Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2402 Going to the Golden City

Around nine o'clock in the morning, JFK International Airport.

Ye Tian led a group of brave and fearless exploration companies, got off at the gate of the airport terminal, and prepared to set off for Honduras in Central America to explore the treasures of the Golden City.

The other party that formed the joint exploration team, a group from Columbia University's School of History, had arrived at Kennedy Airport one step ahead of them.

At this time, they were led by Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado, dragging their respective luggage and a lot of equipment, and waiting for the group of the Boldless Exploration Company at the gate of the terminal building.

It can be seen that these experts and scholars from Columbia University are extremely excited, and everyone is full of expectations for the upcoming joint exploration operation.

Seeing Ye Tian and the others get out of the car, Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado immediately greeted them, with smiles as bright as flowers blooming on the two old faces.

After everyone met, there was naturally some politeness and pleasantries, and then they chatted about this joint exploration operation.

After other people moved all the luggage and equipment out of the cars and put them on the luggage trolleys, everyone walked into the airport terminal together.

As soon as they came in, they became the focus of the entire terminal, and everyone nearby looked at them.

Seeing the various boxes, large and small, they carried, people immediately understood that these guys must be going to Honduras to explore the mysterious and famous treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire.

As for the unusually heavy and very strong boxes, they must be full of various high-tech exploration equipment, as well as a large amount of weapons and ammunition enough to start a local war.

This is the standard equipment when that crazy guy in Steven leads his men to travel and explore treasures all over the world. It can be said that everyone knows it.

Thinking of this, when people looked at this huge treasure hunting team, their eyes were full of envy, and they only hated that they were not one of them and could not participate in this exploration operation that is likely to be recorded in the annals of history.

At the same time, there was a burst of discussion in the terminal building.

"Wow! This guy, Steven, is as exaggerated as ever. He actually brought so many people to Honduras. I wonder if they can find the treasure of the legendary Mayan Empire's Golden City?"

"There shouldn't be a problem. When did Steven, a lucky bastard, ever fail? I haven't even heard of it.

This time it must be no exception. Since he dared to make such a big show, he must have great confidence! "

Just as people were talking about it, many media reporters who had been waiting at Kennedy Airport rushed over like a tide, trying to conduct interviews.

When they rushed to the vicinity of this huge exploration team, they were immediately stopped by the prepared police and security personnel. They could only follow the exploration team and ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, are you leaving for Honduras? How sure are you of success in this tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City? Can you find the Golden City?"

"Good morning, Steven, many Indian tribes across North America who have publicly claimed the treasures of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, why did their attitudes change 180 degrees, and they turned to support this joint exploration operation?

Did something happen in the meantime, or what agreements and deals did you reach with many Indian tribes in North America, so those North American Indian tribes changed their attitudes? Can you tell us about it?

Will your tripartite joint exploration of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire be broadcast live just like the previous expedition to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, so that everyone can witness the treasure hunt process? "

Ye Tian turned his head and glanced at the media reporters who were asking questions loudly, and said loudly with a smile while walking forward:

"Good morning, friends from the media, it's a pleasure to meet you here, this time we go to Honduras, whether we can find the legendary treasure of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, it's hard to say yet.

But what is certain is that if the Golden City of the Mayan Empire does exist, and within the scope of my speculation, then we will be able to find this mysterious treasure and give the whole world a huge surprise.

As for the change of attitude of many Indian tribes in North America, according to my estimation, they should have figured it out for themselves. The discovery of the treasure in the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is a good thing for the Indians.

Antique artifacts from the Mayan Empire from this famous treasure are enough to prove to the world that the Indians have ever created the most splendid and splendid ancient civilization, why should they oppose it?

I have talked with the chiefs of several Indian tribes and expressed my views on the exploration of the treasures of the Golden City, but I have not reached any agreement with any of the chiefs and tribes.

Let's talk about the live broadcast. Everyone must know the situation in Central America. In addition, this time we are exploring in the tropical rainforest.

However, if we successfully find the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire and conditions permit, we may broadcast live on the Internet under the premise of ensuring safety. You can look forward to it.

Well, let’s answer these questions today. We are about to set off. I hope we can get what we want this time and find the treasure of the legendary Mayan Empire’s Golden City. Everyone, please wait for our good news! "

After finishing speaking, Ye Tian turned around and walked towards the VIP passage not far away with the rest of the exploration team.

How could those media reporters give up, they kept asking loudly, but they didn't get any response.

In desperation, they could only ask questions to other people in the exploration team, focusing on famous historians and archaeologists such as Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado.

In just a few moments, the joint exploration team of the Daring One Exploration Company and the School of History of Columbia University walked into the VIP channel and disappeared from the sight of many media reporters.

Soon, twenty minutes passed.

Ye Tian was undergoing inspection, not only the customs officers at Kennedy Airport, but also two old friends from the FBI Art Crime Squad were in charge of the inspection.

At this time, the two guys were staring at something in the basket in a daze, so that they forgot what they were doing.

But they quickly came to their senses, and one of them asked in surprise:

"Steven, why did you take the hexagram gold scepter head of the Mayan Empire to Honduras? You are well aware of the importance of this antique relic. Although it belongs to you, it cannot leave the United States!"

That's right, the thing that made these two guys look dazed was the hexagram gold scepter head that symbolized the royal power of the Mayan Empire. It had been stored in the vault before, and it was kept secret!

This time he was going to Honduras to explore the treasures of the Golden City, Ye Tiancai took out this priceless treasure and brought it with him.

For the current situation, Ye Tian had expected it.

He looked at the two FBI agents in front of him, then smiled and said:

"Of course I am very aware of the value and importance of the hexagram gold scepter head, and I also know that it is a top-level antique cultural relic that is restricted from leaving the country. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be taken out of the United States.

Now it is a special case. The hexagram gold scepter head is a symbol of the royal power of the Mayan Empire. It is through it that we can study the approximate location of the treasure in the Golden City.

It can be said that this hexagram gold scepter head is inseparable from the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, so I took it to Honduras, maybe I will use it.

Because it is an antique cultural relic that is restricted from leaving the country, I have applied for a special permission from your immediate superiors and relevant authorities in Washington, allowing me to take this treasure to Honduras.

I took the hexagram golden scepter head of the Mayan Empire to Honduras just in case, and I will bring it back when this joint exploration of the treasure of the Golden City is over."

Before the words were finished, David who was standing by the side handed over a document and handed it to the two FBI agents.

The document that David took out is exactly what Ye Tian said about the special permission.

What happened next can be imagined. The two FBI agents looked at the document and could only let it go by raising their hands.

It didn't take long for the security check procedures to be completed.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others took several airport shuttle buses and drove straight to the two planes parked on the runway of Kennedy Airport.

The two planes are one big and one small, the big one is a United Airlines charter plane, and the small one is Ye Tian's private plane, Bombardier Global Express 8000.

About twenty minutes later, the two planes started up with a bang and began taxiing along two different runways.

After gliding for a certain distance, the two planes roared one after the other, rushed into the blue sky, and flew towards Honduras in Central America!

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