Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2348 The most dangerous area

In the blink of an eye, the three black shadows shot out from the depths of the secret passage, and flew to the front like a thunderstorm, and rushed towards Ye Tian in the shape of a character, with endless murderous aura.

These are three javelins with a length of about 1.2 meters. Because of the age and the relative humidity here, the three javelins are all rusty and have lost their luster.

However, this did not reduce their lethality at all, because of the rust on the tip and body of the gun, they became more deadly.

Ye Tian, ​​who was facing the attack directly, instead of retreating, raised the heavy shield in his hand to meet him, looking extremely calm.

His feet were one forward and one backward, in a half lunge, like two steel nails, firmly planted on the granite floor of the dark passage.

It was too late and then it was too late, the three javelins whistling in the shape of a character had already hit the target, and slammed into the heavy police shield in Ye Tian's hand.

"Bang, bang, bang"

Three loud bangs were heard in succession from the depths of the secret passage, deafening.

The three loud bangs were almost in no particular order, and it sounded as if they happened at the same time without any gap.

Looking at Ye Tian who raised the heavy police shield to meet him, under the strong impact of the three javelins, his body took advantage of the momentum to lean back violently, and the left hand holding the police shield quickly retracted, pulling the forward police shield I took it back. .

His feet didn't move a bit, they were still firmly planted on the granite floor, as if they were welded to the floor.

Relying on this series of lightning quick reactions, coupled with his incomparably strong physical fitness, Ye Tian was able to remove the huge impact of the javelin hitting the police shield in an instant, and stabilized his figure.

As for the three deadly javelins that came with the wind and thunder, after this fierce impact, the ends of the spears were broken, and the body of the spears was twisted into twists, and fell to the floor, completely losing their threat.

The layers of rust originally attached to the three javelins had basically fallen off under the violent impact, exposing the twisted and dilapidated gun body underneath.

The middle part of the heavy police shield made of special materials was dented by a large piece, but fortunately it was not pierced by the three javelins, and it did not affect its continued use.

It can be seen from this that the attacking power of the three javelins is as fierce and lethal as the bullets fired from automatic rifles.

Looking at this extremely thrilling scene,

Including Walker and Peter, who were close at hand, everyone was stunned by the shock, and they all hugged their heads and exclaimed.

"Oh my god! What did I see? It's unbelievable. Steven, a crazy guy, dared to hide those three deadly javelins head-on. Could it be that this guy is really superman?"

"I'm going! This scene is too thrilling! Who would believe that this is actually an underground passage built more than 800 years ago, and the traps set by Guardim Pais are actually so deadly!"

Just when people were exclaiming, Ye Tian had already stood up straight and moved his hands and feet quickly, the heavy police shield was still firmly protecting him in front of him.

After confirming that there was no javelin shot in the darkness deep in the tunnel, he looked back at Walker and Peter behind him, and said solemnly:

"It seems that my conjecture is correct. The reason why the statue of the Archangel Gabriel on the right wall is here is to serve as a warning, cryptically warning the high-level members of the Knights Templar who entered this underground tunnel.

Passing over the statue of the archangel, you will enter the most dangerous area of ​​this underground passage, which must be full of dangers. In my opinion, this is obviously done deliberately by Guardim Pais, and all human nature has been calculated into it.

There are no traps in the first half of this underground passage, and when the intruder gets here, he will unconsciously relax his vigilance, but how would he know that he will fall into hell and face death in the next step?"

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, everyone couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified.

Guardim Pais is so insidious, in order to keep the secret hidden in the depths of this underground tunnel, he really does everything he can!

The person who entered the secret path, that is, the magical guy like Steven, can escape. If it were him, he would be pierced by the three javelins in an instant, and he could not die anymore!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say in a deep voice:

"Walker, Peter, for the next exploration operation, the distance between us must be closer, so that I can take care of you and rescue you in time if there is danger.

You follow me closely, try to keep in line with me, so that I can use the shield to block the attack from the front, you must step on my footsteps, and you can't take a wrong step!

Next, we will step into the most dangerous area and usher in a real test. If we are not careful, we may suffer heavy losses. We must be extremely cautious and hope that good luck will still accompany us."

"Understood, Steven, we will be careful, just rest assured"

Walker and Peter nodded in unison, then raised their guard and started to move closer to Ye Tian.

At this time, Ye Tian had already looked at the black hole that suddenly appeared on the floor, looking into the depths of the underground shrouded in darkness.

Following his movements, the powerful beam of light emitted from the headlight above his head immediately shone into the black hole under the flap.

In the next moment, there was a scene that made one's scalp tingle and even terrified! It appeared in front of Ye Tian's eyes, and appeared on the live broadcast screen.

This is a flap trap, which can be seen in many underground secret passages, tombs and other places. It is quite common, but it is very effective. It is used by countless people to protect secrets, or to shady people and so on.

The opening of the flap trap in front of me is about six to seventy centimeters square, and it is hidden under the two granite floors in the center of the corridor. No matter which floor the intruder steps on, the flap trap will be triggered.

The next moment, the intruder caught off guard will fall into this flap trap, just like falling into hell.

Under the two granite floors, there is a vertical pit with a depth of six to seven meters. There are seven or eight javelins inserted into the bottom of the pit, all of which are pointed up, and each javelin is rusty.

Anyone who falls into this flipper trap will be directly penetrated by the forest of javelins at the bottom of the pit, and will go to hell to report, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

Moreover, this vertical pit is connected with many snake paths, and has long been turned into a snake den, in which there are seven or eight highly poisonous Moroccan cobras, large and small.

At this time, these stimulated Moroccan cobras had all assumed an attacking posture, raised their bodies one after another, and kept issuing warnings, and the hissing of the snakes became one.

Seeing this scene at the bottom of the pit, people couldn't help being startled again. Some people who were afraid of poisonous snakes even screamed out of fear.

Ye Tian was quite calm, he quickly glanced at the situation inside the flap trap, and then withdrew his gaze.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out the folding engineer shovel again, and restored the two overturned granite slabs on the ground to their original shape.

Following his movements, the frightening black hole in the center of the tunnel disappeared immediately, and the eerie snake hissing also disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

But the three twisted and dilapidated javelins on the floor of the corridor clearly told everyone what happened here just now and how dangerous it was!

Next, Ye Tian pretended to carefully observe the ground, wall, and vault in front of him, looking very carefully.

After confirming that it was safe, he stepped out cautiously, stepped on a granite floor next to the right wall, and formally entered the most dangerous area.

This time, nothing happened. There was no noise, no thunderous javelins or rain of crossbow bolts, and no sudden attack by venomous Moroccan cobras.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

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