Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2391 Lively America

As soon as Ye Tian and the others got off the station, several media reporters who followed them seized the opportunity and started asking questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from NBC. There are rumors that you are here at Columbia University today to sign a joint exploration agreement. May I ask which famous treasure you are going to explore?"

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from The New York Times, and the convoy behind you should be the vehicle of the Consulate General of Honduras in New York, with the Honduran flag flying.

Does this mean that you are going to sign a joint exploration agreement with Honduras to form a joint exploration team? Are you going to explore the famous treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire?

Since you announced last year that the treasures of the Golden City, which have been passed down for a long time in the American continent, may be near the ancient city of Copan in Honduras, countless professional treasure hunters have flocked there.

But those professional treasure hunters found nothing. Instead of finding the treasure of the Golden City, they paid a huge price. Some unlucky ones even lost their lives deep in the rainforest.

Under such circumstances, you want to organize a joint exploration team to search for the treasure of the Golden City in the ancient city of Copan? It will inevitably make people wonder, do you know the exact location of the Golden City? "

Following the questions from these media reporters, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​all of them excited, looking forward to his answer.

Especially the many Columbia University students who were present at the scene. How could these guys take out their mobile phones and start live broadcasting on social media just after such an opportunity to grab attention!

Ye Tian turned his head, quickly glanced at everyone present, and then said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, it's a pleasure to meet you here, the weather in New York is very nice today, and I hope you are in the same mood.

It seems that everyone is well-informed. Yes, the reason why we came to Columbia University today is to conduct final negotiations and sign a tripartite joint exploration agreement.

The three parties that signed this joint exploration agreement are our Intrepid Exploration Company, Columbia University’s School of History, and several official representatives of the Honduras government.”

As he said that, he raised his hand and gestured to the group of Columbia University School of History who had just walked down the steps, and then gestured to the many Hondurans who had already got off the car, and nodded to these guys.

These guys also nodded to him,

But he didn't make a sound, just stood aside and watched.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"The treasure we are going to explore this time is the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire that everyone has guessed has been passed down for a long time in America. The news that the treasure of the Golden City may be hidden in the ancient city of Copan is what we spread.

Until now, I still believe that the famous treasures of the Golden City are probably hidden near the ancient city of Copan in Honduras. Needless to say, if we successfully sign a joint exploration agreement, the destination is Copan.

As for those professional treasure hunters who failed to return, it can only be said that their strength was limited and their luck was unlucky, so instead of finding the famous treasure of the Golden City, they paid the price for their hot-headed impulsive behavior.

I must declare that we do know a little more about the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, but it is also very limited. I do not know the exact coordinates of the treasures of the Golden City, and everything needs to be explored.

Just like the previous exploration operations, I believe that in this joint exploration operation, good luck will still be with me. As long as the Golden City is indeed hidden near the ancient city of Copan, then I will definitely be able to find it.

There are only so many answers that can be answered for you now. Later, we will have a tripartite meeting with Columbia University and the Honduran government. After the meeting, there will be a press conference. Everyone is welcome to attend.”

After speaking, Ye Tian waved at these media reporters and many bystanders, then turned and walked towards the Columbia University School of History and the Honduras government.

The media reporters at the scene still didn't give up, they kept asking loud questions, but no one paid any attention to them.

And those Columbia University students who were on the scene discussed excitedly, and quickly set off a huge tsunami on the Internet and on social media.

Besides, Ye Tian and the others have joined together with the other two parties.

After everyone met, it was natural to have some polite greetings, and Hernando also introduced the 50-60-year-old Hispanic man to everyone.

That is the current Minister of Culture of Honduras, named Hierro, and one of the cronies of the current President of Honduras, who came here on behalf of the Honduras government.

In addition to the Minister of Culture, the Honduran parliament and the military also sent a representative each, preparing to attend the tripartite talks and witness the signing of the tripartite joint exploration agreement.

After getting to know each other and saying a few words of courtesy, they walked into the building of the School of General Education of Columbia University under the leadership of a group from Columbia University.

Ten minutes later, in the largest conference room of Columbia University's School of General Education, the three-party talks started smoothly.

At the same time, what Ye Tian said in front of many media reporters and Columbia University students just now has been spread across North and South America and the whole world through the Internet like a hurricane.

When people learned that Intrepid Exploration Company was planning to form a joint exploration team with Columbia University and the Honduras government to explore the treasures of the famous Mayan Empire City of Gold, they couldn't help being shocked.

After the shock, people expressed their feelings with envy.

Steven the lucky bastard! Not long ago, I discovered the famous treasure of the Knights Templar in Portugal and made a fortune, but I was still not satisfied. In a blink of an eye, I started thinking about the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

Obviously, this bastard intends to find out all the famous treasures in the world and keep them all for himself, otherwise he will never stop. He is really greedy to the extreme!

While people were talking enviously and jealously, many people reacted faster and took action.

There are a large number of professional treasure hunters, Honduran natives, gangsters, mercenaries, treasure hunters who dream of making a fortune and changing their lives, and other people of all colors.

Of course, there are also those professional treasure hunters who have just returned from the embarrassment near the ancient city of Copan not long ago, but are not willing to give up.

What Ye Tian said to the media reporters undoubtedly gave them hope, revived their ambitions, and once again radiated greedy eyes from their eyes.

Not only these people, almost all countries in Central and South America have reacted, either explicitly or implicitly.

In particular, some countries around Honduras immediately issued a public statement, claiming that their respective countries were all on the former territory of the Mayan Empire and were once part of the Mayan Empire.

It stands to reason that they should have a share of the treasures of the Golden City that originally belonged to the Mayan Empire, and they also requested to participate in this joint exploration of the treasures of the Golden City.

And the various Indian tribes scattered across Central and South America who claim to be descendants of the Mayans, as well as related organizations, also jumped out after getting the news.

They confidently began to claim the treasure of the Golden City, claiming that their tribe and organization are the legal successors of the treasure of the Golden City, and everyone else is illegal, even though this famous treasure is still there!

Even some Indian tribes in the United States and Canada, as well as Indian cultural protection organizations, also jumped out to claim the treasure of the Golden City, saying conclusively that they should have a share of the treasure of the Golden City.

All of a sudden, the whole of North and South America seemed to be boiling, and it was very lively.

Various undercurrents, large and small, also began to grow rapidly and surge crazily in places where people could not see.

Amidst the turmoil, everyone's eyes were on Columbia University in Manhattan, New York, and they were all staring at the ongoing tripartite talks.

The lobby on the first floor of the Columbia University School of General Education building has been arranged as a temporary press conference site. Reporters from major news media have all gathered here, and the scene is very lively.

At this time, more than two hours have passed since the start of the tripartite talks, and most of the media reporters have also been waiting here for more than two hours, and the wait is almost hopeless!

Just when everyone was restless, two elevators located not far from the side of the press conference site suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, several security personnel came out of the elevator and quickly dispersed, watching the situation in the lobby on the first floor vigilantly.

The next moment, Ye Tian, ​​Professor Delgado, and the Minister of Culture of Honduras walked out of the elevator one after another. The three of them were chatting and laughing, obviously in a very good mood.

Seeing this scene, many media reporters at the scene immediately understood that the tripartite joint agreement to explore the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire must have been signed, but they did not know the specific content.

With the appearance of Ye Tian and the others, these media reporters who had been waiting for a long time suddenly raised their arms and started asking questions loudly!

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