Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2408 Signs of Hurricane

After chatting for a while, Professor Delgado left and went back to his room to organize things and prepare for the tripartite meeting in the afternoon.

After he left and the door of the presidential suite was closed, Ye Tian immediately said to Jason:

"Jason, you can inform the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, wake up those drunk guys on Miami Beach, and sail to the Bay of Honduras, ready to take us away at any time.

Let them pay attention to safety and do a good job of concealment. The best time to start is at night, so that too many people should not see it, especially not to let the Hondurans receive the news, lest the other party be alert.

After the Intrepid arrived in the Bay of Honduras, it first moored on the high seas outside, preferably farther away. When at sea, you must pay attention to pirates. The sea off Honduras is not calm.

The sea off El Salvador in the Pacific Ocean must also be prepared. If we cannot cross Honduras to the Caribbean Sea, then we will directly cross the border of El Salvador and evacuate from the Pacific Ocean.

Everyone knows the situation in Honduras and neighboring countries. For safety reasons, once we find the Golden City, we must evacuate from the ancient city of Copan as soon as possible and never return to Tegucigalpa.

Escort the trucks transporting the antiques in the treasures of the Golden City, let them disperse and gather in Baglio near the ancient city of Copan, and then hide near that small town, waiting for my order.

Let those guys who rushed to Honduras and El Salvador in advance to clear the relationship take action, don’t be afraid to spend money, and must open up safe passages to the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean”

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us"

Jason nodded in response, then took out his phone and went to make a call.

"Steven, isn't this a bit too exaggerated? We signed a tripartite joint exploration agreement with the Honduras government. They shouldn't openly breach the agreement and tear up the agreement, right?"

David said in surprise, obviously he didn't quite understand Ye Tian's arrangement.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and said solemnly:

"I'm also taking precautions. Before the Honduran army appeared, I also thought it was unlikely that the Honduras government would blatantly tear up the agreement, even though it is a poor and crazy country!

However, seeing those Honduran soldiers with live ammunition just now,

Seeing the greedy light in the eyes of those soldiers, I changed my mind. We must think of all possibilities ahead.

Both our company and Columbia University are from New York, USA, and are very well-known. Under normal circumstances, neither the Honduran government nor the army would openly attack or even kill us.”

Hearing this, David and the others nodded lightly, but they didn't say much, they were still listening.

Ye Tian changed his tone and continued to say:

"However, Honduras is a chaotic country, and the military has no discipline at all. Who can guarantee that the guys in the military will not be driven by greed to loot us?

For those guys, as long as they can snatch the treasure of the Golden City, they can immediately change their appearance, escape to Europe to enjoy life, and leave Honduras completely. This business is too cost-effective and worth the risk.

The Honduran army has always had a tradition of coups, and the government and the president’s restraint on the army can be seen. Facing the huge temptation of the treasure of the Golden City, can those who control the army not be moved by it?

More importantly, the ancient city of Copan is located at the junction of the three countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, surrounded by high mountains and dense forests, and there are many Mayan tribes in the mountains and tropical rainforests.

If the Honduran army wanted to rob us, they could have disguised themselves as Mayans, or Salvadorans, or Guatemalans, and then put shit on them afterwards.

When those guys succeed in the robbery, it will be too late to investigate later, or launch revenge actions. The dead guys cannot be resurrected again, and the looted treasure may not be found."

"That's right, if the Honduran army succeeds in robbing and hiding the looted treasures in the mountains and dense forests, it will be difficult for others to find those treasures!"

David nodded and said, his expression became a lot more dignified.

The rest of the people at the scene were the same, and they all nodded slightly.

Ye Tian glanced at everyone and continued to explain.

"In addition to the Honduran army, we also need to be careful of those guys in the opposition party. Don't even think about it, those guys in the opposition party will never be willing to let half of the treasure of the Golden City fall into the hands of the ruling party.

In that case, in the presidential general election held next year, the opposition party will have no chance of winning. From this point of view, those guys from the opposition party will definitely do something, robbery or sabotage are possible!

There are two routes for our retreat from the ancient city of Copan. One is to go through Honduras to the Caribbean Sea, which is a little longer and has more variables. The other is to go through El Salvador to the Pacific Ocean.

The reason why I chose El Salvador instead of Guatemala, which is closer to the ancient city of Copan, is because I want to avoid those guys from the Guatemalan special forces and don't want to have a head-on conflict with those mercenaries.

When we go to the ancient city of Copan this time, we will definitely meet those guys from the Guatemalan special forces, and it is inevitable to fight with those guys. In fact, I am also looking forward to fighting with those guys.

But the best place to fight is in Honduras. As long as we don't enter Guatemala and don't give them an excuse and a chance to rob the treasure, those guys won't dare to attack us with great fanfare.

As for El Salvador, it is not a problem at all in the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional, and the depth of El Salvador is limited. Before the El Salvador military and police can react, we will reach the shore of the Pacific Ocean.”

"Indeed, as long as the arrangements are made properly and the road is unimpeded, we will soon be able to pass through El Salvador and reach the port of Acajutla on the Pacific coast."

Matisse nodded and said that he was very familiar with the terrain of this area of ​​Central America and had done some homework before coming.

Next, Ye Tian explained a few more words, and then said to Mathis:

"Matisse, contact Raytheon Security Company and the U.S. Navy, and ask them to provide support. I will leave it to you. It is best to bargain with those greedy guys. The asking prices of those guys are getting higher every time!

Regardless of whether we go to Honduras or El Salvador when we evacuate, if we are intercepted by the army, it is likely that the US military will send out helicopter escorts to deter and even suppress the armies of the two countries.

You inform those Raytheon security personnel who are on standby in Houston that they can set off for the Bay of Honduras, and the security personnel lurking in Honduras should also be ready to act at any time.

This time we are here in Honduras to explore the treasures of the Mayan Empire’s Golden City. It can be said that there are many dangers. I want to get this treasure, which is probably the largest and most famous treasure in America, and I hope everyone can go home safely.”

After the words fell, Matisse immediately nodded and said:

"No problem, Steven, I will contact the guys at the US military base in Panama and the Raytheon security company later, and make all kinds of preparations."

Afterwards, everyone took their own actions, and there was a wave of waves in the outside world, and there was even a tendency to brew into a hurricane.

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