Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2351 The Sorrowful Baptist

After communicating with the Bishop of Kent and making the necessary preparations, Ye Tian came to this heavy and abnormal stone door step by step.

As he had observed before, there was no deadly trap in front of this stone door, nor was there any poisonous Moroccan cobra, so it looked very safe.

Next, Ye Tian began to carefully observe the stone gate and the two Templar statues next to it, as well as the walls on both sides, the floor, and the vault above, not missing a single corner.

Walker and Peter, who were standing not far behind him, and the Bishop of Kent and David, who were in the prayer room on the ground, were all watching his every move. Everyone was very nervous and full of expectations.

After observing for a while, Ye Tian suddenly turned his head and said:

"Walker, Peter, you can come here, there are no deadly traps in front of and around this stone gate, and there are no poisonous Moroccan cobras, it is very safe, you can rest assured.

Come here and wipe off this stone door, the two Templar statues next to it, and the dust and moss on the wall, so that I can see more clearly and find the mechanism to open the stone door."

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us"

Walker and Peter nodded in unison, and then walked up together.

Afterwards, under Ye Tian's instructions, Walker and Peter carefully and excitedly wiped away the dust and moss from these places.

After wiping, the two guys moved aside, and Ye Tian continued to observe, looking for the mechanism that opened the stone gate.

After about five or six minutes, he suddenly said in surprise:

"Guys, I should have found the mechanism to open this stone door, and I also understand how to open this heavy and abnormal granite stone door."

Upon hearing this, ecstasy flashed across the faces of Walker and Peter, as did the Bishop of Kent and David on the ground, almost cheering with excitement.

"Steven, where is the mechanism to open this stone gate?"

Walker asked eagerly, obviously impatient.

The same was true for Peter standing next to him, looking at Ye Tian expectantly, his eyes were extremely hot.

"Please look at the stone gate on the left side of the crucifixion of Jesus, St. John the Baptist in the world,

See anything special about the image of St. John? "

As he said that, Ye Tian pointed to St. John the Baptist carved on the stone gate, but he didn't give an answer, deliberately keeping it a secret.

Following the direction of his fingers, Walker and Peter, as well as the Bishop of Kent and David on the ground, all looked at the image of St. John the Baptist and carefully examined it curiously.

St. John the Baptist is a character in the Bible and one of the top saints in Christianity. He has a very high status in Christianity.

He also has a prominent identity, that is, the cousin of Christ Jesus, and he grew up with Jesus, and the relationship is extremely close.

In many works of art depicting the image of Jesus as a child, he always appears together with the baby Jesus, such as the century-old painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Louvre in Paris, "Our Lady of the Rocks".

According to the Bible, St. John the Baptist was commanded by God to baptize Jesus.

Legend has it that when he scooped up the holy water in the Jordan River to baptize Jesus, the sky suddenly opened up, and a dove-shaped Holy Spirit appeared in the opened sky, spreading the holy light all over the earth.

From then on, St. John the Baptist followed Jesus in preaching. Because he had baptized Jesus, he was named St. John the Baptist.

St. John the Baptist on the stone gate in front of him is located on the left side of the cross of Jesus. He is in the world, raising his hands to the sky, looking up at the heaven above, with extremely sad expressions and movements.

He seemed to be feeling sad for the suffering of Jesus, and he seemed to be praying to God, asking God for grace to save Jesus crucified on the cross and save the suffering in the world.

Among the three groups of murals on this stone gate, the image of St. John the Baptist is extremely prominent and impressive.

After observing carefully for a while, Walker asked in surprise:

"Steven, what is the mystery of the image of St. John the Baptist? Could it be that the mechanism to open this stone door is on St. John the Baptist? Why can't I see it?"

"Me too, I don't find anything special about the image of St. John the Baptist"

Peter continued, obviously also confused.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bishop of Kent's voice came over the intercom.

"Steven, the image of St. John the Baptist here is really special. I have never seen St. John the Baptist in this posture in other places. This is the first time I have seen it.

Although I also feel that there may be some secret hidden in this, but I just can't figure out where the secret is hidden, so you should stop entertaining everyone's appetite and reveal the answer."


Ye Tian smiled softly, and then revealed the answer to the mystery.

"Just like you, Bishop of Kent, I have never seen the image of St. John the Baptist with his hands upturned and his face full of sorrow like the one on the stone gate. This is the first time I have seen it.

The appearance of this particular St. John the Baptist on this stone gate should have a special purpose. To be more precise, he pointed out the organ that opened the stone gate.

Everyone, please look at the direction that St. John the Baptist's hands are pointing. His left finger is pointing to the Archangel Gabriel who is above heaven, holding a long sword and flying in the sky.

Gabriel is the chief guard of heaven, guarding heaven to prevent the invasion of Satan, honking the horn in the final judgment to show the resurrection of the dead, and he is also God's messenger.

In the widely popular mysticism in the Middle Ages, Gabriel is the angel responsible for reincarnation, guiding the reincarnation of human souls, and Guardim Pais is just a master of mysticism.

Let's look at the direction of the right hand of St. John the Baptist. His right hand points to another archangel, Raphael, who is also above heaven and flying in the sky.

Among the seven royal angels, Raphael is the angel who protects the soul of human beings and the angel who performs healing techniques. He not only heals people's bodies, but also includes people's beliefs.

The Archangel Raphael, carved on this stone door, looked down at Jesus crucified on the cross, with a very sad expression and pity in his eyes.

The two archangels pointed to by St. John the Baptist are related to the human soul. It is worth thinking about the specific meaning of these two archangels.

Let's look at the two archangels flying in the sky, the carvings are extremely vivid and exquisite, and the reliefs of these two archangels seem to be slightly protruding than other images.

This is what I just said about St. John the Baptist. He pointed to the two archangels in a very special shape, as if implying something."

Following the direction of Ye Tian's finger, Walker and Peter, as well as the Bishop of Kent and David on the ground, all looked at the two archangels flying in the sky on the stone gate.

After Ye Tian's point, coupled with the fact that the purpose was very clear, everyone saw something special in just a blink of an eye.

"That's right, Steven, the reliefs of these two archangels are indeed a bit more prominent than other characters, and you can't really tell if you don't look carefully!"

"What does this mean? Steven, is the mechanism to open the stone gate on the reliefs of these two archangels?"

Hearing everyone's voices, Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued:

"I boldly speculated that the mechanism to open this stone gate may be on the body of these two archangels, and it is through these two archangels that this stone gate can be opened.

If my guess is correct, then to open this stone door, two people, one on the left and one on the right, must act at the same time, with the same movements, to open the stone door and enter the secret room behind the door.

This should be a well-designed security measure. Anyone who comes here, even Guardim Pais himself, cannot open this stone door alone.

To open this stone gate, someone must cooperate and supervise. Even if there are enough people, if you don't know the correct way to open it, you can't open this stone gate.

I have to say that this is a genius design, which is admirable. Fortunately, we have three people who can cooperate with each other this time, so we won’t be overwhelmed by the ocean.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of exclamation at the scene and in the prayer room on the ground at the same time.

"Wow! This mechanism is so ingeniously set up, it's breathtaking!"

"Guardim Pais deserves to be the wisest Knight Templar. His reputation is well-deserved. In the distant Middle Ages, he could design such an exquisite mechanism, which is simply unimaginable."

After some emotion, the Bishop of Kent immediately said impatiently:

"Steven, since you have discovered where the organ is, then open this stone door and see what shocking secrets are hidden in the secret room behind the stone door!"

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