Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2392 FBI agent with malicious intentions

With the signing of the tripartite joint exploration agreement and the holding of a press conference, the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, which has always existed in myths and legends, immediately became the focus of everyone's attention.

Until then, people finally believed that the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire really existed, and that greedy guy Steven would definitely not be aimless!

The three parties involved in this joint exploration operation are Intrepid Exploration Company and Columbia University's School of History, and Honduras, where the treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City is located.

Naturally, it has also become the target of everyone's attention.

Among these concerned eyes, there are many guys who are so jealous that their eyes are red and greedy is shining in their eyes.

After signing the tripartite joint exploration agreement, Hernando and the Minister of Culture of Honduras left New York with the agreement, returned to Honduras and made some necessary preliminary preparations.

Several history professors and archaeologists at Columbia University also began to prepare for the upcoming joint exploration operation and selected assistants from their respective students.

The same is true for Intrepid Exploration Company, which began to prepare various exploration tools for use in the tropical rainforest, investigate the climate, creatures, and terrain near the ancient city of Copan in Honduras, and make some secret arrangements.

And Ye Tian himself was not idle.

In the following day, he finally finished all his tax returns and was inevitably robbed by the IRS and lost a lot of money.

And the company under Bowie's name has also completed its tax return, and was also robbed by the IRS!

However, Ye Tian quickly regained part of his blood, which was somewhat of a consolation.

On the same day of tax declaration, several top-level antique works of art that he sent for auction appeared in several top-level auctions with different themes one after another, bringing him a steady stream of huge wealth.

Later, he went to Belmont Park in Queens, where he watched several wonderful horse races in his private domain.

In these few games, there was no such vigorous figure as Jueying.

Jueying is not in New York or Belmont Park at this time, but in Lexington, Kentucky. It is preparing for this year's US Triple Crown and recharging its energy.

In the blink of an eye,

It's another day.

Early in the morning, Ye Tian packed his luggage and prepared to leave New York and return to Beijing with a large number of top-quality antique artworks to reunite with Betty and other family members.

After breakfast and before leaving the apartment, he specifically told the little guy White Elf to take care of the house and not to run around, so as not to scare the New Yorkers.

In addition, he also set up an automatic feeding machine so that the little guy would not be hungry.

This automatic feeding machine was specially designed and built by him. It can be set to automatic feeding mode or remotely controlled for feeding.

He can also remotely control the surveillance system at home, observe the situation of the little guy White Elf, and interact with the little guy through the big-screen TV, so as to prevent the little guy from being lonely and running around.

As for the food fed to this little guy, the white elf, it was fresh little fish, which was very suitable for this little guy's appetite.

After arranging the little guy, White Elf, Ye Tian just left home and went straight to his company by car.

After going to the company to deal with some affairs and explaining a few words to the company's employees, he left the company again and went straight to Sotheby's auction house with an armed escort convoy.

When the time came to around 10:30 in the morning, the armed convoy arrived at Kennedy International Airport and stopped on a relatively secluded runway.

The goods carried by this armed escort convoy were the top-level antique artworks that had been stored in the underground vault of Sotheby's Auction House, picked out by Ye Tian himself, and prepared to be transported to Beijing.

Not far from the escort convoy, an Air China charter plane was parked, which was transporting these top-level antique artworks.

Ye Tian's Bombardier Global Express 8000 private jet is parked on the private runway in the distance, ready to take off at any time.

Although the escort convoy had arrived at the airport, Ye Tian didn't immediately order the company's employees and security personnel to transfer those top-level antique artworks, but waited here.

They're waiting for the JFK customs agents, and the guys from the FBI's Art Crime Squad, waiting for the guys to come and check.

Within a few minutes, a convoy drove up from the airport terminal and drove straight to the runway where Ye Tian and the others were located.

as expected! It was JFK airport customs officers and a few guys from the FBI's art crime unit, and they were all old friends.

When these guys approached, David and his assistant immediately greeted them, and handed them a list of goods, asking them to check and inspect.

Next, the customs officers and two agents of the FBI art crime team began to check, checking the antique art in each box one by one according to the list, to see if Ye Tian had any private goods.

And the FBI agent who led the team came to Ye Tian.

After a few polite words, this guy immediately got to the point.

"Steven, why did you send these top-level antiques to China instead of leaving them in New York? Will you bring them back in the future?"

Obviously, this question is a bit malicious. Ye Tian's behavior of transferring a large number of top-level antique artworks must have attracted some people's attention.

Ye Tian looked at the old friend in front of him, then smiled and said:

"The reason is very simple. My private museum is in Beijing. These top antique artworks shipped to Beijing will be displayed in my private museum in the future for visitors from all over the world to appreciate.

Here I have to emphasize that no matter where these top antique artworks are, Beijing or New York, their ownership will not change, these antique artworks always belong to me.

In fact, I have a lot of antique art in New York, and I have several private exhibition halls in New York, such as the "King and Knight Hall" and the "Hall of Beauty" in the Metropolitan Museum.

In these private exhibition halls, many priceless top antique artworks are displayed. In the future, I will also start private exhibition halls in other famous museums, such as MOMA!

The top antique artworks in my hands will appear in front of New Yorkers one after another through this form, and I will continue to put out some top antique artworks for auction.

You may ask, why didn't I open my private museum in New York, but chose Beijing? That's because there are too many top museums in New York, and the homogenization is serious.

Beijing is different. There is a huge gap in the collection and display of Western antique art. As a businessman, from the perspective of interests, of course I choose Beijing instead of New York! "

Hearing his words, the FBI agent could only nod his head.

For a while, he couldn't find any words to refute, let alone talk nonsense with his eyes open, and David stood by the side with a stern eye.

After chatting for a few words, the guy left to inspect the top antique artworks that were about to be shipped to Beijing.

As for the inspection results, needless to say, Ye Tian didn't leave any chance for these guys to make trouble.

The inspection lasted for more than an hour before it was over. The airport customs staff and several FBI agents found nothing. After leaving a few people to supervise the scene, the rest could only drive away resentfully!

Next, Ye Tian directed his company employees to re-seal the boxes and affix a seal, and then began to transfer these heavy boxes to the Air China chartered flight.

When the time came to around 1:00 noon, the Air China charter plane parked on the airport runway finally began to taxi slowly.

A moment later, the Air China chartered plane roared up from the end of the runway and rushed straight into the sky.

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