Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2401 Attitude Change

In the office, Jason was reporting to Ye Tian the preparations for the upcoming tripartite joint exploration operation.

He put a list on Ye Tian's desk, pointed to the list and said:

"Steven, this is the final list of Columbia University's participation in this tripartite joint exploration operation. Except for a few professors and archaeologists who study Latin American history and Indian history, the rest are all doctoral students.

They are all students of those few history and archaeologists, their backgrounds are clean and there is no doubt, in addition, Columbia University has also sent an administrator to oversee this joint exploration operation.”

Ye Tian picked up the list and glanced at it, then said seriously:

"For the sake of safety, you ask Kenny and the others to check these doctoral students, check their recent movement trajectories and communications, and see if there is any eyeliner planted by other institutions or organizations."

"Okay, Steven, I'll let Kenny know later"

Jason nodded in response, and then began to report other situations.

"The deep-sea salvage ship Brave Intrepid is currently moored in Miami, and those guys who returned to the United States with the ship will be on vacation in Miami, and they are all having a good time.

Those guys are not idle, and they are ready to set sail again. As long as you issue an order, the Intrepid can set sail at any time and head for the Bay of Honduras!

Two groups of armed security personnel from Raytheon Security Company have arrived in Houston and are on standby in Houston. They can go to the Caribbean Sea at any time to support us.

There are also some armed Raytheon security personnel who have been disguised as professional treasure hunters and sneaked into Honduras. If something happens, they will be there immediately.

Just to be on the safe side, I have also arranged a group of people in the Port of Morazan, Nicaragua, where they can enter the Pacific Ocean if there is an emergency evacuation from Honduras”

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and said approvingly:

"The arrangement is very good, so that we can be prepared. We are going to Honduras this time. The political situation is turbulent, the society is chaotic, gangsters are rampant, and the surrounding countries are also in chaos. You can't be too careful!"

Next, Jason reported some other situations, then got up and left the office.

wait for him to go out

Ye Tian immediately opened a drawer at the bottom of the desk, took out a mobile phone from it, turned on the power and entered the password, and turned on the never-used mobile phone.

Immediately afterwards, he dialed a number and went out.

The phone was connected quickly, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm Chris, who can call me?"

"Good morning, Chris, I'm Steven, long time no see, how are you doing now?"

Ye Tian said with a smile, directly revealing his identity.

"Ah! Steven, I didn't expect you to call me. It's too surprising. I've been doing pretty well recently. Of course, I'm definitely not as good as you!"

Obviously, Chris was very surprised by Ye Tian's call.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then explained his true intention of calling.

"The weather in Alaska is not good right now? Chris, are you interested in going to the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean for vacation? I will cover all the expenses, but this matter must be kept strictly confidential, and even George can't tell it?"

"Ah! Going on vacation in the Cayman Islands, you covered all the expenses? I heard it right, right? Is there such a good thing?"

Chris said in surprise, his words were full of surprises.

"Of course you heard it right, Chris, when you go on vacation in the Cayman Islands, you'd better bring your pilot's license, maybe you will use it, and maybe you can make a lot of money!"

"That couldn't be better. I'll also go to enjoy the warm sunshine and beaches in the Caribbean Sea. It must be ten thousand times better than damn Alaska. Steven, you are still so generous, thank you very much!"

"You're welcome, Chris, get ready to go and enjoy your trip to the Caribbean!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and after chatting a few more words, he ended the call and put the phone in his pocket.

Soon, it was ten thirty in the morning.

Someone knocked on the office door suddenly, Jason pushed the door open and walked in, and said to Ye Tian:

"Steven, the Navajo chief, Mangas, came with another Indian chief last night. He wanted to meet you and talk about the treasures of the Golden City."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, let's bring them in. I want to hear what these two Indian tribal chiefs want to say? Don't forget to ask Mattis to search them. I don't want to fight with the two tribal chiefs here. "

"Okay, Steven, leave it to us"

Jason nodded, then turned and left the office.

Seven or eight minutes later, he walked into the office with two Indian tribal chiefs.

Like Mangas the Navajo, the chief of the other Indian tribe also wore an eagle feather crown and traditional Indian costumes, but the dress was slightly different from Mangas, which should be the unique style of their tribe.

Seeing these two Indian tribal chiefs at first glance, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling like he was in the wilderness of North America. Two Indians walked towards him, but unfortunately they didn't ride horses.

Looking at the two Indian tribal chiefs again, they all had expressions of shock, eyes full of envy, even jealousy.

Obviously, they were completely shocked by this famous and most profitable treasure hunting company in Manhattan, so emotional and envious!

Not only them, but all the people who work in New York and Manhattan, including those financial elites on Wall Street, who doesn't envy the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company? Who wouldn't want to come and work here?

Seeing the two chiefs coming in, Ye Tian immediately got up to greet them, greeted the two Indian chiefs, led them into the reception area, and sat down on the sofa.

After some polite greetings, the two Indian chiefs got to the point. The other chief from a medium-sized Sioux tribe said:

"Steven, I heard what you said just now in the Rockefeller Center Plaza, and I thought about it carefully. I must admit that what you said has some truth.

Since the white colonists invaded the American continent, we Indians have always been considered barbarians and suffered endless bloody massacres. The whites took everything from us!

But we Indians are not savages. The entire American continent once belonged to us, and the great Mayan civilization, Aztec civilization, and Inca civilization were born here.

These three ancient Indian civilizations are not inferior to other famous ancient civilizations in the world. In the fields of calendar and mathematics, the Mayan civilization even leads the whole world.

Although we Sioux have nothing to do with the Mayan Empire, as Indians, we are also proud of the great Mayan civilization, and I believe all Indians are the same.”

Having said that, the Indian chief next to him who just came out of the police station in the upper city, Mangas, also nodded vigorously, and he had no disagreement.

After a short pause, Cheeks, the Sioux chief, went on to say:

"Steven, I would like to ask, if you discover the Golden City of the Mayan Empire in Honduras, can we see antiques from the Mayan Empire in museums in the future?

If possible, we would also like to acquire some of these antique relics with special significance, such as certain items used in religious rituals, and antique relics with a large number of Mayan characters carved on them.

Those things are the historical evidence of the glorious Mayan civilization, representing the splendid Mayan civilization, and can also prove that we Indians are not barbarians, and we also had a splendid civilization!

As a chief of an Indian tribe, even though we are only a small Sioux tribe, I still feel that I have the responsibility and obligation to take back those treasures that belong to the Indians.

As you know, we have privileges on the reservation to have casinos and things like that, and some of the land can be bought and sold, and I'm sure we'll be able to pay for antiques.

If you agree to our request, then we will notify all the Indian tribes in North America and call on all tribes to support your joint exploration of the Mayan Empire’s golden city.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a gleam of joy in the depths of his eyes, which was really an unexpected surprise.

In fact, he didn't want to be an enemy of these Indians either. These people were so pitiful that he couldn't bear to kill these exiled people on his own land!

After pretending to think about it, he smiled and said:

"I can tell you a little bit about the content of the joint exploration agreement. In this tripartite joint exploration operation, if we discover the Golden City, we will divide the treasure into two parts, our company and the Honduras government will each have half!

Different from the previous exploration operations, this time we tend to want the antique cultural relics of the Mayan Empire in the treasure. The Honduran government prefers the gold and silver treasures that can be converted into cash quickly, so as to inject blood into the country's economy as soon as possible.

Most of the antique relics of the Mayan Empire that have fallen into our hands will appear in museums, and one will appear in major auctions in New York. You have every chance to appreciate them and even take pictures of them! "

Following his words, the eyes of the two Indian tribal chiefs on the opposite side suddenly lit up and shone brightly.

Soon, the time came to the evening.

Ye Tian took David and Jason out of the company, and was going to Columbia University. There were several historians and archaeologists waiting for him, and they were going to discuss the details of the exploration with him.

When they walked out of the Rockefeller Center building, they saw that the number of protesters and demonstrators who had gathered in the square in front of the building had decreased a lot, and their momentum was not as great as before.

The Indians, the most radical and loudest among the protesters, have all disappeared, and there is no one to be seen, as if they have never been here.

Obviously, the conversation with the two Indian tribal chiefs in the morning worked, so the protesting Indians downstairs evacuated, leaving only some Central American immigrants!

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian and the others couldn't help laughing.

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