Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2371 One step and one calculation

The Bishop of Kent and the others went deep underground again and joined Ye Tian and Walker.

This time, however, there were no Israelis, just a few cardinals and security personnel from the Vatican, and two bishops from the Portuguese Jesuits.

When everyone arrived, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"Gentlemen, next, I will lead everyone to pass through this air bridge again, then enter the secret passage in the opposite palace, and head to the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located.

Before that, I want to emphasize some things, and I need to make some corresponding preparations before I can lead everyone through this air bridge and continue the next stage of exploration.”

"What's the matter? Steven, tell me about it, we're all ears"

The Bishop of Kent asked curiously, and the others were also somewhat surprised.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued:

"The first thing I want to say is that the next section of the secret road leading to the Golden Palace where the Holy Grail is located has many traps and more Moroccan cobras entrenched in it. Everyone must obey the command and must not act without authorization."

"It's no problem, we must obey your command, don't worry."

Everyone responded in unison without any objection.

"Let's talk about the second thing. The exact location of the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located has been kept strictly confidential, and its coordinates have not been disclosed so far. For the sake of safety, we still need to keep it secret for the time being.

After we pass through the long underground secret passage, enter the golden palace, and see the Holy Grail, I will announce the exact coordinates of the golden palace and the corresponding ground buildings.

In order to prevent someone from calculating the length and direction of the secret passage, and then determine the approximate location of the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located, the live broadcast will inevitably be interrupted for a while.

Although the live broadcast will be interrupted, the high-definition cameras we carry will continue to shoot, recording the whole process of this exploration operation, and these video materials will be made public after the holy grail is released.

For the sake of confidentiality, the mobile phones, watches, and all other communication equipment except for the walkie-talkie you carry on your body must be taken out and left here, and the walkie-talkie must be turned off for the time being.

If any of you carry a GPS location device,

Or other devices with positioning functions, it is best to take them out now and leave all these positioning devices here, it is useless to bring them.

I can tell you very clearly that at the entrance of the next section of the secret passage, we installed GPS signal detection equipment, and deep in the secret passage, there is a signal shielding device every other section.

If any of you are carrying a GPS positioning device, they will be detected as soon as they enter that underground secret passage. That scene is not very good, so I hope everyone can cooperate."

Ye Tian said with a smile, but his tone was firm and unquestionable.

"Ah—! Is this too exaggerated?"

The Bishop of Kent exclaimed and froze in place.

Not only him, but also the other cardinals at the scene, as well as Leonardo, had the same performance, and their expressions were a little embarrassed.

Obviously, these guys have their own ideas and tricks, but Ye Tian unceremoniously exposed them, can you not feel embarrassed and embarrassing?

Everyone inside and outside Tomar Castle on the ground, as well as countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, were also completely stunned by Ye Tian's words.

"I'll go! This guy Steven is too exaggerated, his thoughts are extremely meticulous, and he is absolutely invulnerable. Is this guy still human?"

"Wow! My eyes were opened today. There is still a perverted guy like Steven in the world. No wonder this guy is omnipotent. It's not for nothing!"

While people were exclaiming, there were also many people who were cursing Ye Tian angrily, and even roared wildly in despair.

There are not only the high-level and staff of the TV station who are broadcasting live, but also some guys who still have the last illusion about the Holy Grail.

Before the Bishop of Kent could respond, the pope's voice suddenly came from the intercom, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

"Okay, Steven, we agree to your conditions and leave all the equipment that may reveal the location information of the Holy Grail, but you also promise us that you must take the Bishop of Kent and them to find the Holy Grail."

"Of course there is no problem. Your Majesty the Pope. I always do what I say and never break my word. You just wait on the ground for the Holy Grail to return to the world and prepare to celebrate!"

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said, his words were full of confidence.

Next, the Bishop of Kent and the others began to get busy, taking out their mobile phones, watches, and other equipment, and throwing them all into a bag that Walker was holding.

Not to mention, these guys carry a lot of private goods, and many devices have GPS positioning functions.

After a while, Walker collected a bag of various equipment, then sealed the bag and placed it at the exit of the spiral staircase.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective again, thoroughly seeing through these guys.

After confirming that there were no other positioning devices on these guys, he smiled and said:

"Gentlemen, next I will lead you through this air bridge to the underground palace opposite. When you enter the secret passage leading to the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located later, everyone must remember to turn off the walkie-talkie"

"Got it, Steven, you guys are so exaggerated, it's unbelievable"

The Bishop of Kent said with emotion, and the rest of the people nodded slightly in sympathy.

Next, Peter took the lead to pass the air bridge, and then the two sides cooperated together to pull several cardinals to the opposite platform one by one.


In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed.

Ye Tian led the Bishop of Kent and the others through the long and dangerous secret passage, and finally arrived at the gate of the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located.

But the door to this golden palace was closed tightly at this time.

The Bishop of Kent, who had just arrived, couldn't help being shocked by everything here. They quickly walked forward and began to admire the carvings carved on the stone gate intoxicated.

Ye Tian didn't step forward to open the stone door immediately, but turned to Leonardo and the others and said:

"Leonardo, for the sake of safety, before entering this golden palace behind the stone gate, please remove the weapons and equipment you carry with you, you are not allowed to bring any weapons into this golden palace.

You know better than me the significance of the Holy Grail to Christianity and every Christian. It is not an exaggeration to say that it will make people crazy, so I will ask you to disarm.

Not only you, Walker and Peter, and myself, will not bring any weapons and equipment into this golden palace, we will also unload our weapons and equipment and put all our equipment outside."

Hearing this, Leonardo and the other member of the Swiss Guard couldn't help but fell silent.

During the period, Leonardo also glanced at the little white elf on Ye Tian's wrist, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

You guys use safety as an excuse to let us remove all weapons and equipment, but you carry a devilish little cobra with you, isn't it inappropriate?

Now who doesn't know how terrifying this little cobra is, I believe that many people would rather face heavy machine guns than face this devilish little cobra.

Of course, Ye Tian knew what Leonardo meant, but he pretended not to see it.

The Bishop of Kent and the others also heard what Ye Tian said, and they all agreed. They are more aware of the importance of the Holy Grail and the huge impact it may have on people.

Just ask, who in this world does not want to live forever? And in countless legends in the western world, the Holy Grail can just make people live forever, so it is no wonder that people are crazy about the Holy Grail!

Seeing that Bishop of Kent and the others had agreed, Leonardo had no choice but to nod, agreeing to remove all weapons and equipment and leave all weapons and equipment outside.

Next, everyone took action and unloaded all the weapons they were carrying, including Ye Tian himself.

Afterwards, Ye Tiantian signaled Walker and Peter to work together to open this thick and unusual stone door.

Soon, the heavy stone gate was slowly pushed open, and the resplendent golden palace behind the stone gate appeared before everyone's eyes.

The Bishop of Kent and the others who were standing at the door fell into a stupor in an instant, froze on the spot, staring at everything in front of them with eyes full of inconceivability and madness.

After adapting to the environment for a while, the cardinals looked at the statue of Mary Magdalene standing in the center of the golden palace, and the golden treasure chest placed on the marble altar.

When they saw these two things, they immediately became more excited, even almost crazy.

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