Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2361 happy deal

In the evening, the Brave Man and the Vatican also successfully reached an agreement on the transaction of antique art, and the target was naturally the huge treasures from the Merovingian dynasty.

The amount of this antique art transaction is astonishing, it can be called an astronomical figure, but it has not been disclosed to the public, except for a few people involved in the negotiation, no one else knows it.

When this transaction agreement was signed, the treasures of the Merovingian Dynasty were still stored in the golden palace deep underground, and they had not been cleaned up and evaluated. Naturally, the exact value of these treasures was not known.

However, the Vatican was very generous and directly signed the transaction agreement based on the approximate valuation given by Ye Tian, ​​and promised to pay in advance to complete the antique art transaction as soon as possible.

The Vatican did this, of course, for a reason.

One is because the Pope and the Bishop of Kent know Ye Tian very well, and they know that his vision is extremely sharp, and it is impossible to miss him. The valuation he gave should be almost the same as the real value of the treasure of the Merovingian Dynasty.

Since the two sides jointly explored the treasure of the Knights Templar, they had seen this kind of thing many times, each time was very accurate, and this time was no exception.

There is another more important reason. The Vatican does not want to see those things in the treasures of the Merovingian dynasty frequently appearing in front of the world, which will make people think of Mary Magdalene and the relationship between her and Jesus.

Discussing Mary Magdalene alone is fine, but if you delve into her relationship with Jesus, you will inevitably touch on many taboo topics.

Saying that Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus has been a taboo topic since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, if someone dared to say that, it would be tantamount to asking for death!

Even the Knights Templar, they can worship Mary Magdalene, but they cannot disclose that Mary Magdalene may be the wife of Jesus, and she is pregnant with the blood of Jesus, and continue this series of things.

Regarding these matters, the Knights Templar did not dare to share them with the public, they could only regard them as their own beliefs, and vowed to guard these secrets to the death!

Once these things are made public, they will become the target of public criticism, and the demise of the Knights Templar may be related to this.

Even in modern society, it is not as dark as the Middle Ages, even if the Vatican recognizes that Mary Magdalene is not a prostitute and helps her clear her grievances, this has never changed!

And the royal family of the Merovingian dynasty,

The St. Clair family, according to legend, is the descendant of Mary Magdalene, the continuation of the holy blood of Jesus!

On this point, the Vatican has never admitted, and it seems that it will not admit it in the future.

Because of this, the Vatican intends to acquire the treasures of the Merovingian dynasty as a whole, to reduce the frequency and influence of the name Maria Magdalene as much as possible, thus causing some unnecessary associations.

Furthermore, after they acquire the treasures of the Merovingian Dynasty, they will inevitably find a large number of archaeologists and experts in the identification of antique works of art to conduct careful identification and give accurate valuations.

If the valuation given by Ye Tian is too high, the purchase price they paid is too high, and they can negotiate to get it back afterwards, which is clearly reflected in the transaction contract.

As for the other situation, the valuation given by Ye Tian was on the low side, and the result was that the Vatican was in vain. This situation is simply impossible.

After signing the transaction contract, Ye Tian stood up, shook hands with the Bishop of Kent across the conference table, and said with a smile:

"Bishop of Kent, I am very glad to cooperate with you Vatican. This antique art transaction is really happy. In this way, we don't have to clean up the treasures of the Merovingian dynasty, nor do we need to identify and evaluate them.

This undoubtedly saved us a lot of trouble. , Next, as long as you deposit the agreed purchase money into our company’s bank account, the treasure of the Merovingian Dynasty in that golden palace will belong to you.”

Bishop of Kent shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​then smiled and said:

"Steven, we are also very happy to cooperate with you. Tomorrow morning at the latest, this astronomically huge amount of wealth will be deposited into your company's bank account. Congratulations, you have made another big fortune."

"That would be great! It would be even better if the Portuguese were as generous and straightforward as you. After completing these two antique art transactions, I will arrange for my men to transport the remaining treasures away.

When the transport plane transporting the remaining gold, silver, treasures and antique relics takes off and flies to New York on the other side of the ocean, we can enter that underground world again and retrieve those holy Christian relics.”

"I have to say, you guys are extremely cautious, and you don't leak anything. Well, we can only wait, wait, wait to enter that underground world with you, and go get the Holy Grail!"

The Bishop of Kent shook his head with a wry smile and said, showing quite helplessness.

"There is no way. The value of this batch of gold and silver treasures and antique cultural relics is too high, enough to drive almost everyone crazy, and then take reckless risks. Dare you not be careful?"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, without any sign of embarrassment.

Afterwards, they chatted for a few more words and left the meeting room together.

As they went downstairs, the Bishop of Kent asked:

"Steven, are you going to the grand banquet held in the city of Tomar? It must be very lively there, with dignitaries from all over the world gathered, and there are more than a dozen or twenty politicians at the king, president, and prime minister level.

There is no doubt that it is the top social occasion in the world today, and as the discoverer of the treasures of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail, if you attend this banquet, you will definitely become the focus of everyone's attention."

Ye Tian shook his head lightly, smiled and said:

"This joint exploration operation is not over yet. I will never leave Tomar Castle until the treasures of the Knights Templar have not been transported away, and the Holy Grail and several other religious relics have not been lifted out of the ground.

The opportunity to participate in such a top-level social banquet is very rare, and it would be a pity to miss it, but I believe that I will continue to encounter such opportunities in the future, and it will not be too late to participate when I have the opportunity in the future.

Those gold and silver treasures and antique relics from the treasure of the Knights Templar are still piled up in the Sarolla Church, I am going to go there to check the security situation, so as not to cause any accidents."

When he said these words, Ye Tian's words were full of confidence, and he didn't feel any regrets about missing this banquet.

In fact, he is not very happy to deal with those top Western politicians, religious leaders, and political and business celebrities, and falsely say some unnutritious nonsense and lies.

Besides, there was another reason he didn't say.

If he left, the little white elf came up from the depths of the ground but couldn't find him. In this case, no one can say what that cruel little guy would do!

If that little guy gets mad and starts killing people, then there will be a good show.

If that little guy followed his scent all the way to the city of Tomar under the mountain and broke into the banquet hall, it would be even more lively, and it would probably scare several presidents or prime ministers to death on the spot.

While speaking, everyone had come downstairs, and then parted ways.

The Bishop of Kent and the others walked to the small Manueline building where the Pope lived to report the results of the negotiations.

Ye Tian took David and Jason, they were talking and laughing, and walked towards the Shalaola Church together.

After entering the church, he quickly checked all the places and found nothing wrong.

There was nothing wrong with the black sealed bags stacked on the church floor and closely guarded by several armed security personnel, as well as the gold and silver treasures and antique relics contained in those bags.

Next, he took several company employees to work together to pick out all the gold, silver, treasures and antique relics that were used to trade with the Portuguese, so that they can be traded tomorrow.

Busy and busy, it was around ten o'clock in the evening.

Air Force One, which flew from Washington, finally arrived in Portugal and landed at the airport in Lisbon.

Ye Tian, ​​who received the news, just smiled lightly, and then took David and the others out of Shalaola Church.

At this time, Tomar, because of the arrival of Air Force One, caused quite a commotion.

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