Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2404 Modern Maya

As everyone knows, when the convoy drove into Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, what appeared before everyone was a dilapidated city.

The name of Tegucigalpa comes from the Indian language, which means silver mountain. As the name suggests, there are very rich silver reserves here.

However, silver, a precious metal, did not bring prosperity to the city, nor did it bring a better life to the people here.

Back in 2013, the city of Tegucigalpa was bankrupt and reduced to auctioning off city property with few bidders.

This is a city with a long history. The history of the city can be traced back to the mid-16th century. Because of the large amount of silver it contains, the city has also been brilliant. It was once one of the three wealthiest cities in Central America.

In this city on the foothills, the Cholutka River cuts the city in two.

On the right bank of the river is the old city, which is a commercial and administrative center and densely populated with residential areas. The streets in the old city are relatively narrow, the buildings are soft in color, and most of the balconies of the residents are suspended.

On the left bank of the river is the new city, which is flat and mostly modern high-rise buildings, including the Parliament Building, the Central Bank, and the Presidential Palace.

More than 50% of the people living in this city are Meztizos, others are Indians, Muratos, Sambos, blacks and whites. The vast majority of people believe in Catholicism and the residents speak Spanish.

After the convoy drove into the city of Tegucigalpa, Ye Tian and the others watched the not-so-beautiful scenery through the car window.

And people on the streets of Tegucigalpa are also watching this huge convoy.

It can be seen that there is anger, even hatred, in the eyes of many people on the street.

Of course, there are many people who show naked jealousy and greed in their eyes, which cannot be concealed at all.

And all of this stems from poverty and the desire for wealth.

In addition to ordinary Tegucigalpa citizens, Ye Tian and the others also saw many Indians wearing national costumes and even holding pike shields on the streets, or it should be said that they were modern Mayans.

Unlike the Indians in North America, the Indians here are slightly thinner and darker in complexion, and tend to be of mixed Latin American descent.

When these Indians saw this huge convoy rushing by,

They would all raise their arms high, wave their spears or Teng shields, and shout angrily a few times.

Some of them even put on an attacking posture, appearing very unfriendly.

In addition, on the streets of Tegucigalpa, Ye Tian also saw a lot of guys with ulterior motives staring at this huge convoy one by one, with greed shining in everyone's eyes.

Among these guys are local gangsters in Honduras, professional treasure hunters and explorers from all over the world, mercenaries of unknown origin, and drug dealers and addicts everywhere in America.

Obviously, these guys already know that Ye Tian and his team from Columbia University have arrived in Honduras to explore the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City and will start soon.

Just from the greedy eyes of these guys when they looked at the convoy, it can be seen at a glance that these guys are all here for the treasure of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and no one is good.

Looking at the picture outside the car window, Ye Tian couldn't help feeling emotional.

"The situation in Honduras is far worse than I imagined. Looking at the people on the street, almost everyone's eyes are full of anger and hatred, as well as greed and madness.

Their anger and hatred are obviously aimed at the ruling authorities in Honduras. People are living in a state of turmoil, so it is not surprising that they hate the ruling authorities. The Honduras authorities are indeed useless.

However, the greed and madness in the eyes of those people outside should be directed at us, at the treasures of the Mayan Empire’s Golden City, and as soon as we arrived here, we became the target of public criticism.”

David, who was also sitting in this SUV, turned his head to look at the street view outside the car window, and then said:

"When people are dressed in rags and cannot eat enough to eat, hatred and crime will naturally arise, and the people who make people hate and even want to take revenge are those in power who are domineering and superior to themselves on weekdays.

In such a country, it suddenly broke out that there may be a shocking treasure hidden in a certain place, can people not be crazy about it? It’s no surprise that we who came here to explore this treasure have become the target of public criticism.”

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then said solemnly:

"That's right, it seems that this joint exploration operation will encounter a lot of troubles, we must be more cautious and be on guard everywhere"

While speaking, the convoy had passed a bridge over the Cholutca River and entered the new urban area of ​​Tegucigalpa.

As soon as the convoy got off the bridge, Cole's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, there is an unexpected situation, organized by the Honduran opposition party, the chiefs of the most important Mayan tribes in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador rushed to the hotel we booked.

In addition to a dozen tribal chiefs, these chiefs also brought many young people from their respective tribes, and each of them brought traditional weapons, such as throwing axes, daggers, spears, etc., and many people from the Honduran opposition also came.

Instigated by several opposition congressmen, those modern Mayans from all over the world and many people who support the opposition have surrounded the hotel, staged protest demonstrations, and demanded an interview with you.

Like the initial appeal of the Indians in North America, the modern Mayans claimed that they were descendants of the ancient Mayans, and that the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City should belong to them, and they demanded the treasures.

This protest and demonstration came very suddenly. After we left the airport, these guys poured out from all the streets and quickly gathered at the hotel where we stayed to start the protest and demonstration.

According to the careful observation of our fellows at the scene, the people who organized and instigated this protest demonstration were all from the Honduran opposition party, and those guys mixed in with the crowd and kept bewitching the Mayans.”

Hearing this report, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Without a moment's hesitation, he immediately sneered and said:

"No need to ask, those modern Mayans all came here for the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, dreaming of making a fortune, completely changing their lives and living a prosperous life.

The Honduran opposition party, which is making waves secretly, is not only here for the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, but also for the President of Honduras and the ruling party. They have big ambitions.

Cole, report this situation to the official person in charge of Honduras, let them solve it, and see how they deal with the Mayans and political enemies, let's not go into this muddy water.

You can clearly tell them that if these things cannot be settled, the tripartite joint exploration of the treasures of the Mayan Empire's Golden City can only press the pause button.

If possible, it is best not to use force to solve the problem. As soon as we arrived in Honduras, we had a conflict with the local Mayans, which is obviously not conducive to the next action.

As for the tribal chiefs of the Mayans, I can meet them under the condition of ensuring safety. In fact, I also want to know the living conditions of the modern Mayans.”

"Understood, Steven, I will notify the official representative of Honduras"

Cole responded and immediately took action.

Ye Tian, ​​who was in the car, smiled and said to David:

"David, there's a good show to watch!"

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