The Church of Santa Maria, located not far to the east of Tomar Castle, was heavily guarded ten minutes ago, with heavily armed Portuguese military police and members of the Swiss Guard from the Vatican.

At this time, there were only two Tomar policemen and an elderly Jesuit monk left.

Moreover, these three guys were all standing on the steps outside the gate of Santa Maria Church, stretching their necks, and looking towards the place where the main church of Tomar was located, their eyes were full of fanaticism and a bit of regret.

If it wasn't due to their duties, they couldn't leave the Santa Maria Church. These three guys would have rushed to the main church long ago, so why would they be guarding here.

News just came from Tomar Castle that the most holy thing of Christianity, the Holy Grail, is hidden deep underground in the Tomar Cathedral.

More importantly, in the golden palace where the Holy Grail is located, there is an underground secret passage leading directly to the main church. It will not be long before that secret passage will be opened, and the Holy Grail will descend from the main church to the world again.

Because of this, many Portuguese military police and members of the Swiss Guard who originally guarded the Church of Santa Maria rushed to the main church to enrich the security forces there.

Not only here, but the entire Tomar, as well as the security forces inside and outside the Tomar Castle on the top of the mountain, are gathering at the Cathedral of Tomar, preparing to protect the Holy Grail.

After the news spread, people also flocked to the Tomar Cathedral like a tide.

Of course, this includes many religious leaders headed by the Pope, as well as leaders of Western countries, as well as countless political and business celebrities and so on.

Without exception, everyone wants to witness the reappearance of the Holy Grail, and everyone dreams of seeing the Holy Grail for the first time and praying at that historic moment.

The Jesuit monk and two Tomar police officers standing outside the Church of Santa Maria were no exception.

At this time, their attention was all on the main church in the distance, and they were all imagining the grand occasion there, but they completely ignored the Church of St. Mary built by Guardim Pais behind them.

Inside the church, there was silence and no sound.

Suddenly, in a vaulted tomb located in the nave of the church, there was a sound of 'cracking' machine rotation.

Although the sound is not loud, it can be heard very clearly in this unusually quiet church.


There was not even a single person in this ancient church at this time, and naturally no one heard the voice.

The sound lasted for a short time, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

Immediately afterwards, in the granite tomb directly below the seal of King Solomon, a jaw-dropping and extremely weird scene appeared.

The granite sarcophagus that had been placed in that tomb for seven or eight hundred years and had never been moved by anyone suddenly slid out of the tomb, making a harsh friction sound.

The next moment, a big hand wearing a stab-resistant glove suddenly stretched out from the sarcophagus, firmly grasped the lid of the sarcophagus, and pushed the lid out forcefully.

It would also prevent the lid from sliding to the floor and making a loud noise that would startle the three guys outside the church.

Fortunately, there was no one in the church at this time. If someone saw this extremely weird picture, they might be frightened out of their wits and die!

At the moment of being frightened to death, that unlucky guy might have thought that the Templar Knight who died seven or eight hundred years ago was resurrected!

In the blink of an eye, the granite coffin lid was pushed out more than halfway. Under the strong control of two big hands, the coffin lid began to fall slowly and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the owner of those two big hands came out of the sarcophagus little by little.

This is a white man with blond hair, wearing a hunting suit, carrying a bulging black backpack, and a cross on his chest. He is gentle and looks quite handsome.

However, on the right wrist of the blond man, there is a small white translucent cobra wrapped around it, like a bracelet.

At this point, if anyone saw the little cobra, they would be able to guess the true identity of the white blond man immediately.

In this world, who else could tame this devilish little cobra except Ye Tian?

The attire of a white, blond man was nothing more than a disguise.

When he walked towards the ground along this secret path, he had already completed his disguise very quickly, so he appeared in this appearance, and this was also to confuse other people's eyes and jump out of people's sight.


Accompanied by a slight muffled sound, the sarcophagus coffin lid protruded from the end of the tomb, and landed firmly on the church floor without attracting anyone's attention.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian jumped out of the granite sarcophagus, and landed lightly on the ground without making any sound.

After landing on the ground and standing firmly, he immediately took out a pinhole camera from his pocket, walked quickly to a small sculpture on the side wall of the tomb, and hid the camera behind the sculpture.

In this way, this pinhole camera can just cover the area in front of the tomb, and it will not be easily spotted.

Afterwards, Ye Tian quickly walked to the window behind the church, took out his mobile phone, and checked the monitoring screen captured by the pinhole camera.

In two or three steps, he had come to the rear window of Santa Maria Church, and then opened the window as fast as he could, and jumped out of the window as soon as he jumped, extremely light.

The window was closed immediately, and the church of Santa Maria was quiet again without a sound.

However, the granite coffin lid that slid out of the tomb and rested on the ground clearly explained what happened here.

There was a visitor from deep underground who had just visited here and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


After jumping out from the back window of Santa Maria Church, Ye Tian immediately rushed to a road not far away at the fastest speed.

On the side of that road, there was a half-new SUV parked, which looked very ordinary.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had come to the side of the SUV, quickly opened the door and entered the car.

What is the condition of the SUV, whether it is safe, what is in the car, whether there are police nearby, and whether there is an ambush, before jumping out of the rear window of Santa Maria Church, he has seen clearly through the perspective.

In the trunk of the car, there was a metal suitcase and a black backpack, which contained some of his weapons and ammunition, a change of clothes, and other things.

As for identity documents, passports, and bank cards, he always carried them with him.

The weapons and ammunition left outside the gate of the Golden Palace were not actually his, but weapons registered under the names of Walker and Peter.

In this way, even if someone wants to use those weapons and ammunition to make a fuss and frame them, they will have no way to start. Instead, they will make a joke and expose themselves.

After entering the car, Ye Tian immediately untied the white elf from his wrist, and explained in a low voice:

"Little guy, you are so eye-catching. In order not to reveal your identity, I can only wrong you first, stay in the bag for a while, and I will let you out after we leave Tomar."

After finishing speaking, he took out a small but strong cloth bag, put the little white elf in it, and put the bag into the backpack on the passenger seat.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another pair of sunglasses and put them on his face, covering his eyes and completely covering up the only flaws in his disguise.

Subsequently, the SUV was started and quickly drove off the road behind the Church of Santa Maria.

However, Ye Tian did not drive outside the city of Tomar, but instead drove to the main church not far away.

Driving forward for a certain distance, he suddenly drove into an empty street, walked to the middle of the street, parked the car on the side of the road again, and got out of the car.

At this time, he was carrying a backpack in his hand, which was exactly the same bag he carried when he entered the Golden Palace.

In two or three steps, he came to a car parked on the side of the road, and then quickly opened the trunk of the car, threw the backpack in his hand into it, and closed the trunk again.

After doing this, he returned to the SUV and continued to drive towards the main church.

The square in front of the Cathedral of Tomar was already crowded with people and it was very lively.

The people gathered here, many media reporters, as well as dignitaries and celebrities from various countries, etc., are all staring at this ancient Byzantine-style church in front of them, and everyone's eyes are full of fanaticism and anticipation.

Many convoys descending from the mountain of Tomar Castle, carrying the leaders of Western countries and religious leaders, are arriving here one after another, setting off wave after wave of climaxes.

Finally, the Pope's convoy also slowly arrived here, and it was about to stop at the side of the road in the square in front of the main church.

At this moment, the Pope's personal cell phone vibrated suddenly, and the name Steven was displayed on the screen.

The Pope couldn't help but feel very surprised when he saw Laixian, but he still connected to the phone immediately.

In the next instant, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came from the phone.

"His Majesty the Pope, I suggest that you immediately go to the St. Mary's Church east of the Tomar Church. In ten minutes, the Bishop of Kent and the others will return to the ground from there, carrying the Holy Grail!"

Hearing this, the Pope froze immediately, looking dumbfounded.

After a while, he woke up, and then said with a helpless smile:

"Steven, you are so cunning, no one can guess your mind, let alone plot you, you can only be plotted by you, well, let's go to Santa Maria Church right away.

Judging from the current situation, you should not be present at the grand celebration ceremony that will be held later, what a pity! But my promise is still valid, your wife Betty will be knighted! "

After the voice fell, Ye Tian smiled lightly and said:

"I'm not a Christian. It's not appropriate to appear at the ceremony celebrating the reappearance of the Holy Grail, so it's better to leave, but I want to thank you for Betty, His Majesty the Pope, we have a chance to see you again!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a beeping sound from the phone. The Pope shook his head and smiled wryly, then put away the phone.

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