Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2360 The Biggest Robber

Not long after the meeting ended, the Portuguese side took out a list of gold, silver, treasures and antiques that they wanted to buy, and handed the list to Ye Tian.

Without exception, these gold and silver treasures and antique relics all come from the treasures of the Knights Templar, and they are all high-quality goods, each of which is of great value.

The Portuguese also wanted to acquire some gold and silver treasures and antique relics in the treasures of the Merovingian dynasty, but the Vatican had already arrived and planned to take all the treasures of the Merovingian royal family into their pockets. They could only dispel this idea.

After getting the purchase list, Ye Tian began to check the identification conclusion given by the Portuguese, as well as the valuation of the relevant gold, silver treasures and antiques.

Unsurprisingly, the Portuguese played a bit of tricks on this, either vaguely, vaguely, or deliberately undervalued, trying to leave relevant gold and silver treasures and antiques at the lowest possible price.

In Ye Tian's eyes, this method was too clumsy, and he unceremoniously pointed out the most accurate valuations and the most accurate appraisal conclusions of those gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics.

Immediately afterwards, he told the Portuguese Minister of Culture in charge of the transaction very clearly that this series of antique art transactions must be based on his own appraisal conclusions and valuations, otherwise it would be unnecessary.

In view of the fact that this treasure of the Knights Templar was buried in Tomar, Portugal, he also made a little concession, and he could sell those gold and silver treasures and antique relics at a 50% discount on the basis of the valuation he gave.

When he bluntly pointed out the small thoughts of the Portuguese, the expression of the Portuguese Minister of Culture suddenly changed, becoming very ugly, as if his own father had died.

The Portuguese archaeologists and historians who were in charge of identifying and appraising those gold and silver treasures and antique relics, as well as experts in the identification of antique works of art, had extremely embarrassing expressions.

However, they couldn't just tell nonsense with their eyes open and directly deny Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion and valuation.

More importantly, each of them wanted to leave the gold and silver treasures and antique relics on the list, and keep those precious treasures with great historical research value in Portugal!

Therefore, these guys could only grit their molars and nod to accept the appraisal conclusion and valuation given by Ye Tian, ​​even if they wished they could just tear Ye Tian up and let out a bad breath.

After re-determining the valuations of all the gold and silver treasures and antique relics on the list, the next thing is much simpler, and the transaction negotiations can be carried out smoothly.

Just when Ye Tian was negotiating a deal with the Portuguese,

In other words, when the Portuguese were looted, the historical town of Tomar became more lively.

Because of the emergence of the Holy Grail and several other religious relics, Tomar has suddenly become the focus of the world's attention, not only attracting countless attention, but also attracting many heavyweights.

The first to arrive in Tomar were the Spanish king and his wife and the Catholic Spanish bishop, as well as many members of the Spanish royal family, senior government officials, and many religious leaders.

Portugal is surrounded by Spain on three sides except the Atlantic Ocean in the west, so the Spaniards came the fastest.

After hearing the news of the arrival of the King of Spain and his party, Ye Tian immediately interrupted the ongoing transaction negotiations out of courtesy, and took David and Jason out to greet each other.

However, their meeting with the Spaniards was not very pleasant.

Because of the salvage of treasures from sunken ships in the Caribbean and the famous Lima treasures, in the eyes of the Spaniards, Ye Tian and his Brave and Fearless Exploration Company are synonymous with robbers.

From the king of Spain to the ordinary Spanish people, everyone hates him so much that they want to get back the treasures that once belonged to Spain.

For the Spaniards, Ye Tian and the others also looked down on them, thinking that the Spaniards are just a group of guys who are still indulging in the glory of the past and fantasizing about getting something for nothing.

Under such circumstances, the scene when the two parties meet can be imagined, how can it be pleasant?

After saying hello to the King of Spain, and chatting a few words, Ye Tian took his leave, took David and the others back to the meeting room, and continued to negotiate with the Portuguese.

Compared with getting acquainted with the Spanish king, he was obviously more tempted to rob the Portuguese and take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Following the King of Spain, the Prime Minister of Italy and the Italian Cardinal, the President of France and the Cardinal, as well as the British Prince Charles and the British Cardinal also rushed to Tomar one after another.

In addition to political and religious leaders from various countries, top leaders of churches and religious organizations such as the Greek Orthodox Church, the Armenian Church, and German Lutheran also rushed to Tomar.

Not only that, many political and business celebrities, celebrities, religious figures, and many historians and archaeologists in Europe and America, like the tide, are trying their best to flock to Tomar.

Among them are many old friends that Ye Tian is familiar with, such as his super rich clients and so on.

Intermittently, the negotiations between the Daring Dauntless Exploration Company and the Portuguese are coming to an end.

Ye Tian stood up from his chair, stretched out his right hand to the Portuguese Minister of Culture across the conference table, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Minister, I'm very glad to cooperate with you. The atmosphere of this meeting is also very good. As long as you all raise the funds to buy those gold, silver treasures and antique cultural relics, we can trade, and then the money and goods will be paid off!"

"Okay, Steven, we will raise funds as soon as possible to complete this antique art transaction"

The Minister of Culture of Portugal nodded and shook hands with Ye Tian.

When he said these words, the Portuguese had a helpless wry smile on his face, his heart was bleeding continuously, and he was so distressed that he was about to die.

The rest of the Portuguese sitting next to him, so why not!

At this moment, these Portuguese people looked at Ye Tian, ​​each one of them gritted their teeth with hatred, but they were helpless, they had nothing to do with him, they could only stick out their necks and wait to be slaughtered.

Next, Ye Tian chatted with these Portuguese for a few more words, and then took David and the others out of the meeting room, preparing to go to the Sarolla Church.

Those dignitaries and religious leaders from various countries who had already rushed to Tomar Castle gathered outside the Sarolla Church at this time, admiring this ancient building and discussing it endlessly.

The eyes of each of them are fixed on the closed door of the church, and each of them wants to enter this ancient church, enter the underground world, and see the Holy Grail and the other religious relics with their own eyes.

It's a pity that without the joint permission of Ye Tian and the Pope, no one can enter this ancient church.

The armed security guards guarding the church door were all on high alert and didn't seem easy to speak.

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, Mathis' voice came from the wireless earphones and reached Ye Tian's ears.

"Steven, the US President's special plane, Air Force One, has taken off from Washington DC and will arrive in Lisbon in the evening, and there are several religious leaders who came to Portugal with him.

Mr. Vice President, who is visiting Europe, has just arrived in Tomar, and will be at the foot of Tomar Castle in a few minutes. Should we go out to greet him?

In addition to the President and Vice President of the United States, the nearby US military base also sent a huge convoy to Tomar, saying that it was to protect the President, and also protect the Holy Grail along the way! "

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian suddenly laughed lightly.

"Since it's the vice president of the United States, out of politeness, we have to greet him, we are an American company after all, and besides, we might have to take advantage of Mr. Vice President's influence.

There are too many people staring at us now, and there are countless guys who are jealous of the treasure of the Knights Templar. The arrival of those American soldiers is a good thing for us, and I am happy to see it come true!

As for whether those American soldiers are here to protect the president, or to protect the Holy Grail, or have other ulterior motives, we don't care, let the Vatican and the Portuguese have a headache! "

After speaking, Ye Tian introduced the situation to David and Jason, and then led them downstairs to the gate of Tomar Castle.

As soon as the group of them came out of this building, they saw the pope and the Portuguese president, both of whom had bad expressions on their faces.

In addition to them, other political leaders and religious leaders from other countries have also come here, and everyone has a trace of worry in their eyes.

Ye Tian couldn't understand where their worries came from.

Who doesn't know that the United States is the largest rogue country in the world today, and in the eyes of many people, the President of the United States is undoubtedly a bandit leader!

Facing the most holy thing, the Holy Grail, no one knows whether the President of the United States, the biggest bandit leader, will feel possessive. Can you not be worried?

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