Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2352 Huge Waves

Ye Tian stepped forward again to take a closer look at the stone door, as well as the reliefs of St. John the Baptist and the two archangels, then turned to Walker and the others and said:

"Walker, Peter, you each choose an archangel relief, put your hands on it, and follow my instructions to act. Let's try to open this stone door together and see what kind of surprise we can get?"

Before the words fell, the two guys couldn't wait to respond in unison:

"Okay, Steven"

As they spoke, they stepped forward and quickly identified their target.

Walker chose the relief of the Archangel Gabriel, Peter chose the relief of the Archangel Raphael, and each stretched out their right hands and pressed them on the two reliefs.

Seeing that they were ready, Ye Tian immediately said in a deep voice:

"The reliefs of these two archangels are slightly protruding, and the edges will be able to be picked up with your fingers. You should first rotate them in a clockwise direction. Move slowly and be more careful. Let's start!"

Hearing this, Walker and Peter immediately looked at each other, and then worked together to try to rotate the reliefs of the two archangels.

Unfortunately, the two reliefs on the stone gate have not moved at all.

"Steven, the relief of Archangel Raphael won't turn at all"

Peter spoke, and Walker gave the same answer.

"Since you can't turn clockwise, try rotating counterclockwise again. The movements must be synchronized, and you must be more careful. Let's start."

Following Ye Tian's instructions, the two guys acted again, grabbing the edges of the reliefs of the two archangels, trying to rotate counterclockwise.

The result was the same as before, the two reliefs still did not respond.

Seeing this result, Ye Tian immediately changed his method.

"Press these two reliefs into the stone door with force, and the force can be increased. I believe there is always a way to open this heavy stone door.

If you really can't open it, then you can only cut the stone door open. To be honest, I really don't want to destroy such a valuable antique cultural relic."

the voice fell,

Walker and Peter immediately worked together to push the two archangel reliefs into the door.

Fortunately, there was finally movement this time.


Suddenly there was a sound of the machine turning inside the stone gate, which sounded extremely harsh, but to Ye Tian's and his group's ears, the sound was like the sound of heaven, extremely pleasant.

"Great! It seems that my guess is very correct, good luck is still with us"

Ye Tian cheered directly, and waved his fist vigorously, his face beaming with joy.

His performance, although mostly acting, is also an expression of true feelings, and it seems that there is no flaw.

Not only him, but Walker and Peter who were opening the stone gate, as well as the Bishop of Kent and David on the ground, were all excited and cheering in low voices.

After only two or three rings, the ear-piercing sound of the cabinet turning stopped, and the inside of the stone gate became quiet again.

But everyone already knows that the secret hidden behind this stone gate will be revealed soon.

Walker and Peter stopped, and turned their heads to look at Ye Tian together. Their right hands were still pressed against the reliefs of the two archangels.

At this time, the granite reliefs of the two archangels had been embedded in the stone door, recessed about four or five centimeters.

Ye Tian looked at the stone door, then at Walker and Peter, and then said loudly excitedly:

"Guys, I think we have unlocked the mechanism that controls this stone door. Next, you just need to slowly push open this thick and unusually thick stone door, and the secret room behind the stone door will appear.

Is it a priceless treasure or a legendary religious relic hidden in this secret room? The answer will be revealed soon, open this stone door and give the whole world a huge surprise.”

Hearing Ye Tian's passionate and bewitching words, Walker and Peter's excited eyes lit up, like two searchlights.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two guys immediately pressed their hands on the stone door and pushed the heavy stone door inward.

"Ka Ka Ka"

Accompanied by a piercing noise, a gap suddenly appeared where the right side of the stone gate met the wall, and the gap continued to expand.

The stone door was pushed open little by little, and along the gap between the stone door and the wall, a slightly dirty air quickly escaped.

When the stone door was pushed open about 20 to 30 centimeters, the light beam from the headlamp above Ye Tian's head and the powerful beam from the searchlight in front of the heavy police shield first shone into the secret room behind the stone door.

In the next moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone a little dizzy, and also reflected the golden splendor of the area outside Shimen.

Walker and Peter, who were pushing the stone door hard, couldn't help but stop to adapt to the dazzling light, and were also stunned by the shock.

"Wow! It seems that there is a huge treasure hidden in this secret room, at least there are many dazzling gold and silver treasures!"

Ye Tian said in amazement, his tone and expression were quite exaggerated.

Following his words, Walker and Peter who had fallen into a sluggish state, as well as the Bishop of Kent and David in the prayer room on the ground, were all awakened.

The next moment, these guys exclaimed one after another, and everyone was ecstatic.

After a while, their emotions calmed down a little.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Push open this stone door, Walker, Peter, but the speed must be slow, so as not to trigger the traps that may exist in the secret room. I will always protect your safety, don't worry."

After the words fell, Walker and Peter nodded in unison, and immediately took action, continuing to push the thick and unusually thick stone door.

Following their actions, the stone door opened wider and wider, and more and more of the situation in the secret room behind the stone door was revealed to everyone.

Behind this stone gate, there is a golden world hidden, which is extremely dazzling!

When more and more lights shone into the secret room, the underground passage outside the stone gate and the area near the stone gate seemed to be coated with a layer of gold, emitting a bright light.

No matter Ye Tian who was standing in front of the stone gate, or the Bishop of Kent and David who were in the praying room on the ground, they all froze in place, with ecstatic expressions on everyone's faces.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, the heavy stone door was finally pushed open completely, and the secret room behind the stone door was completely presented in front of everyone.

Walker and Peter, who withdrew their hands, were stunned for an instant, staring at the situation inside the stone gate dumbfounded, as if they had been hit by a hold spell, and their eyes were full of madness.

After a long time, the kid Walker said in a daze:

"My God! Could it be that we came to Jesus Salem and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher through an underground tunnel? This is clearly the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It's incredible!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian, ​​who had already woken up, continued to say:

"Guys, we're still deep underground in Tomar, and this isn't the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but a replica of the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Compared with the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, this hall is much smaller, less than one-third of the rotunda, but the architectural form and layout are exactly the same.

But it is brighter and brighter than the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and it is no exaggeration to say that this is a rotunda made of gold."

After the words fell, Walker and Peter standing beside him, as well as the Bishop of Kent and David on the ground, were all awakened.

Not surprisingly, these guys all hugged their heads and exclaimed, almost crazy.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then began to observe the situation in this secret room.

As he said, the secret room was built exactly according to the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, but it was much smaller, only one-third of the rotunda of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Every corner of this rotunda, every pillar, every wall and vault, even the floor, is covered with gold leaf, or inlaid with gold rims and gems of various colors.

Under the illumination of the lights, this rotunda looks like it is casted in gold, resplendent in gold and radiating incomparably bright rays of light.

Looking in from the door of the secret room, in the center of the rotunda, is an even more shocking picture.

Nine statues of Templar knights holding the swords of Crusader knights, wearing robes, solemn and pious expressions, form a big circle, facing the center, all kneeling on one knee, kneeling and worshiping as knights!

The object they bowed to was a sculpture of a young woman with a pious and sad expression, and a golden treasure chest that radiated bright light!

The statue of a young woman stands in the center of the rotunda, life-size, with one hand on her chest and lowered eyebrows, she seems to be crying or praying, which is moving.

In front of her line of sight, at the center of the rotunda, stood a marble altar about one meter high, on which was placed a square golden treasure chest, shining golden.

Looking beyond the sculptures and treasure chests in the center of the rotunda, in the depths of this underground secret room, there are many boxes piled up, some of which have already fallen apart.

The gold, silver, treasures and antique cultural relics that were originally packed in these boxes have been scattered all over the place, emitting an incomparably bright light, which makes people intoxicated and crazy.

Looking at the situation in this secret room, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing ecstasy, even though he had already seen everything here through perspective.

At this moment, a trembling murmur suddenly came from beside him.

"Oh my god! This place is so brilliant and spectacular, it's like heaven! There is actually a statue of the Virgin Mary here. Does the golden treasure chest in front of her also contain a religious relic?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the distraught Walker, then smiled and said:

"Walker, you got it wrong this time. The sculpture of a young woman in the center of the rotunda is not the Virgin Mary, but Mary Magdalene!"

At the same time as he said these words, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a playful smile in his eyes, which was fleeting.

He clearly knows what kind of huge waves will be set off in the western world by this discovery and his words today!

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