Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2393 an alley full of fireworks

When Ye Tian's private plane arrived at the Capital International Airport, it was in the afternoon, and the weather was fine and cloudless.

When he got off the private plane, he immediately saw the sister-in-law who came to the airport to greet her, and the escort convoy brought by the sister-in-law, which was parked on the edge of an airport runway not far away.

In addition to the escort convoy, there were several police cars parked near the runway, including two police armored vehicles, and several airport customs vehicles.

Of course, there were also a large number of heavily armed police officers and many customs staff in uniform.

Just like when leaving New York, the customs clearance procedures for these top-level antique artworks shipped from New York will be completed on the airport runway, and then escorted directly to the city without entering the airport terminal.

The reason is that the goods that arrived in Beijing today are so special, and each piece is priceless and cannot stand the toss.

After seeing sister-in-law and the others, Ye Tian immediately raised his arms and waved them vigorously, ready to go there.

At this moment, another large passenger plane appeared in the sky north of the Capital Airport, flying towards the airport.

The Air China charter plane carrying a large number of top antique artworks has also flown over the Capital Airport, and is constantly lowering its altitude, preparing to land.

Soon, the Air China chartered plane landed smoothly on the runway of the airport, and slowly taxied to where the escort convoy was.

At the same time, Ye Tian walked towards the Air China chartered plane with David and the others.

When they got close, the Air China charter plane had come to a complete stop, and the cabin door opened. Jason, the boy, walked out of the cabin first and appeared above the gangway.

Sister-in-law also brought someone over, stood side by side with Ye Tian, ​​and chatted in a low voice.

"I heard from your kid that I will go to Honduras to explore the treasures of the famous Mayan Empire's Golden City in a while. When will I start? Is there any chance of success this time?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at his sister-in-law, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"That's right, little sister, after dealing with the affairs in Beijing and returning to New York, we will set off for Honduras to explore the legendary treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

The dry season in Central and South America is coming to an end, and the rainy season is coming,

We must finish this tripartite joint exploration operation before the rainy season in Central and South America, otherwise we will be in trouble.

As for the assurance of success, you can rest assured! As long as the golden city of the Mayan Empire is indeed hidden in the rainforest of Honduras, your nephew and I can find this treasure! "

The little girl nodded slightly, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"It's good to be sure! But you kid should also pay attention to safety, and don't be negligent. The environment in the tropical rainforest of Central and South America is infinitely more complicated and more dangerous than that of the European continent.

Moreover, the social security in those countries in Central and South America is very bad, gangs are rampant, drug dealers are everywhere, even the governments of those countries cannot be trusted, you have to be careful everywhere."

"I know all of this, sister, and I have made a lot of secret arrangements, which is more than enough to protect myself. In this world, no one can hurt your nephew!"

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, his words and eyes were full of confidence.

During the conversation, Jason and Anderson had already walked down the gangway, Ye Tian and Xiaogu immediately stopped talking and went forward to meet them.

Next, the customs officers at Capital Airport boarded the Air China chartered flight and began routine inspections.


It was already evening, and the lights had just come on.

In the twilight, a convoy came from the direction of Dongsi and slowly stopped at the intersection of Lishi Hutong.

As soon as the convoy stopped, several Chinese and foreign security personnel quickly got out of the car, and together with several security personnel waiting here, they became vigilant.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and Sister-in-law got out of an SUV and walked into the alley together.

When entering the Lishi Hutong, Ye Tian quickly glanced at the cars parked on the side of the Hutong, and nodded slightly to the people in those cars as a greeting.

He naturally knew who was sitting in those cars with civilian license plates.

Among them were special police officers from the Beijing Municipal Bureau and special agents from the national security department, and they were all heavily armed.

As for the police officers at the police station who have been guarding the alley all year round, and the aunt of the neighborhood committee, he and his sister-in-law are more familiar, so naturally they have to say hello.

Same as when I left some time ago, the alley is still the same alley, every brick and tile here is very familiar to Ye Tian.

The moment he walked into this alley, Ye Tian felt a sense of intimacy, that feeling of coming home, very nice.

Walking a few steps along the alley, Ye Tian glanced at the slightly messy alley, and then asked in a low voice:

"Sister-in-law, do you have any clues about my plan to acquire Lishi Hutong and carry out overall renovation? What's the response from the municipal and cultural departments? Have you heard any new news?"

Hearing this, the aunt immediately shook her head and said:

"There is no progress in this matter, and everything is still at the stage of rumors. Just like when you left Beijing some time ago, the relevant departments have not given a clear response.

If it wasn't you kid, if it was anyone else who said he wanted to buy the entire Lishi Hutong, I would think he was talking nonsense, and I wouldn't be afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing.

This is the most core area in Beijing, and it is a historically protected block. Anyone who wants to acquire Lishi Hutong, without tens of billions of yuan, would not even think about it.

And money alone is not enough, you not only need to get the permission of many competent departments, more importantly, you also have to be able to hire these old men and women who live in the alleys.

These grandpas and aunts under the imperial city are all good people, and none of them are cheap, if you want to ask them to leave Lishi Hutong, you have to be prepared to go bankrupt."

"Hahaha, you are right, sister, if you want to take down the entire Lishi alley, you must spend a lot of money, and I am also mentally prepared to bleed, and I will wait for the higher-ups to nod their approval.

I have money in my hands now, and I am worried about how to spend it. Before I went back to Beijing, I was robbed by the IRS. We can’t take advantage of those Yankees for nothing.

As long as the relevant departments nod and agree, no matter what the price is, even tens of billions of RMB, I can take it out at any time. Compared with this ancient alley, the money is nothing at all.

As for the grandpas and aunts in the alley, I have a way to please them. In fact, I don't intend to spoil the fireworks in this alley. That is the life of Beijingers! "

Ye Tian smiled and said, looking at this alley, his eyes were full of love.

While talking, two aunts walked up to me.

Seeing them, Ye Tian and sister-in-law immediately greeted the two aunts and greeted them.

The two aunts also showed great enthusiasm, greeting them, but they didn't know that Ye Tian was playing with their two old houses.

Not too far along the alley, the gate of his own mansion appeared in Ye Tian's eyes, still looking so kind and warm.

As for Dongzi and Chenxi, who were guarding the door, when they saw Ye Tian and Xiaogu, they immediately ran over here, and they were all very excited.

In the blink of an eye, the two little guys rushed forward, and before they could stand still, they asked in unison:

"Brother, where's that little guy, White Elf? Quickly take it out and let us have a look."

With that said, the two guys looked at Ye Tian's right wrist.

However, there was nothing on his right wrist, it was empty.

Seeing this scene, a hint of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the two little guys.

Like Betty, these two little guys have already gotten acquainted with the white elf through video, and they like the spiritual little guy very much.

Especially Dongzi, who dreams of owning such an extremely cool pet.

Ye Tian looked at his younger siblings, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Dongzi, Chenxi, I didn't bring that little white elf to Beijing, but left him in that apartment in New York to look after Betty and me.

The reason why I didn't bring that little guy was another reason. The white elf is a highly dangerous alien species. According to the law, it cannot enter the country! "

"Ah! It's such a disappointment that you didn't bring a white elf with you!"

Immediately, two sighs sounded at the scene, the tone was full of disappointment and regret.

"You don't have to be disappointed. When you go to New York, it won't be too late to play with that little guy. The white elf will stay in that apartment forever, unless Betty and I move."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and gently rubbed Dongzi's head.

At this moment, Betty walked out from the bright door in front and looked towards this side with a smile on her face.

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