Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2403 Arrives in Honduras

Honduras is a mountainous country in Central America, bordering Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

This land originally belonged to the Indians, and it was the Mayans who lived on this land. In 1502, Columbus landed here and named it Honduras, which means the abyss.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Honduras became a Spanish colony.

It was not until more than 300 years later that Honduras gained independence, and then joined the Central American Federation. After the federation disintegrated, a republic was established.

During the Spanish colonial rule, the Mayans who originally lived and lived here were bloody massacred by the Spanish colonists, and the splendid Mayan civilization fell and completely disappeared in the depths of the rainforest.

Most of the current Hondurans are of mixed Spanish and Indian origin, which is very common in Latin America.

Honduras is a mountainous country in Central America, rich in mineral resources, including gold, silver, coal, antimony, etc., and its silver reserves rank first in Central America.

Moreover, Honduras is suitable for growing coffee and bananas, two agricultural products. They have always been important export products of Honduras and contributed a lot of income.

Logically speaking, the conditions of this Central American country are good. Both the economy and the people's livelihood should be better than other Central American countries.

However, the turbulent political situation and an average of more than one military coup per year have turned this country into one of the poorest and worst countries in Central and South America.

The house leak happened to rain all night, and the unlucky things seemed to have happened to Honduras.

In 1998, Hurricane Mitch, which swept across Central America, directly destroyed most of the poor infrastructure and farmland in Honduras, making the country even more dilapidated and riddled with holes.

It is such a dilapidated country, but it is likely to hide one of the greatest treasures in the entire Americas, that is the legendary Golden City of the Mayan Empire!

It is precisely because poor people are about to become underwear, that's why Honduras agreed to Ye Tian's harsh conditions and formed a three-party joint exploration team to explore the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City.

Of course, there are also factors of political manipulation. The president of Honduras in power and his party want to find this famous treasure as soon as possible.

As long as you can find the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City and get a lot of gold and silver treasures from the treasures,

It is bound to solve many urgent needs and alleviate many sharp contradictions.

For the Honduras president and the ruling party, it will undoubtedly greatly strengthen their strength and give them a better chance of winning in the upcoming new presidential election.

In the afternoon, two planes, one large and one small, flew from the northern sky and lowered their altitude continuously, preparing to land on the simple Tegucigalpa Airport.

On the edge of a runway at this airport, there are many people in suits and ties standing. They are the Vice President of Honduras, the Minister of Culture, and the President's special envoy.

No need to ask, they are here to pick up the plane, and the pick-up standard can be described as very high.

At this time, these senior Honduran government officials were looking up at the two roaring planes in the sky. Without exception, everyone's eyes were full of envy and anticipation.

In their eyes, the two planes flying from the north seem to have a pair of golden wings, which can bring them hope, as well as wealth and power.

Soon, the sleek private jet flying in front landed smoothly on the runway of the airport where the Honduran government group was located.

The other United Airlines passenger plane followed and landed on another runway not far adjacent.

After gliding for a certain distance, the Bombardier private jet that landed first slowly stopped in front of the Honduras government group who came to pick up the plane.

When the plane stopped, the door of the private jet opened and fell to the ground.

The next moment, Ye Tian appeared at the cabin door.

As soon as he appeared, he waved to many Hondurans standing on the airport runway, and said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad to meet you here. I hope our trip to Honduras will be a pleasant journey of exploration and a great surprise for Honduras and the whole world."

With that said, he walked down the gangway and landed on the airport runway.

Behind him, Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado from the School of History of Columbia University, as well as David and others stepped out of the cabin one after another and set foot on the territory of Honduras.

At the same time, those high-ranking Honduran government officials also walked towards Ye Tian and the others, and everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

When he came close, the leader and the highest-ranking Vice President of Honduras stretched out his right hand to Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I've known you for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you here, as well as other gentlemen and ladies. I am the Vice President of Honduras, Alvarez.

On behalf of Mr. President Hernandez, on behalf of the Honduras government and all the people, I welcome you to Honduras and hope you can enjoy your trip to Honduras”

Ye Tian shook hands with the Vice President of Honduras, and said with a polite smile:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Vice President. I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope our cooperation will be pleasant and we will successfully find the treasure of the famous Mayan Empire's Golden City."

After a few polite words, Ye Tian introduced David and the others to the vice president, and the other party also introduced the senior Honduran government officials who came to pick up the plane one by one.

On another runway not far away, Jason, with many employees of the Fearless Exploration Company and a group from Columbia University, had already disembarked from the United Airlines charter plane and began to carry luggage and equipment.

Many high-ranking Honduran officials here couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw all kinds of boxes that were removed from the United Airlines charter plane and piled up on the airport runway.

Especially when they saw those all-metal boxes that were obviously used to hold weapons, ammunition, and even heavy weapons, these Hondurans took a deep breath and were terrified.

Steven and his gang of ruthless guys are exactly like the legends. No matter where they go or what treasures they go to explore, they are fully armed and ready to start a bloody fight with anyone.

Such a group of crazy and well-trained guys, who the hell can afford it!

Just as Jason directed the crowd to carry luggage from the plane, a large convoy suddenly drove up from the entrance of the airport apron and drove straight to the two runways.

Soon, the convoy came close and stopped at the edge of the two runways.

The car door opened, and Peter led many security personnel who had come to the front station in Honduras in advance, got out of each car one after another, and stood beside the car.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately smiled and nodded slightly, and then continued chatting with the Vice President of Honduras beside him.

In the blink of an eye, twenty minutes had passed.

After completing the symbolic customs inspection, Jason and the others loaded all the suitcases, boxes full of various exploration equipment, and weapons and ammunition into the car.

Ye Tian and the others also boarded the car one after another, and the huge convoy immediately started, drove out of this shabby airport, and headed quickly to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras.

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