Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2400 The Savior of Civilization

The streets finally quieted down, and all the Indians who protested and demonstrated in front of the apartment buildings were cleared away by the annoyed New York police.

The main force of the protest demonstration, those Indian men from the Navajo and Apache tribes, were all invited to the police station in upper Manhattan for coffee, and it was bound to be a difficult night.

As for those Indian women and children, they were placed in a cheap hotel nearby by the police, and they were expected to be driven out of Manhattan by dawn.

After these Indians left, they only left a mess on the lawn on the north side of Central Park, such as a large number of banners and slogans, and some Indian tents and so on.

Inside the apartment building, Ye Tian stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, condescendingly looked down at the messy lawn across the street, then returned to the living room, and came to Giacometti's modern sculpture.

At this time, the little white elf was entangled on this bronze sculpture, and this place had become one of its strongholds.

Ye Tian looked at this little guy, then smiled and said:

"You did a very good job today, you know how to protect the master, it's not in vain that I like you so much, little guy, but you have to remember, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to leave this apartment and attack someone outside.

I'm leaving New York in two days to explore the treasures of the Golden City in the tropical rainforest of Central America. Now I'm thinking, should I take you with me? Or leave you in New York and look at our common home"

The little guy Bai Elf seemed to understand what he said. As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, the little guy jumped over and wrapped himself around his wrist.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy stood up and looked at Ye Tian with those rice-grain-sized eyes, which seemed to reveal a bit of pleading.

Ye Tian just smiled softly, and didn't give an answer immediately.

There was nothing to say all night, and the sky brightened in a blink of an eye.

After waking up and having breakfast, Ye Tian left the apartment, preparing to go to his company in the Rockefeller Center building.

Walking out of the apartment building, he immediately found that the road in front of the apartment building was much quieter. Except for his security personnel and motorcade, there was no pedestrian or car passing by.

The New York police and many media reporters who were guarding in front of the apartment building hid far away, one hundred meters away on both sides of the apartment building.

Looking over here.

Pedestrians and vehicles on this street on weekdays will make a detour when they reach the intersection on both sides, and go around from other adjacent streets.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian couldn't help chuckling.

Apparently, the little white elf's act of pounced on the young Indian last night, intending to kill him, has spread throughout New York through the mouths of many media reporters.

No one wants to die under the kiss of a snake, so people have this kind of reaction and deliberately bypass this section of the street.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the situation on the street, then opened the car door and boarded the Paramount Predator parked by the side of the road.

The convoy started quickly and headed straight for Midtown Manhattan.

Ten minutes later, the convoy arrived at the Rockefeller Center Plaza and stopped on the side of Fifth Avenue.

Ye Tian and the others immediately got out of the car, joined the flow of people going to work in the morning, and walked towards the Rockefeller Center building, talking and laughing.

When they came to the skating rink in front of the building, they once again saw a group of Indians protesting and demonstrating, as well as many immigrants from Central American countries.

Of course, there are still many New York policemen here to maintain order, each of them is fully armed, as if they are facing an enemy.

The media reporters who are afraid of chaos in the world are naturally indispensable, and there are many of them, and many of them are media reporters from Latin America.

With the arrival of Ye Tian and the others, the scene suddenly became more lively.

Many protesters gathered here shouted at the top of their lungs and waved their slogans and banners vigorously.

"The treasure of the Golden City belongs to the Indians and no one else has a right to it"

"Steven, robbers like you are not welcome in Latin America, get out of Latin America!"

Amid the deafening waves of protest, those media reporters rushed towards Ye Tian and the others like a tide.

However, they were stopped by many New York police officers and could only stay a few meters away to ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, when will you set off for Honduras, and when will you start the joint exploration of the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City?"

"Good morning, Steven, what do you think of the voices of these protests and the requests of Central American countries and many Indian tribes to claim the treasure of the Golden City?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately, looked at the media reporters, and said loudly with a sneer:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, here I really want to ask, if we haven't found any clues about the treasure of the Golden City, who can be sure of the existence of the treasure of the Golden City?

It is precisely because we have discovered clues about the treasures of the Golden City that it is possible to unravel this secret that has been passed down for thousands of years, so that more historical evidence and materials about the Indian Mayan civilization will appear in front of people.

If it weren't for us, the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire might always be an illusory legend. People can only let the evidence of civilization continue to sleep and rot in the dark until they disappear completely! "

Following Ye Tian's words, the scene suddenly became quiet, and many media reporters were thoughtful.

The protesting voices of the passionate Indians and Central American immigrants gradually subsided, and they began to listen to Ye Tian's narration, and began to think with their brains.

Ye Tian continued to talk, and the clear voice reached everyone's ears.

"For all Indians in America, this is a godsend opportunity to learn about their great history and civilization, and a great opportunity to prove that Indians are not savages. I don't understand why they object?

The same goes for everyone else, the Mayan civilization is the greatest and most splendid ancient civilization in the history of the Americas, but it has been shrouded in layers of fog, and now we have the opportunity to uncover these fogs, isn't it a good thing?

If the treasure of the Golden City is really in Honduras and we find it again, there will be an unprecedented new situation in the research on the Mayan Empire. In this regard, we are the saviors of civilization!

Indians throughout the Americas, as well as Indians and mixed races of other races, will then be able to stand proudly in front of the museum showcases and admire the historical evidence of their nation's most glorious and splendid civilization.

At that time, if someone says in front of you that the Indians are barbarians, you can justly spit on him, or punch that idiot in the mouth, and tell him what civilization is! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed out loud.

While laughing, the eyes of many Indians at the scene lit up, and several seniors even nodded thoughtfully.

The way they looked at Ye Tian also changed rapidly. They were no longer looking at robbers, full of hatred, but a little approving.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"According to the principle of territoriality, Honduras naturally has ownership of the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. Who let the treasures of the Golden City be in Honduras? This is a fact that no one can change.

As the discoverer of the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, according to the signed tripartite joint exploration agreement, our company enjoys the corresponding rights and interests of the treasures of the Golden City, which is understandable.

If this joint exploration operation is aborted due to the surging protests and demonstrations in various places, for us, there is no loss at all. There are treasures in this world.

The big deal is that we can explore another treasure, and we can still make a fortune. The real loss is all the Indians, all of us, and our knowledge of the ancient civilizations of the Americas.

That's all I want to say. You can think about what I said and see if it makes sense. The weather is fine today. I hope you all have a good day. Goodbye! "

After speaking, Ye Tian stepped out, and under the protection of Mattis and the others, he walked through the crowd and walked into the Rockefeller Center building.

After they left, the skating rink in the Rockefeller Center Plaza fell silent. Those protesters who were still passionate just now seemed to have died down a bit!

Seeing this scene, many media reporters at the scene couldn't help being speechless, and secretly gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

Steven, this guy is simply eloquent, so what can he say!

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