Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2372 The Cardinals Falling Insane

Ye Tian walked into this golden palace first, and quickly checked the situation inside.

After confirming that the golden palace was safe and that there was no poisonous Moroccan cobra, he signaled to the eager guys outside the stone gate to come in.

Afterwards, the Bishop of Kent and the others walked into this resplendent underground palace. Everyone was extremely excited, trembling slightly from top to bottom.

When they all came in, Ye Tian suddenly said:

"Walker, Peter, close this stone door, lest those Moroccan cobras outside slip in"

"Okay, Steven"

Walker and Peter responded in unison, and immediately took action. The two of them worked together and began to push the heavy and abnormal stone door, preparing to close it.

Seeing this scene, the others at the scene couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Steven, why did you close this stone gate? How can we return to Tomar Castle after we get the Holy Grail?"

Bishop of Kent asked in surprise, obviously confused.

Ye Tian looked at the cardinal, then glanced at the other people present, and then said with a smile:

"You don't have to worry, Bishop of Kent, this stone door can also be opened from the inside, and we won't be trapped here. The reason why I closed the stone door is mainly for safety.

When you see the Holy Grail later, you are very likely to fall into a state of obsession, completely forgetting where you are and whether you are in danger, or you may be bitten by a cobra that sneaks in here.

As long as this stone door is closed, those Moroccan cobras wandering outside will not be able to enter. When you get the Holy Grail and are ready to leave here, just open this stone door again.

When we leave here later, in fact, we don’t need to go back and follow the long underground secret passage back to Tomar Castle, we can go back to the ground directly from here.”

Hearing this, the eyes of everyone at the scene immediately lit up, shining brightly.

Obviously, another secret passage in this golden palace is actually an exit, leading directly to the ground, but the exact coordinates are not known, and it corresponds to where in Tomar City.

As soon as the voice fell,

The Bishop of Kent couldn't wait to ask:

"Steven, can you solve the mystery now? Where is the top of this golden palace in Tomar City? Which ancient building is it?"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then revealed the answer.

"You can turn on the walkie-talkie, Bishop of Kent, inform His Majesty the Pope in Tomar Castle, let those Swiss Guard members who are on standby in Tomar City rush to the main church and protect it there"

"Ah! The exit of this golden palace is actually in the main church, which is a branch venue where the celebration ceremony of 'The Holy Grail Reappears in the World' was held."

The Bishop of Kent exclaimed directly, and the rest of the people at the scene were the same, all stunned.

Ye Tian didn't give an affirmative or negative answer, but just looked at the Bishop of Kent and the other cardinals with a smile on his face.

At this time, the Bishop of Kent and the others were already so excited that they were almost crazy, so they could still notice these details.

The next moment, the Bishop of Kent quickly turned on the walkie-talkie and began to notify the Pope on the ground.

After he finished talking with the Pope, orders came from Tomar Castle immediately to the city of Tomar at the foot of the mountain.

The Portuguese military police guarding various places in the city of Tomar, as well as many heavily armed Swiss Guard members, as well as several cardinals wearing scarlet cassocks, quickly moved into action and began to quickly gather towards the main church.

At the same time, part of the armed security personnel guarding Tomar Castle also split up and went straight to the main church down the mountain.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see, and it is also the result of his painstaking arrangements.

In the underground golden palace, Ye Tian and the others had come to the edge of the rotunda, and they were about to enter the big circle surrounded by the kneeling statues of the nine founders of the Knights Templar, and then take out the Holy Grail.

At this point, the Bishop of Kent and the others all stopped, then knelt down on one knee, prayed in a low voice, and quickly drew the cross on their chests, very pious.

After they finished praying and stood up again, Ye Tian immediately made a gesture of please.

"Please, my lords, the next procedure is the same as that of the three religious relics before. I will open this golden lock. You open this golden treasure box. The Holy Grail is inside the box."

With that said, he stepped out and walked towards the center of the rotunda.

Bishop of Kent and the others immediately followed, while Leonardo and the member of the Swiss Guard stayed on the periphery of the rotunda, watching Ye Tian and Bishop of Kent with wide-eyed fanaticism.

In comparison, the situation of Walker and Peter, who also stayed outside the rotunda, was much better.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian came to the marble altar in the center of the rotunda and stopped.

The Bishop of Kent and the others followed closely. Everyone was extremely excited, with solemn and solemn expressions, but fanaticism in their eyes.

Facing the statue of Mary Magdalene and the golden treasure chest on the marble altar, the cardinals knelt down again and began to pray in low voices.

When they stood up, Ye Tian had already pulled out the steel plate used for unlocking the lock, and gestured to them.

"My lords, you can check this golden treasure chest first, and after confirming that there is no problem, I will open this golden lock."

Following his words, the Bishop of Kent and the others immediately stepped forward, gathered around the marble altar, and began to examine the golden treasure chest carefully and devoutly.

Needless to say, after a lot of admiration, the Bishop of Kent stepped aside and let Ye Tian step forward to use his amazing lockpicking skills.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had easily opened the ancient golden lock, and then stepped aside, acting as a spectator.

Next, the bishop of Kent and a cardinal of the Portuguese Jesuits jointly appeared, and together they tremblingly opened the golden treasure chest full of gems of various colors placed on the marble altar.

As the resplendent and golden treasure chest was opened, the scene suddenly fell silent, leaving only the sound of heavy and rapid breathing.

Looking at those cardinals again, they fell into a state of almost madness in an instant, their eyes were fixed on the Holy Grail in the golden treasure chest, and their eyeballs were already red.

Without exception, these cardinals were so excited that tears welled up in their eyes, and it even made people a little worried that they might be over-excited and fainted on the spot.

The behavior of the Bishop of Kent and others was already in Ye Tian's expectation.

He had seen the same scene before. Walker and Peter looked like this when they first discovered the Holy Grail.

Ye Tian didn't go forward to wake up the Bishop of Kent and the others, but stood aside with a smile on his face, acting as a qualified audience.

Soon, a few minutes passed.

"clap clap"

A few crisp applause suddenly resounded at the scene, waking up the obsessed Bishop of Kent and others.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came over and reached the ears of everyone present.

"My lords, you can wake up, there are still some things to do next, I suggest that you cover this golden treasure chest again and lock it with that golden lock.

For Christianity, the Holy Grail is too sacred and too important! If you look at it like this for a long time, I worry that your emotions and bodies will not be able to bear it."

When he said these words, Ye Tian still restrained himself a little, he didn't say that the Holy Grail might drive these cardinals into madness, or even arouse the desire to swallow it all.

Following his words, the bishop of Kent and the others finally recovered a little bit of reason, and their agitated emotions calmed down a little.

The next moment, Bishop of Kent said solemnly:

"That's right, we should really lock this golden treasure chest. If I keep looking at the Holy Grail like this, I'm afraid I'll go crazy and even faint here."

After the words fell, the rest of the cardinals nodded lightly and had no disagreement.

Seeing that they reached a consensus, Ye Tian couldn't help but let out a deep breath, and immediately relaxed a lot.

Next, Bishop Kent and the others carefully re-covered the golden treasure box, picked up the golden lock on the altar, and locked the golden treasure box again.

From the beginning to the end, these cardinals never touched the Holy Grail. Even though they were almost crazy with excitement, they never dared to touch the red line.

Before the relevant religious ceremony is held, even if the Pope comes in person, he cannot just pick up the Holy Grail casually.

As the golden treasure chest was locked again, the eyes of everyone at the scene became much clearer, not as fanatical as before.

Immediately afterwards, Bishop of Kent walked up to Ye Tian, ​​gave him a warm hug, and said sincerely:

"Steven, thank you so much, you helped us find the holy grail of Christianity, the Holy Grail. It is an extremely wise decision to cooperate with your company. You will always be the most honorable friend of the Vatican in the future."

"You're welcome, Bishop of Kent. The cooperation between us can be called a win-win situation. You Vatican got the Holy Grail and many other religious relics, and we got a huge treasure, the best of both worlds!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and said a few words politely.

Next, he shook hands with several other cardinals one by one, and was polite.

When everyone calmed down a bit, Ye Tian pointed to the treasures of the Merovingian Dynasty piled in the deepest part of the hall and said:

"My lords, the treasures of the Merovingian dynasty are piled in the deepest part of this golden palace, but I don't suggest that you go to check the huge treasures immediately, it would be a waste of time.

These things should be left to professionals, and when the Vatican archaeologists and antique art appraisal experts come to this golden palace, they can clean up and identify the treasures."

The Bishop of Kent turned his head and looked over there, then nodded and said:

"You're right, Steven, our mission is to protect the Holy Grail. As for the treasures of the Merovingian Dynasty, it doesn't matter at all. They won't grow wings anyway, so we can clean them up later."

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then continued:

"Next, I'm going to open the secret passage leading to the ground and the exit. After the previous exploration, there are many traps in the secret passage, which can be said to be very dangerous.

You just stay here and guard the Holy Grail. When I open that secret path, you go out with the Holy Grail and bring this most holy thing of Christianity to the world again! "

Hearing this, the Bishop of Kent and the others couldn't help but look at each other, but no one raised any objections.

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