Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2368 one person and one snake

In just three or two steps, Ye Tian brought David to the leaders of various countries, and greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Good evening, gentlemen, I did not expect you to be here to greet us, it is a great honor"

As soon as the words fell, the King of Spain gritted his molars and said:

"Good evening, Steven, we would like to know if you deliberately provoked the fire on the Lisbon Airport Expressway this afternoon?"

"That's right, Steven, should you explain why before the shootout started, several media reporters at the scene heard someone yelling that there was a cobra in horror?

Immediately after that, the gun battle broke out, and the American soldiers flying the Black Hawk helicopter immediately occupied a favorable attack position and quickly launched a counterattack. It was a massacre.”

The French president said again, also itching his teeth with hatred.

The behavior of the rest of the dignitaries at the scene was not much better, they all looked like they were asking questions, and everyone's eyes were spitting fire.

Among them was the Portuguese President, who also had a very ugly face, and kept sucking his teeth.

Obviously, most of the idiots who were killed on the highway in the afternoon should come from Spain, France, and other European countries, which happened to correspond to the countries behind the people in front of them.

Needless to say, those idiots must have suffered heavy injuries. It is estimated that most of them died in that tragic fight, and few survived.

The Portuguese military police, who were responsible for protecting the escort convoy and launching the offensive, probably also paid a considerable price.

Because of this, the few people in front of them came to Xingshi to question their crimes, with a menacing look.

Ye Tian glanced at the distraught politicians in front of him, then smiled and said:

"When we escorted the treasure of the Knights Templar to Lisbon International Airport, we did find that there were many people with unknown origins and ulterior motives behind the convoy.

Through relevant technical means, we found that those guys were carrying a lot of weapons and ammunition, and they were very sturdy, obviously coming for the treasure of the Knights Templar.

After discovering this situation, we immediately notified the Portuguese military police and the U.S. Marine Corps accompanying the convoy to protect the convoy.

Let them deal with those guys.

Everyone is very clear about what happened next. I would like to ask, who are those idiots whose origins are unknown? Is it an agent or a robber?

Why are those guys following our escort convoy in full armor? Don’t say that they are here to escort, no one will believe it.”

Following these rhetorical questions, embarrassment flashed across the faces of the kings and presidents in front of them, somewhat embarrassing.

However, their expressions returned to normal in a blink of an eye, as if they didn't hear or understand Ye Tian's sarcastic words at all!

Or they are politicians! Otherwise, how can we climb to the pinnacle of the rights of all countries, none of which are given in vain!

Self-sacrifice is the most basic quality of a politician, and they have obviously practiced it very well.

For their performance, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and didn't take it to heart at all.

Anyway, the damn idiot is completely dead, can you still bite me?

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"As for the fact that someone shouted 'There is a cobra' at the scene, I don't know much about it. I don't know whether it is true or not. In my opinion, it is probably framed.

The target of framing is naturally me, as we all know, in the deep underground of Tomar Castle, I received a small translucent white cobra, which is the little guy on my wrist."

With that said, Ye Tian raised his right hand and showed the white elf wrapped around his right wrist.

The little guy Bai Elf is also very cooperative. At the same time Ye Tian raised his right hand, this little guy also raised his snake's head and stared closely at the guys opposite him.


Those political leaders couldn't help but gasped, and took a step back in unison. Everyone's eyes were full of fear, and cold sweat broke out on their backs.

Looking at the little translucent cobra in front of them, they all thought of the scene they saw on the live broadcast, the killing scene that terrified everyone.

At this moment, each of them had a creepy feeling. In their entire life, perhaps they had never felt that death was so close to them.

They knew in their hearts that as long as Steven, the damn bastard, gave the order, that terrifying little cobra would pounce in the air and kill them directly.

What's even more frightening is that after being kissed by the snake, his own fate is likely to be extremely miserable. In the end, only a piece of human skin is left, and it is useless to lose a whole body.

The complexions of the secret service personnel standing next to him changed instantly, and panic, even despair, flashed in everyone's eyes.

Their reaction was not unpleasant. Several secret service personnel quickly stretched their hands into their arms, and then they were about to draw their guns and fire, killing that scary little cobra, and killing Ye Tian by the way.

At the same time, these secret agents were also ready to die. They knew in their hearts that it was very likely that they would be killed later, not the terrifying one man and one snake in front of them.

At this critical moment, Ye Tian suddenly withdrew his right hand, and said loudly with a smile:

"Everyone don't need to be nervous, the white elf is a very cute little guy, it will not take the initiative to attack humans, it is safe here, there is no danger"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene rolled their eyes angrily, and each of them was secretly shocked.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves relaxed a little bit, but no one dared to approach Ye Tian again.

The secret agents who reached into their arms slowly released their gun handles, but still maintained a high level of alert, staring at the man and snake in front of them, ready to respond at any time.

"Steven, the damn bastard, is simply a lunatic, and only this lunatic dares to let that devilish little cobra wrap around his wrist!"

Except for David, such a passage emerged in everyone's mind.

At the same time, these guys also made a decision not to provoke the lunatic in front of them unless it was absolutely necessary, otherwise they would not know how they died.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd again, and then continued to say:

"Let's go back to the topic just now. Some people said that before the shootout in the afternoon, someone shouted that there was a cobra. This is actually not difficult to verify. You only need to check whether anyone died from the snake's mouth at the scene, and the answer will come out.

Although I have been taking the little white elf with me, it has never left me, and the bulletproof SUV I am riding in is in the escort convoy, and there is still a distance of 50 to 60 meters from the firefighting site behind the convoy.

Another point is that after the gun battle broke out, I quickly left with the escort convoy for safety reasons. From the beginning to the end, I never left the bulletproof SUV I was riding in. Many people can attest to this.

As for the little guy called White Elf, everyone has seen that this little guy doesn't have wings, so how could he fly over that distance in a short period of time, make a surprise attack, and then come back quietly?

That was on the expressway, with hundreds of cars in front and behind, and the wheels were rolling. It was impossible for any cobra to sneak attack in that situation, not to mention, how could it know those idiots that were trailing behind? "

Hearing Ye Tian's explanation, everyone at the scene had nothing to say, and couldn't find any reason to refute for a while.

However, each of them is very sure that the bloody massacre that happened this afternoon was definitely planned and deliberately provoked by the eloquent bastard in front of him.

Next, Ye Tian explained a few more words, picking himself up completely, and with an innocent expression.

Afterwards, he changed the subject and turned to look at the Bishop of Kent standing aside.

"Bishop of Kent, I don't know how your preparations are going? When are you going to take out the Holy Grail and the other religious relics? If possible, I hope to act sooner."

After the words fell, the Bishop of Kent immediately nodded excitedly and said:

"We're ready, Steven, and we can launch operations tomorrow to retrieve the Holy Grail and the other religious objects from that dark underground world!"

"That's great! I believe tomorrow will be very exciting, and the eyes of the whole world will gather here, to the underground world under our feet!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, and waved his fist pretending to be excited.

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