Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2362 All Robbers

It was the second day in a blink of an eye, and the sun was still shining.

Early in the morning, the motorcade of the President of the United States arrived in Tomar, which brought a bit of noise to this historic town.

After arriving in Tomar, the presidential motorcade did not go to the reserved hotel, but went straight to Tomar Castle, which shows the urgency of the American leader to see the Holy Grail.

After receiving the news, Ye Tian and the others could only walk out of Tomar Castle with the others, and came to the gate of the castle to welcome the biggest bandit leader in the world.

At this time, the gate of Tomar Castle is like a carnival scene, and the scene is very lively.

In the open space in front of the castle gate, many reporters from major news media around the world gathered. These uncrowned kings were extremely excited, and they were all shooting at Tomar Castle with long guns and short cannons.

In addition to many media reporters, outside the cordon drawn up by the Portuguese military and police, there were also countless onlookers gathered, which had already blocked the entrance of the castle.

Among them are the citizens of Tomar, tourists from all over the world, as well as many devout believers, as well as Jesuit monks and nuns wearing monk uniforms.

Many of them have been waiting here all night, almost never leaving.

Because once they leave, the position will be occupied by others, and they will never be able to squeeze in again.

Of course, there were many secret agents disguised as various identities in the crowd, staring vigilantly at the excited people around them.

The composition of these agents is very complex, and they come from different countries.

Among them are Portuguese agents, agents from the Vatican, agents from countries such as Israel, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany, and of course agents from the Washington Secret Service.

Fortunately, after some communication, coordination, and mutual investigation, these guys all knew the identities of the other secret agents, and they were all right, they just became more vigilant.

Mathis also arranged a few men in the crowd, pretending to be tourists, staring at the movement of the crowd, and secretly protecting Ye Tian and the others.

When Ye Tian walked out of the gate of the castle with the Pope and the Portuguese President, the American President's convoy had just arrived at the foot of the mountain and was heading towards Tomar Castle along the road up the mountain.

And the many media reporters waiting at the gate of the castle, as well as the crowd of onlookers,

Seeing Ye Tian and the pope appear, they cheered immediately.

Especially those media reporters, each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and they were extremely excited.

Before the cheers fell, some media reporters raised their voices and began to ask loud questions impatiently.

"Good morning, His Majesty the Pope. I am a reporter from French National Television. Where is the Holy Grail now? Is it in the golden palace deep underground, or in the castle of Tomar? Can we pay our respects?"

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from The New York Times, and I would like to congratulate you on the discovery of the famous Knights Templar treasure, the Holy Grail and several other religious relics, which is truly a great discovery.

Can you tell us about the process of this joint exploration operation? Tell me how you found the Templar Treasure and the Holy Grail, and those other religious relics? I think everyone is interested! "

Ye Tian and the Pope responded to the questions from many media reporters in the same way. They did not respond, but smiled and nodded at the media reporters, saying hello.

The Bishop of Kent and the spokesperson of the Portuguese Presidential Palace are in charge of dealing with these media reporters. They have already walked over to these media reporters and are ready to answer questions from the media reporters.

While speaking, the mighty US presidential motorcade had already arrived in front of the Tomar Castle, which immediately caused quite a commotion.

After the convoy stopped and the safety of the scene was confirmed, the U.S. commander got out of the car, and then walked towards the gate of Tomar Castle while waving to everyone at the scene.

With the arrival of this person, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more lively. Many media reporters were asking questions loudly, and all the questions still revolved around the Holy Grail.

At the same time, all the security personnel at the scene raised their alert level to the highest level, staring at everyone around them vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

Soon, the President of the United States came to the front and began to shake hands with the Pope, Ye Tian, ​​and the President of Portugal one by one, and exchanged greetings.

When he shook hands with Ye Tian, ​​the American commander whispered enviously:

"Good morning, Steven, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. First of all, I would like to congratulate you. You have created a miracle again. You have discovered several religious relics such as the treasure of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail. This is really a great discovery."

Ye Tian shook hands with the great commander, nodded with a smile and said:

"Good morning, Mr. President, it's a pleasure to meet you here. My luck is always good, and this time is no exception. That's why I was lucky enough to discover religious relics such as the treasure of the Knights Templar and the Holy Grail.

This trip to Tomar was the last stop of our joint exploration of the treasures of the Knights Templar. Fortunately, the results were good and the harvest was huge, drawing a successful conclusion to this joint exploration! "

After a few polite greetings, the American commander couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, I don't know where the Holy Grail is now? Is it in the golden palace deep underground? Or has it been taken out by you and stored in Tomar Castle?

Since ancient times, there have been countless legends about the Holy Grail. It is said that if someone drinks the water in the Holy Grail, they can gain eternal life. I wonder if these legends are true?

I'd love to see the Holy Grail, if the Holy Grail is still in that golden palace deep underground? Can you take me there, I also want to visit that mysterious underground world! "

Hearing this, the faces of the Pope, the Portuguese President, and some other people next to him changed, and a trace of worry flashed in everyone's eyes.

The commander in front of him, and the United States behind him, are notoriously arrogant and unreasonable, or a hooligan. If this man really has the idea of ​​the Holy Grail, then he will be in trouble!

Ye Tian looked at the person in front of him, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Mr. President, the Holy Grail is still stored in the golden palace deep underground and in the golden treasure chest, not in Tomar Castle.

Since its discovery, the Holy Grail has never been moved, and no one has touched it. To be on the safe side, the Holy Grail will only be lifted out of the ground after all preparations have been made.

I have heard of the legends about the Holy Grail, such as the Holy Grail can make people live forever. As for whether these legends are true, I don’t know, and I can’t jump to conclusions!

If you want to enter the underground golden palace and see the Holy Grail, I'm afraid it won't work. The underground world is full of deadly traps, and there are countless poisonous Moroccan cobras.

But you don’t need to worry, I believe it won’t be long before we release the Holy Grail and several other religious relics and bring them to the ground, and you will be able to see them then.”

Hearing this, the President of the United States paused for a moment, then nodded and said:

"In this case, then I will wait, this time I am here for the Holy Grail, I hope to see this most holy thing with my own eyes, it would be a pity if I miss it.

Steven, I would like to ask, is it possible to bring the Holy Grail to America? I believe that every American wants to pay a visit to this Christian holiest object”

Before the words were finished, the faces of the Pope and the Bishop of Kent, as well as several other senior Vatican monks and Jesuit senior monks, all changed drastically and became very ugly.

as expected! This Mr. President from the other side of the ocean is indeed an out-and-out bandit leader, and he even wants to grab the Holy Grail to the United States!

Thinking of this, these religious leaders were very angry, and were about to say something out loud to express their protest, but they were stopped by the Pope with gestures.

This is the gate of Tomar Castle, and it is a public place. Countless people are staring at this place at this moment. It is obviously not a place to argue, and the timing is not right. It will not do any good.

Ye Tian looked at the Mr. President with greedy eyes shining in front of him, then glanced at the Pope and the Bishop of Kent who were full of worry, and then said in a low voice:

"Mr. President, according to the joint exploration agreement we signed with the Vatican, all religious relics from the treasure of the Knights Templar belong to the Vatican, and all secular property belongs to our company.

From the moment we discovered the Holy Grail and several other religious relics, their ownership has belonged to the Vatican. As for their whereabouts, only the Vatican can decide. You should ask His Majesty the Pope."

Hearing this, the President of the United States couldn't help but paused, and nodded slightly at the Pope next to him, but did not ask.

Then the American leader changed the subject.

"Steven, you said that all the secular property of the Knights Templar's treasure belongs to your company, so I would like to ask, what do you plan to do with that treasure? That is a very amazing wealth!"

When you fall asleep, someone will give you a pillow, which is really great!

Ye Tian was waiting for this question, and without any hesitation, he immediately gave the answer.

"How to deal with this shocking treasure of the Knights Templar, we have a plan and are implementing it. We have reached a deal with the Vatican to sell all the treasures of the Merovingian Dynasty to them.

Next, our company will also conduct a series of antique art transactions with the Portuguese government, and sell part of the gold and silver treasures and antique relics from the treasures of the Knights Templar to them.

We plan to transport most of the remaining treasures of the Knights Templar back to New York, store them in various vaults in New York, and then slowly process them in the antique art market in New York and around the world! "

"This arrangement is very good. If you need help, you can come to me. Your Bravery Exploration Company has contributed a lot of tax revenue to the United States and New York. We have a responsibility to help you!"

The President of the United States nodded with a smile and said, his eyes were full of envy and a bit of greed.

It is the turn of the Portuguese President and his entourage to change their face this time.

Damn American bastard, there is no good man at all, all of them are robbers!

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