Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2369 The beginning of a day of frenzy

As Ye Tian said, when the new day comes, Tomar Castle has become the focus of attention from all over the world, attracting countless attention, even fanaticism.

At this time, the leaders of almost all Western countries, as well as the leaders of many Christian denominations and religious organizations gathered in this ancient Byzantine castle, as well as many political and business celebrities.

In addition, the current Prime Minister of Israel and the leader of Judaism are also in this ancient castle.

It's just that their unique attire is somewhat out of place compared with other people on the scene.

In this castle, on the open space at the entrance of the Sharolla Church, a temporary altar has been set up.

Although it is said to be temporary, the altar, which is made of marble, covered with gold leaf, and placed with many antique religious items, is so resplendent and dazzling.

Many leaders of Western countries and many religious leaders who were in this castle gathered around this golden marble altar at this time, and everyone was excited and full of expectations.

The one closest to the altar and in the most prominent position is naturally the Pope.

He was dressed up today, wearing a full set of white robes, a red scapular, a white cap, and red French shoes, holding a scepter symbolizing religious power, with a solemn and solemn expression.

Beside him, surrounded by a group of cardinals from the Vatican and all over the world, like stars encircling the moon, guarding the Pope in the middle.

As for those political and business celebrities from European and American countries, as well as the senior government officials and senior monks who followed the heads of state, they are not qualified to stand near this altar.

They can only stand on the surrounding city walls and towers, or in various historical buildings, looking down at what is happening in front of the Shaola Church.

Some of them didn't even take the opportunity, they could only stay in the various rooms of the castle, or gather in the garden, watching the situation here on live TV.

Even so, these guys are very excited, everyone looks proud, with a sense of sacredness on their faces, and eyes full of anticipation, even madness.

Outside the Tomar Castle, outside the cordon pulled up by the police, there was already a sea of ​​people. Almost every open space around the Tomar Castle was crowded and impenetrable by the swarming people.

people here,

They all stretched their necks and stared at the big-screen TV in front of them, not even willing to blink their eyelids. Everyone's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Not only here, but in the urban area of ​​Tomar under the mountain, in the whole of Portugal, and in many places all over the world, people's performance is basically the same, and they are all the same fanatical!

Today's live broadcast has not yet started, people's emotions have already risen, and the atmosphere on the scene has become more and more heated.

When the gate of the Sarolla Church appeared on the live broadcast screen again, there was a burst of crazy cheers like a tsunami inside and outside Tomar Castle, as well as in front of countless live broadcast terminals.

Inside the Sarolla Church, it was very quiet at this moment.

Many members of the Swiss Guard from the Vatican, each fully armed, guarded various places in this ancient church, all on high alert.

Ye Tian, ​​Walker and Peter, who were ready, had just entered the octagonal prayer room in the center of the church.

Several company employees who stayed in Tomar were also in this prayer house, and set up a combination winch, preparing to lift the granite strips and slabs that sealed the entrance to the secret underground passage.

Outside this prayer house, the Bishop of Kent and two other cardinals from the Vatican were all wearing red cassocks, ready to follow Ye Tian and the others into the underground secret passage.

In addition, Leonardo and a member of the fully armed Swiss Guard will also enter this underground world to protect the Bishop of Kent and the Holy Grail.

In addition to all of the above, Joshua, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Israel, and a Jewish rabbi are also among the exploration team that entered the underground world this time.

The reason why the Israelites appeared here is naturally because of the first few religious relics discovered, and those religious relics belonged not only to Christianity, but also to Judaism.

In comparison, the significance of those religious holy objects to Judaism is even more important.

Ye Tian and the others had entered the prayer room for a while, and the Bishop of Kent and the others waited patiently outside. Everyone felt like a year, and wished they could enter this prayer room and the underground world immediately.

Finally, Ye Tian came out of the prayer room and came before the Bishop of Kent and the others.

"Bishop of Kent, next I will open the underground secret passage in the prayer room, and then enter it, you follow us, just come in one by one, I will take you to visit this underground world.

I want to remind you again that from the moment you enter this secret underground passage, all of you must obey my command, must follow the safe route I have marked, and must not act without authorization.”

"No problem, Steven, we are very clear about this. We understand the situation of the underground world under everyone's feet, and we know how dangerous it is. Do you dare to be careful?"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in response, and the rest of the people also nodded.

It can be seen that each of them is very excited and eager to try.

Next, Ye Tian told these guys a few more words, and then he was about to turn around and walk into the prayer room.

At this moment, the Bishop of Kent suddenly stopped him, then pulled him aside, and whispered expectantly:

"Steven, it's about this time, can you guys reveal where the other exit of the golden palace where the Holy Grail is stored leads to where in Tomar City?

Led by two cardinals, a total of 30 fully armed Swiss Guard members are on standby in the city. As long as you tell the location, they will immediately go there to protect that place tightly.

In addition to our Vatican, there is also a security team composed of agents from European and American countries, who will also rush to protect that location and the Holy Grail. No country wants to miss this opportunity.”

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, then shook his head lightly, smiled and said in a low voice:

"Don't worry, Bishop of Kent, it's not time to announce the location, our first task now is to unearth the three religious relics that are King Solomon's seal.

After the three religious relics are successfully retrieved, we enter this underground world again, and arrive at the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located, and then I will reveal the answer to this mystery.

By then, the Israelites will be gone, and we'll be deep underground and have seen the Holy Grail and the Merovingian treasure, so we don't have to worry about leaks anymore! "

Hearing this, the Bishop of Kent immediately rolled his eyes angrily, but he was also very helpless.

He knew in his heart that Ye Tian's so-called worry about leaking secrets was just an excuse, a means for him to protect himself.

Next, Ye Tian and the Bishop of Kent walked back, and walked into the prayer room together.

At the same time, today's much-anticipated historic exploration operation has also officially started a global live broadcast.

When the live broadcast screen cut to the interior of the Sarolla Church, Ye Tian and Bishop Kent appeared on the live broadcast screen and waved at everyone, the entire outside world was completely detonated immediately!

"clap clap"

The applause suddenly sounded like a violent storm, sweeping almost the entire world in an instant.

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