concealed enough to be hard to spot in the dark. Unfortunately, they couldn't cover up the heat they radiated, so they were exposed.

Climbing up that cliff is the city wall of Tomar Castle. There are several Portuguese military police guarding the city wall there. They didn't find the two spidermen, and they were in a relatively relaxed state.

How to deal with these two overwhelmed idiots? Should I notify the Portuguese military and police, or pretend not to see, let those two idiots enter the castle, and play a game of cat and mouse? "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian made a decision immediately without any hesitation.

"It's better not to make extra troubles. The Pope lives in the castle of Tomar. If there is a battle in the castle, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, and it will not do us any good.

Express the whereabouts of those two idiots to the Portuguese side, let the Portuguese military police handle this matter, and don't forget to notify Leonardo and the others, and let those guys from the Swiss Guard be on guard.

You just need to be more vigilant and firmly guard the Sharolla Church, no matter what happens in other parts of the castle, you don’t care about it at all, so as not to be distracted from the mountain.”

"Understood, Steven, I will inform the Portuguese and Leonardo"

Mattis responded, and immediately took action.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian stretched out his hand to gently stroke the little white elf's head, smiled and whispered to the little guy:

"Little guy, it's getting late, and it's time for me to go to bed, go back to your territory, keep that underground world, keep those dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique relics.

Except for me, no matter who breaks into your territory tonight, you can launch an attack, send those idiots to hell, and I will visit you again at dawn tomorrow."

After speaking, he walked to the window, reached out to open the window, and let the white elf out.

The little guy gave him a slight nod, then slid off his wrist, swam away along the wall, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

After watching this cute little guy leave, Ye Tian was about to close the window and go to bed.

At this moment, a Portuguese shout suddenly came from a distance. The voice was so loud that it directly tore apart the quiet night sky.

Immediately afterwards, several powerful beams of light flashed in the night sky southwest of the castle, very conspicuous.

"bang bang bang"

A burst of dense gunshots suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire castle, and awakened almost everyone in this ancient castle.

Before the gunfire fell, another shrill scream came from the southwest of the castle, and it spread far away in the night sky with the wind.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the window, looked at the southwest direction of the castle with a sneer, and then closed the window, ignoring what was happening outside the castle.

Before going to bed, he put the body armor and the loaded G36C short assault rifle next to the bed, so he could pick it up and fire it, killing any fool who ventured into this bedroom.

After finishing these things, he turned off the desk lamp, turned over and lay on the bed.

At this time, the shouts and gunshots outside the castle continued to ring out, mixed with the barking of police dogs and the sound of chaotic footsteps.


In the blink of an eye, a new day has arrived.

When the morning sun shines through the window and fills the guest room where Ye Tian lives, the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo knock on the door and walk into the room, both of them have serious expressions on their faces.

Matisse and David came in together.

After a few polite words at the meeting, the Bishop of Kent went straight to the point.

"Steven, can you speed up the process of clearing the treasures of the Knights Templar? Move out those worldly belongings as soon as possible, and then explore the underground tunnel at the bottom of Guardim Pais' tomb.

After receiving your report at midnight, the Portuguese police found two men in night clothes and heavily armed trying to sneak into Tomar Castle on the cliff southwest of the castle.

Under the siege of the Portuguese military police, the two guys died and the other was injured. The dead one fell to the bottom of the cliff, and the injured one fell into the hands of the Portuguese police and is still in the hospital.

According to the injured guy, they were just art thieves, who came here for the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasure of the Knights Templar, trying to come here to make a fortune.

However, through our investigation and a tattoo on the dead guy, it is almost certain that these two guys should be from a mysterious Christian extremist organization.

It can be deduced from this that they should not come for the secular property in the treasure of the Knights Templar, but for the few religious holy objects, and even for His Majesty the Pope.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome. With the style of that organization, it will never send only one team to Tomar. There must be backups, but His Majesty the Pope must not have any accidents!

In addition to these two guys, the battle that took place in the southwest of the castle last night also scared off another group of guys hiding in the valley, and those guys also wanted to sneak into the castle at night.

In view of this, we hope that you can increase the speed of clearing the treasures of the Knights Templar, and explore the secret passage under the tomb of Guardim Pais, so as to avoid long nights and dreams! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but fell into deep thought, this situation was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

After a while, he just nodded and said:

"Well, we can speed up the cleaning of the treasures. If we don't conduct on-site appraisal in the underground palace and increase the manpower input, we should be able to transport all the secular property to the ground today."

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