Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2347 Heaven Sheriff

In the dark tunnel deep underground in Tomar Castle, the exploration operation is still going on.

Following Ye Tian, ​​Walker and Peter also walked down the stairs to the flat ground at the bottom of the tunnel.

As they arrived, and quickly arranged the wires and lighting fixtures, the underground tunnel suddenly became brighter, but only the depths of the tunnel were still shrouded in darkness.

This is a fairly spacious and tall corridor, about two meters high and nearly two meters wide. The walls on the left and right sides, the ground under the feet, and the vault above are all granite in one piece.

Obviously, the corridor in front of me was forcibly pulled out from the mountain. As for the part shrouded in darkness ahead, I don't know it, and I can only see it when I walk past it.

In this corridor, there are a pair of rusty bronze candlesticks every three meters or so, which are symmetrically inserted on the walls on both sides. They can also be regarded as antique cultural relics and have some value.

In addition, some small sculptures can occasionally be seen here, placed in the niches on the walls on both sides, some of which are carved out of the granite on the walls and cannot be moved.

The contents of these small sculptures are basically derived from the Bible, with a strong religious color, such as themes and contents of the Virgin Mary, the Crucifixion of Jesus, and angels.

On the Byzantine-style vault in the corridor, some ceiling paintings and various complicated and gorgeous decorations are carved, which also have a strong religious color.

Of course, in every corner of this corridor, on the floor, walls, and vaults, there are many mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar, but no one knows their specific meanings.

Seeing the situation in this corridor, Walker and Peter couldn't help but froze in place, dumbfounded.

Even though they had seen the video footage taken by the small drone before and knew something about the situation here, they were still shocked by what they saw when they entered here in person and saw everything here with their own eyes.

Not only them, everyone inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, everyone was completely stunned and stared at the live broadcast with dumbfounded.

"Wow! The situation here looks like a religious holy place. The underground corridor alone is already so spectacular. The situation behind the stone gate at the end of the corridor must be even more magnificent!"

Walker said in amazement, eyes full of incredible.

As soon as he finished speaking,

Peter immediately followed up with emotion.

"It's hard to imagine how the Knights Templar and Guardim Pais did all this in the middle of the twelfth century? How long and how much manpower and material resources did they spend to complete such a huge underground project? "

Not only Peter, everyone is very interested in the answer to this question and wants to know.

Everyone looked at Ye Tian's back, expecting to get an answer from him.

Ye Tian didn't look back, just smiled and said loudly:

"That's right, to build such a grand underground project must take a long time, consume a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

This may be the reason why Guardim Pais stayed in Tomar for most of his life. After returning from the holy land of Jerusalem, he never left here for decades.

In the past few decades, Guardim Pais should have devoted all his mind and energy to this underground world, and that's why we have everything we see now."

Speaking of this, Ye Tian suddenly pointed to a sculpture on the wall on his right, and began to explain to people.

"Everyone, please look at this small Byzantine-style sculpture on the wall. It is carved out of the Archangel Gabriel. It is carved directly on the wall. It is integrated with the wall and cannot be moved or separated.

According to my judgment, this statue of the Archangel should have been created in the middle and late twelfth century, perhaps it was created by Guardim Pais, and it was a work he carved himself when digging this underground tunnel.

This is a pretty good antique cultural relic with high artistic value, but unfortunately it cannot be moved, so it can only be left in this underground passage, and the appearance of this archangel sculpture here should have its meaning.”

Following the direction of his fingers, everyone saw the granite statue integrated with the wall.

As Ye Tian said, this is a statue of the Archangel Gabriel.

Its feet are on the wall and are integrated with the wall. The torso of the body protrudes obliquely upwards, the wings are spread out, and the head is raised high, as if it is about to spread its wings and fly to heaven.

Due to the long history, this Archangel sculpture is covered with dust and a layer of moss, but it cannot conceal the elegance and delicacy of this sculpture.

Anyone with a discerning eye and a certain degree of artistic accomplishment should be able to see that this granite sculpture is indeed an antique cultural relic of great value and artistic value.

Just as people were admiring the sculpture of the Archangel Gabriel, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came again and reached everyone's ears.

"Among the seven royal angels clearly mentioned in the Book of Revelation, Gabriel is an important guard in heaven, responsible for the vigilance of the entire heaven, and at the same time is the best backup candidate for Seraphim.

As the chief guard of the heavens, the statue of the Archangel Gabriel appeared here, so I couldn't help but make me think too much. Perhaps it is from here that we will enter the most dangerous area of ​​this underground passage.

From the tomb of Guardim Pais all the way here, I didn't find any deadly traps. I only encountered a few Moroccan cobras, and they all ran away because they were afraid of the white elves.

This underground passage is so peaceful and safe, completely beyond my expectation. If there is really some important secret hidden at the end of this underground passage, then this secret passage should never be a smooth road.

Guardim Pais carved a statue of the Archangel Gabriel here. Could it be that he is implicitly reminding the senior leaders of the Knights Templar who entered here to be extremely careful in every next step?

I hope these speculations of mine are all wrong. It is best to travel smoothly in this underground tunnel, but for safety reasons, we must be extremely careful in the future, lest we be tricked by Guardim Pais! "

Hearing this, Walker and Peter, who were a few meters behind, couldn't help but nodded, and their expressions became more dignified.

Everyone inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as the countless audiences in front of the live broadcast, became more nervous because of Ye Tian's words, and they all stared at the live broadcast screen intently.

After the introduction, or rather the performance, Ye Tian pretended to carefully observe the ground, wall, and vault in front of him.

"As I expected, the situation here is indeed a bit wrong. Next, I will do a dangerous experiment to verify whether my judgment is correct"

As he said that, Ye Tian used the heavy police shield to block himself in front of him, and reminded Walker and Peter not far behind him to stand in line with him.

When the two guys were ready, he took off the folding engineer shovel hanging on his back waist, opened it, and stretched it out to a granite slab on the ground in front of him.

On the granite slab of ground ahead, one could just see the tracks of a few Moroccan cobras crawling by, but nothing special.

Just when people were surprised, the front end of the folding engineering shovel in Ye Tian's hand had already touched the edge of the granite floor, and pressed down hard.

In the next moment, a sudden change occurred!

The one-foot-square granite floor suddenly turned downwards, revealing a dark hole leading directly to the depths of the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of snake hissing from deep underground, which was creepy.

Obviously, the black hole under the granite floor should be a snake den, and maybe some other deadly things.

At the same time as the snake hissed, in the depths of the underground tunnel shrouded in darkness, there was a sudden sound of the machine turning, which was extremely ear-piercing.

"whoosh whoosh"

Accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, three black shadows flew out of the darkness in front of the secret passage, and came straight to Ye Tian.

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