Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2370 historic moment

Inside the prayer room, Ye Tian and Walker had already descended to the bottom of the pit, and they used the winch on the edge of the pit to lift and remove the granite strips and slabs that sealed the entrance of the secret underground passage one by one.

Following their actions, the dark entrance to the secret passage at the bottom of the pit, which leads directly to the deep underground, immediately appeared in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen.

Not surprisingly, there was another commotion in the outside world, and people were very excited.

At this moment, a white light suddenly rushed out from the underground secret passage, and rushed towards Ye Tian like lightning, everyone was startled.

But Ye Tian didn't dodge, didn't take any defensive or attacking action, but stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face, facing the lightning-like white light.

The next moment, people saw that there was a small white translucent cobra on his right wrist, like a bracelet, and it was very intimate and full of spirituality.

This small white translucent cobra is the white elf, a terrifying existence that is said to be transformed by the devil, extremely poisonous, and horrifying to everyone.

Seeing this scene, people couldn't help but exclaimed, and a look of horror flashed in everyone's eyes.

The faces of the leaders of several European countries who were outside the door of the Sarolla Church changed instantly and became very ugly.

After seeing the speed of the little white elf, they were even more sure that the bloody massacre that happened on the Lisbon Airport Expressway yesterday was planned and provoked by this bastard, Steven.

The one who helped him start the war was this little white cobra that looked cute but was actually more terrifying than the devil.

Thinking of this, the leaders of these European countries suddenly felt cheated and humiliated. They were very angry, and a trace of hatred quickly flashed in their eyes.

At the entrance of the secret passage, Ye Tian gently stroked the white elf's little head, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Guys, let's get started. Come with me to visit this dark underground world and bring a huge surprise to the whole world. I believe this day will be recorded in history forever!"

Before the words were finished, an employee of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company who was on the ground of the prayer room reached out and turned on the main power switch.

In the next moment, the spiral-shaped secret passage leading directly to the depths of the underground immediately lit up.

at the same time,

Ye Tian had already picked up the heavy police shield that had been put aside, stepped out first, walked into this secret underground passage again, and walked deep underground.

Behind him, Walker and Peter followed one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the Bishop of Kent and the other two cardinals, as well as Joshua from Israel and the Jewish rabbi, went down to the bottom of the pit one by one, and then entered this secret underground passage.

It was Leonardo and a member of the fully armed Swiss Guard who were in charge of the rear.

In the blink of an eye, this special exploration team has all entered the underground secret passage, and walked deep underground step by step along the safe route marked by Ye Tian.


Twenty minutes later, the expedition team had successfully entered the underground palace where King Solomon's seal ring and two other religious relics were located.

After entering this underground palace, Ye Tian quickly checked the situation here as usual. Of course, this was just acting.

After confirming that there is no danger and basically safe here, he smiled and said:

"Bishop of Kent, Joshua, next I will open the golden locks outside these two treasure chests. As for taking out the religious relics contained in these two golden treasure chests, it is your business."

"Okay, Steven, you can open these two golden locks now. To be honest, we can't wait to open these two golden treasure chests right away. This will be a very sacred moment."

The Bishop of Kent nodded excitedly, and quickly made a sign of the cross on his chest.

Joshua, the rabbi, and the other two cardinals all nodded, and everyone's excited eyes lit up.

Afterwards, Ye Tian walked towards the golden treasure chest placed on the base of the statue of Archangel Raphael, and took out the lockpicking tool bag he carried with him, and pulled out a thin steel piece from it.

In the blink of an eye, he had easily opened the two golden locks and placed them on the marble base.

Next, Ye Tian put away the steel plate for unlocking the lock, took Walker and Peter aside, and became spectators.

When they backed away, the Bishop of Kent, who was wearing a scarlet cassock, walked towards the three marble sculptures standing in the center of the hall together with the other two Vatican bishops, as well as Joshua and the Jewish rabbi.

At this time, each of them was extremely excited, with solemn and solemn expressions, and even a sense of sacredness.

Not only them, Leonardo and the member of the Swiss Guard standing on the sidelines, everyone inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, and countless spectators in front of the live broadcast terminal all performed the same.

As the Bishop of Kent and the others approached the three Byzantine-style marble sculptures, the whole world suddenly fell silent, except for bursts of devout prayers, there was no other sound.

After some devout prayers and solemn religious ceremonies, the Bishop of Kent and the Jewish rabbi stepped forward together and jointly opened the golden treasure chest placed on the base of the statue of Archangel Raphael.

In the next moment, King Solomon's seal ring and the "Book of Rojael" placed under the seal ring appeared in front of their eyes, and also appeared on the live broadcast screen.

With the appearance of this scene, the outside world suddenly boiled again.


On the ground, the Pope, several cardinals, two Portuguese Jesuit bishops, and two Jewish religious leaders from Jerusalem have entered the Sarolla Church.

At this time, they were standing outside the prayer room, staring closely at the big hole in the center of the prayer room, not even willing to blink their eyelids. Everyone was extremely excited and their eyes were full of anticipation.

On the floor next to them were two portable safes guarded by two heavily armed security guards.

Obviously, these two portable safes were used to hold the two golden treasure chests lifted out of the ground in the first wave.

According to the plan, only after the Holy Grail is lifted out of the ground, the grand mass and other religious ceremonies will start one after another, and will be broadcast live to the world.

And various grand celebrations all over the world will also be launched together at that time to celebrate this historic moment.

The two golden treasure chests that emerged from the ground in the first wave, and the three religious relics inside, will not be displayed publicly immediately. They will be put into a portable safe for the time being and strictly guarded.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, a powerful light beam suddenly projected from the bottom of the big pit in the center of the prayer room, and shone on the golden and emerald vault of the prayer room.

The next moment, fully armed Peter walked out of the underground tunnel and appeared at the bottom of the pit.

The next thing that appeared was the Bishop of Kent wearing a scarlet cassock, behind him, carrying a huge bulging backpack.

And Leonardo followed closely behind, his eyes fixed on the back of the Bishop of Kent and the huge backpack on his back all the time, his whole person was extremely excited but cautious.

Obviously, Leonardo was protecting the Bishop of Kent and what was in that backpack.

Seeing this scene, people still don't understand what is in that backpack.

In fact, through the previous live broadcast, people have already seen clearly that the bishop of Kent personally put the golden treasure box containing King Solomon's seal ring and "Book of Roger" into this backpack, and carried it on his back.

With the appearance of the Bishop of Kent and Leonardo, and the reappearance of King Solomon's seal ring and the "Book of Roger", the interior and exterior of the Sarolla Church, and even the entire Western world, were instantly boiled.

The cheers that were almost crazy, the applause that was like a storm, and the prayers that were extremely devout sounded simultaneously in countless places and resounded throughout the world.

The Pope and others in the Sarolla Church were the same, all of them were extremely excited, and even had tears in their eyes.

Under the leadership of the Pope, everyone outside the prayer room knelt on one knee, prayed in a low voice towards the prayer room, and drew the cross on their chests. Everyone was extremely devout.

After the prayer, the Pope stood up first, and said in a trembling voice:

"Let's go, fellow believers, let's meet the legendary holy relics together, let us witness this historic moment together, what happened in Shaola Church today will definitely be recorded in the annals of history!"

As he said that, the pope stepped out and walked towards the prayer room which was close at hand.

The other bishops and the two Jewish leaders followed immediately.

As for the others, they are not yet qualified to enter the prayer room, let alone touch the few religious relics that have just reappeared in the world.

They could only wait patiently for the start of the High Mass and other religious ceremonies before they could see the legendary religious relics.

Soon, seven or eight minutes passed.

The two golden treasure chests containing the three religious relics have all been transported to the ground, and most of the people who entered the underground secret passage before have also returned to the ground, except Ye Tian and Walker.

Seeing this situation, the Pope couldn't help asking in a low voice in surprise:

"Why didn't you see Steven? Why didn't he come up?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, the Bishop of Kent immediately explained in a low voice:

"Your Majesty, that guy Steven is still deep underground, right at the air bridge, and we will enter this secret underground passage next, so he said that there is no need for him to come up.

After we go down again, he will take us to the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located, and draw a perfect end to the joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar."

"That's how it is, it's a good arrangement."

The Pope nodded lightly, but doubts flashed in his eyes.

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