When the treasure cleaning work started again, the number of company employees and security personnel brought by Ye Tian into the palace deep underground had already doubled compared to yesterday.

During the cleaning process, he also gave up on-site identification, and tried to clean up the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in this Templar treasure as quickly as possible.

Of course, the so-called on-site appraisal is just a performance, for others to see.

Ye Tian already knew all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics in this treasure of the Knights Templar, and he was well aware of their value.

When the time came to around 7 o'clock in the evening, Ye Tian and many of his company employees returned to the ground with the last batch of gold, silver, treasures and antiques, and returned to the Shaluola Church.

By this time, most of the worldly belongings in the Templar treasure had been cleared and brought to the surface.

The Templar statues and sarcophagi all over this underground world, as well as their armors, weapons in their hands, and other large sculptures and carved decorations, etc., are all left in this underground palace.

It also includes the marble statue of the Virgin Mary and the two statues of the Archangels Michael and Raphael, three priceless antiques.

According to the previous agreement, Ye Tian gave these valuable antiques to the Portuguese government, Tomar City Government and the Portuguese Jesuits as a gift.

This is also a means of appeasement, otherwise, the Portuguese would probably die of depression!

I found such a huge and famous treasure on my own land, but in the end, nothing was left behind, and it was all swept away by others. No one can bear it!

Leaving these things is more or less a kind of comfort to the Portuguese, and the Portuguese government can also explain to its own citizens.

Relying on these medieval antiques, the Portuguese can transform this underground world into a religious holy place and a tourist attraction with a little modification.

It is entirely conceivable that this religious and tourist attraction will attract countless tourists to visit and visit, bringing Tomar a steady stream of wealth.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Ye Tian, ​​and he doesn't bother to care about them.

What he is most concerned about now is how to safely transport this batch of huge treasures away, so that they can be safely in their pockets.

After Ye Tian and the others left, the palace deep in the ground was already in a mess, littered everywhere, such as dilapidated wooden planks, or boxes that were on the verge of falling apart.

All the gold and silver treasures and antique relics that had been stacked on the floor or packed in many boxes had been transported away, not even a single gold coin was left.

Only the circular hall located in the center of this underground palace still maintains its previous appearance.

The statues of the Virgin Mary and the two archangels, guarded by many Templar statues, stand quietly in the center of the rotunda, solemn and solemn.

The two golden treasure chests containing religious relics were placed firmly on the bases of the two statues of archangels, emitting bright light.

As before, Ye Tian was still the last one to walk out of the secret underground passage.

But after he came out this time, he didn't cut off the power, erase everyone's footprints, and restore the traps everywhere, but just sealed the underground passage with granite slabs.

The reason why he did this was very simple. In the palace deep underground, there was nothing that belonged to him, at least on the surface.

Ye Tian, ​​who returned to the ground, did not come out of the prayer room immediately. He whispered a few words to the company employees under him, and then walked out of the prayer room.

As soon as he came out, the Bishop of Kent and others who had been waiting outside the prayer room for a long time, who were almost hopeless, immediately surrounded him.

"Steven, have all the worldly belongings in the palace deep underground been cleared? When can we enter it? When do you plan to explore the secret passage under Guardim Pais' tomb?"

The Bishop of Kent asked impatiently, his eyes full of anticipation.

The same goes for the rest of the people, everyone stared at Ye Tian closely, expecting to hear the best answer.

Ye Tian glanced at these people, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Bishop of Kent, all the secular property hidden in this Templar treasure and belonging to our Daring Do Exploration Company have been cleared and brought to the surface.

You can enter this underground palace at any time to make arrangements for the upcoming ceremony, but I suggest that you wait and enter this underground palace tomorrow, don't be too anxious.

It is now evening, and everyone is a little tired. I have to count the gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics transported to the ground today, and give my own appraisal conclusion and valuation.

In this case, I obviously can't lead everyone into this underground palace, and this underground palace is very messy now, the floor is full of garbage, and it is not suitable to enter immediately.

Wait until tomorrow, I will take people into the underground palace first, clean up the garbage on the ground, and check to see if there is anything missing, and then you can enter it.

As for exploring the secret passage under Guardim Pais' tomb and the secret room behind the stone door at the end of the secret passage, we can start tomorrow. I really want to know what is hidden in that secret room.

For safety reasons, you all have to return to the ground at that time, there are many Moroccan cobras entrenched in that underground tunnel, and there must be many deadly traps, none of which are easy to deal with."

Hearing these words, the Bishop of Kent couldn't help thinking for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, then tomorrow, we will follow you into this underground palace, and when the exploration of the underground passage begins, we will return to the ground and wait for the result in the church."

Afterwards, Ye Tian chatted with these people for a few more words, then turned around and left, carrying a black bag full of jewels and diamonds, and walked towards the restricted area where treasures were piled up not far away.

In a corner of the restricted area, the Portuguese experts and scholars who met yesterday were admiring and appraising several medieval antiques and discussing them in low voices.

The area where they are located is a specially designated identification area, and all identification activities in Portugal can only be carried out in that area.

Beside these Portuguese experts and scholars, there are also a few employees and security personnel of the Daring One Exploration Company, all of whom stared at the Portuguese's every move with their eyes wide open.

As Ye Tian came over, these Portuguese experts and scholars all turned their heads to look at him and the black bag in his hand, everyone's eyes were full of envy, even jealousy.


In the twinkling of an eye, it is a new day, the sun is shining, just like everyone's mood.

After waking up and having breakfast, Ye Tian and David came to Shalaola Church, joined Jason and Mathis, and prepared to start today's work.

They walked into the church together with several senior Vatican monks headed by the Bishop of Kent, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Portugal, Father Ramirez and others, as well as two live TV groups.

Without exception, these guys are very excited at this time, full of anticipation, wishing to enter the prayer room, the underground secret passage and the underground palace immediately.

After entering the Sarolla Church and greeting everyone present, Ye Tian called Jason and Mathis aside, and whispered to these guys:

"Guys, it's time for us to prepare for the evacuation of Tomar and Portugal. If the predictions are correct, the Portuguese will be able to come up with a list of antiques for purchase by tomorrow morning at the latest.

As long as we complete the corresponding antique art transaction with the Portuguese and obtain the necessary customs clearance documents, we can leave Portugal and return to New York with the treasure of the Knights Templar.”

Hearing this, Jason and the others couldn't help being stunned, but they didn't say much.

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