Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2399 wishful thinking Indians

On the opposite side, a young Indian boy who was dancing a war dance suddenly pulled out a tomahawk hanging by his side, threw it towards the side of the street, and roared angrily.

"Go to hell, Steven, you bloody robber! The Golden City belongs to us Indians"

Accompanied by an angry roar, the tomahawk with a cowhide tassel drew an arc over the street, and aimed straight at the Paramount Marauder Ye Tian was riding like lightning.

In fact, the Indian boy who threw the tomahawk couldn't see Ye Tian at all, his sight was completely blocked by the tall and sturdy Paramount Raider.

Naturally, he couldn't find the attack line. The Indian tomahawk thrown from his hand couldn't hit Ye Tian at all. At most, it could only hit the body of the Paramount Marauder without causing any damage.

With this sudden attack, the atmosphere at the scene became tense in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Matisse and the others reacted immediately.

They raised their assault rifles one after another, loaded the bullets, and pointed their guns at the Indians on the other side of the street, and at that reckless Indian boy.

The other Indians who were dancing the war dance were stunned for an instant, and fear and despair flashed in the eyes of all the adult Indians.

In the eyes of these adult Indians, they are only here to protest and demonstrate, or just to perform, to show their existence, to make a weak voice, and to attract people's attention to the Indians.

But how could they have imagined that someone on their side would take the initiative to attack that devilish guy named Steven, wouldn't that be asking for death? If they had known this, they shouldn't have come to join in the fun!

Although these adult Indians are very sturdy and big-bodied, they are not stupid.

They knew very well that if they went to war with those bastards who were armed to the teeth across the street, there would be only one result, death, and there would be no other possibility.

Many New York police officers at the scene responded very quickly. They reached out to touch the holsters, and they were ready to draw their guns to control the order on the scene.

At this time, they were completely overwhelmed by fear and despair, and secretly cursed these Indian idiots who were protesting and demonstrating.

You are looking for death, why do you implicate us, it's too fucking unlucky!

At this critical moment,

Ye Tianqing's clear voice suddenly came out, and it was clearly heard by everyone present.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, don't let your gun go off! White Elf, you little guy, come back to me, don't attack"

Following Ye Tian's words, people noticed a faint, lightning-fast white light suddenly appearing above the street.

The white light appeared very suddenly and silently, like a ghost flying in the night sky, no one noticed it, if it wasn't for Ye Tian's shout, people would not have noticed it at all.

At this time, the white light was attacking from above, and had flown across the sidewalk on the north side of the street, heading straight for the boy who had just thrown the tomahawk.

Judging from its attack line, the white light should have flown down from the roof of the apartment building.

Thinking of this, everyone immediately understood what that lightning-like white light was.

What else could it be but the little white translucent cobra that was said to have been transformed by the devil?

When the bastard Steven came back from Europe, he brought the little devil-incarnate cobra back to New York and let the little cobra look after him.

At this time, the little cobra saw that bastard Steven was being attacked, and immediately jumped down from the roof of the building, ready to kill the boy who threw the Indian tomahawk.

After figuring out these things, everyone at the scene felt extremely terrified, as if falling into hell!

After the little cobra transformed by the devil kills the impulsive Indian boy, will he start a crazy killing and kill everyone here?

Just when people were terrified, the little cobra that had flown over the street suddenly twisted its body in the air, turned around quickly, and landed directly on the roof of the Paramount Predator.


With a loud noise, the tomahawk thrown by the young Indian angrily hit the body of the Paramount Predator fiercely, and then fell to the ground.

Looking at the body of the Paramount Predator again, there is only a light white mark left without any damage.

Then, the little white cobra landed on the roof of the Paramount Predator.

As soon as it touched the roof, the little cobra shot out to the side of the car, still as fast as lightning.

The next moment, Ye Tian had a white translucent bracelet on his right wrist, but this bracelet was alive and extremely poisonous, strangers should not enter it!

After all, there was no gunshot, and the tense situation that was on the verge of breaking out gradually eased.

The New York police officers who were in charge of maintaining order at the scene couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and their tense nerves finally relaxed a little.

After adjusting their emotions a little, these guys drew out their pistols and pointed at the boy who just threw the tomahawk, as well as other Indians at the scene.

"Raise your hands, accept the inspection, don't make any unnecessary movements, or you will bear the consequences"

Many New York policemen yelled loudly together, obviously a little out of breath.

Looking at those Indians again, everyone's face was extremely ugly, and they raised their hands one after another, but the fear and despair in their eyes were quickly dissipating.

They knew that people like themselves had just walked around the gate of hell and returned to the world by luck!

The next moment, several New York policemen rushed forward, like vicious dogs rushing to eat, and directly threw the Indian boy who threw the tomahawk to the grass.

As for the media reporters standing around, although they were still in shock, they were also very dedicated, so how could they let such an opportunity go by.

They raised the cameras in their hands one after another and began to press the shutter frantically, taking pictures of the New York police arresting the young Indians.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing at the door of the apartment building, was currently teasing the white elf wrapped around his wrist, gently stroking the little guy's triangular head.

After the New York police officers on the other side of the street took action, handcuffed the impulsive Indian boy, and confiscated the weapons of the rest of the Indians, he said with a sneer:

"Matisse, go and call the leaders of the Indians on the opposite side. I really want to ask why they came here to protest. Are they descendants of the Mayans?"

"Okay, Steven"

Matisse nodded in response, and then walked across the street.

Soon, he walked over with a man in his fifties and sixties wearing an eagle feather crown, oil paint on his face, and traditional Indian costumes.

There was also a New York policeman with a tense expression.

When the other party came close, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good evening sir, I'm Steven and welcome to New York, I wanted to say it was a pleasure meeting you and your company, but the way we met was obviously not very pleasant.

I don't know what to call you, what Indian tribe are you and your companions from? Why did you come here today, why did you run to protest in front of my apartment building? "

The Indian man shook hands with him, and said in a deep voice:

"Good evening, Mr. Steven, my name is Mangas, and I come from a small tribe of Navajo Indians. My companions are basically Navajos, and there are several Apaches from neighboring tribes.

Our meeting tonight was indeed not very pleasant, thank you for letting this little cobra stop attacking, otherwise we might lose a young boy today, no one wants to see such a scene."

As he said that, the Indian man glanced at the white elf wrapped around Ye Tian's wrist, with fear and awe in his eyes.

Indians have always had a tradition of animal worship, such as worshiping wolves, worshiping eagles, etc. At this time, seeing such a little cobra that is almost in myths and legends, can you not feel awe?

Ye Tian looked at the Indian man, pretending to be curious and said:

"Navajos and Apaches? Mr. Mangas, I don't remember ever dealing with you, let alone offending you. Why did you come here to protest?"

Hearing this, Mangas' expression changed immediately, and he was somewhat embarrassed.

But he quickly adjusted his mood and continued to say:

"Steven, we are here for the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. The treasure of the Golden City belongs to the Indians. We Navajos and Apaches should enjoy a part of the treasure..."

He was about to continue talking, but was interrupted by Ye Tian unceremoniously.

"Come here for the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? Am I right? Mr. Mangas, I would like to ask, what does the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire have to do with you?

You Navajos and Apaches have always lived in the northern part of North America, which is today's Canada, and the farthest you have migrated south is the present northwest of New Mexico.

But the Mayan Empire was in Central and South America. During its most powerful period, the northern border only reached today's southern Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula, which is still far away from you.

You speak the Athabascan language, which is far from the Mayan language. Not only is the language different, but you are also very different from the Maya in terms of appearance and characteristics.

Obviously, although you and the Mayans are both Indians, you are two completely unrelated branches. You Navajos and Apaches have no intersection with the Mayan Empire.

To sum up, what qualifications do you Navajos and Apaches have to claim the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire? Not only you, other Indian tribes are also not eligible.

If it weren't for us, who would be sure that the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire existed, and who could find out this famous treasure? Not to mention sharing! There is no possibility at all! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Mangis froze in place for a moment, dumbfounded.

Fortunately, his face is painted with oil paint, otherwise the expression must be wonderful!

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