Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2398 Indian War Dance

The convoy left JFK International Airport very quickly, taking advantage of the darkness, and galloped towards Manhattan.

On the way, Ye Tian began to understand what happened in New York and Honduras in recent days. He said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Cole, let's talk about what happened in the past few days. Where is our advance personnel now? What's the status, is it safe, and have you found anything?"

After the words fell, Cole's voice came from the earphone immediately.

"Steven, on the day you flew to Beijing, the personnel we sent to Honduras to play the front station had arrived in Tegucigalpa, and they were divided into two groups, one light and one dark.

The group of people on the bright side stayed in the capital of Honduras and was responsible for communicating with the Honduran government and making preliminary preparations for the upcoming joint exploration operation.

The group of security personnel behind the scenes was divided into two teams, one group stayed in Tegucigalpa to inquire about news, and the other group went to the ancient city of Copan pretending to be tourists and professional treasure hunters.

Since we announced that we were going to Honduras to explore the treasures of the famous Mayan Empire, Honduras has become the most lively country in Central and South America.

In just a few days, a large number of foreigners poured into Honduras, and every guy has ulterior motives, including professional treasure hunters, gangsters, and mercenaries.

Without exception, these guys all came for the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. As soon as they arrived in Honduras, these guys set their eyes on our people and tried to find out the news.

Fortunately, the security of the hotel where our company personnel live is very tight. When everyone left the hotel, they were protected by armed security personnel and police, and nothing unexpected happened.

In addition to these guys from outside, the gangsters, businessmen, and opposition parties in Honduras, as well as almost all Indian tribes, large and small, have all become agitated.

The response of the Honduran government was quite timely. Seeing that the situation was wrong, they immediately dispatched troops to block the ancient city of Copan, preventing anyone from entering without authorization to explore the treasure.

The same goes for our buddy, who was blocked outside and could only stay in a small town near the ancient city, mixing with other professional treasure hunters, which would make it easier to find out information.

After observation, those guys found a lot, they found the figures of Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, and they also found those guys from the Guatemalan special forces.”

hear here,

Ye Tian couldn't help frowning, and his expression became a little dignified.

Immediately afterwards, he said in a deep voice:

"The appearance of those scumbags from the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels was as early as I expected. Although those scumbags are very fierce, they are a gang of mobs after all, so they are not difficult to deal with.

In comparison, the famous Guatemalan special forces are not so easy to deal with. Those guys are especially good at jungle warfare and are very familiar with the terrain, which is not a small trouble.

Cole, send a message to the Guatemalan special forces through Raytheon later, whether they are sent by the Guatemalan government or employed by others, it is best not to mess with us.

If this joint exploration operation succeeds and successfully finds the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, the half of the treasure that belongs to our company, no one can covet it, otherwise it will be a dead end.

When this joint exploration operation is over and we leave Honduras with half of our own treasures, what happens next in Honduras will have nothing to do with us.

As for other professional treasure hunters, treasure hunting companies, gangsters, and Indians, it’s not a problem. If they insist on killing themselves, let’s make those idiots happy.”

"Understood, Steven, I will spread the news later. Raytheon Security Company and the Guatemalan Special Forces have been cooperating. I believe the news will reach the ears of the highest level of the Guatemalan Special Forces soon."

"Let me introduce the situation in New York, New York must not be peaceful"

"That's right, Steven, downstairs in our company, there are protesters again, mainly Indians from the United States and Canada, and some immigrants from neighboring countries of Honduras.

In front of your apartment building on 110th Street, there were also protesters yesterday, some Indians sat in on the grass on the north side of Central Park, and Indians protested at Columbia University”

"The Indians in the United States and Canada are now being raised in captivity and left to fend for themselves. They have nothing to do except drinking, gambling, taking drugs, and grazing?

When encountering such an opportunity, these Indians will of course jump out to protest and demonstrate to show their existence, even if the treasure of the Mayan Empire’s Golden City has nothing to do with them, let them go! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his tone full of disdain.

It's not that he's racist. The Indians in the United States and Canada live in such a state. They are dreaming and dreaming, and there is almost no hope in sight.

This is not only the reason for the "captive breeding" policy of the United States and Canada, but also inseparable from the Indians' own attitude towards life that is content with the status quo, stubborn and conservative, and unwilling to make progress.

While speaking, the convoy had entered the brightly lit Manhattan and headed straight for 110th Street on the north side of Central Park.

When the convoy drove into 110th Street, Ye Tian saw a lot of people standing or sitting on the lawn of Central Park opposite his apartment building from a long distance away.

These guys even set up a lot of tents on the grass in Central Park, and held a lot of banners and slogans, singing and dancing, and the scene looked quite lively.

Good thing these guys didn't light a bonfire, otherwise it would have been a midnight bash!

Obviously, this is what Cole said just now, the Indians who came from all over the United States and Canada to protest and demonstrate.

Around these Indians, there were many heavily armed New York policemen maintaining order, watching these singing and dancing Indians with guns vigilantly, their faces full of helplessness.

For these Indians, the New York police cannot directly and forcibly disperse them like other people, and the methods are relatively soft.

Although both the United States and Canada confine the Indians in the reservation, in the name of protecting Indian culture, the Indians are allowed to fend for themselves in the reservation.

However, in order to look good and to demonstrate the so-called human rights and democracy, some superficial articles are still to be done, such as the soft policy.

The reason is simple, the Indians are the real masters of this land, no matter white or black, when facing the Indians, they cannot stand morally.

Especially the white people who used to massacre Indians crazily. When they put down their revolvers and preached human rights, democracy and freedom to Indians, who can not feel guilty?

What's more, there are many media reporters around, and the New York police are even more afraid to use force to disperse these singing and dancing aborigines, otherwise they will be sprayed to death by the hypocritical media!

In front of the apartment building, Ye Tian's armed security personnel were also on high alert, staring at the protesters across the street.

They were separated from the Indians on the opposite side by a road, and for a while, everything was fine.

Seeing the lively scene in front of the apartment building, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled lightly, but he didn't say much.

In the blink of an eye, the convoy had arrived in front of the apartment building and stopped close to the side of the road.

With the arrival of the convoy, the scene suddenly became more lively.

Those Indians with painted faces, eagle feather crowns or golden pheasant feathers on their heads jumped more cheerfully as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and they danced war dances.

A dozen or so Indian women and children standing in the back row were beating the Indian war drum together, and the sound of the drum was loud.


While dancing the war dance, many Indian men would look up to the sky and howl from time to time, making waves of howling wolves, which resounded through the entire street and the entire Central Park.

It was already late at night, and at the edge of the dark forest on the north side of Central Park, hearing the sound of howling wolves was somewhat scary.

Fortunately, the lights here are bright and the police lights are flickering, so that people don't have the feeling of going deep in the wild west.

And those media reporters who feared that the world would not be chaotic raised their cameras one after another, snapping pictures of the scenes in front of them, and now some of them are writing!

The convoy stopped, and Mattis and Cole led a large number of armed security personnel to get out of the car first, and quickly dispersed to be on guard.

After confirming the safety of the scene, Ye Tian just opened the car door and got out of the car, and landed on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

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